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As Jowy says, I think the Emperor will be most problematic in combo decks. Turn 7 Force/Nature. 7-mana Fireball/Fireball/Frostbolt/Ice Lance/Ice Lance. Any number of Rogue shenanigans - I mean, if Rogue could work miracles with concealed Gadgetzan, what could she do with a concealed Emperor? In fact, if you can't remove Emperor immediately, it's probably GG. The card won't help much against aggro, true, but that's another way of saying that aggro must become even faster, because it can't compete with this even in the midgame. (It's much better against aggro than the likes of Sneed's or Ysera.) And in control matchups, the first to play the Emperor probably wins (like Alexstrasza in the Freeze Mage mirror).

I'm not sure Sylvanus or Cairne are in the same league; they can be silenced, in which case they're strictly worse than Boulderfist Ogre. GvG even introduced an arguably better Cairne (Piloted Sky Golem) and it hasn't seen all that much play. If the card is to be nerfed, I think they'll make it a one-time Battlecry - which would still be very good.

I think Emp is going to be the Loatheb of this expansion and every deck that has a high enough mana curve to have cards in hand on turn 6 will run him, either in place of or in addition to Sylvanas. Even if your deck isn't really combo oriented like Ramp Druid, once you play Emp in a midrange or control matchup, the chances of having awkward turns where you waste mana because you have to play a certain card and don't have enough mana to do anything else decrease significantly.

Anyone have the misfortune of playing the new rogue mill deck yet?
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I played against someone who was running a version so I made my own. I don't know how good or bad it is but Gang Up on Healbots/Coldlight Oracles seems ridiculous!

I played against that rogue deck once. I was playing ramp druid and the rogue didn't have a way to actually kill things short of bouncing them so I replayed Emp 4 times or so to discount my expensive stuff, and the rogue ran out of Saps and Vanishes before he could kill me with fatigue.

Tried handlock with the arcane golem PO combo with Emp. Emp is great in the deck. Not convinced the combo actually does anything except win more in games that are already under control, and the deck really suffers from cutting 4 other cards to fit in arcane/faceless/PO which are awkward in many matchups.

I've messed around with a Grim Patron / Ressurect priest deck. It's not nearly as strong as it would be in a warrior deck but it's fun to flood the board with pyro and cheap spells.

And yeah, that mill rogue deck absolutely killed me. I flooded the board twice with grim patrons only to have him vanish-kill my board both times
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Been experimenting with a warrior deck running both Raging Worgen and Grim Patron with Warsong Commander. Amusingly Holy Nova + Pyro fails to clear patrons. the deck has draws that just flop horribly though due to running 2 rampage / 2 inner rage (I cut the mediocre cycling cards Loot Hoarder and Gnomish Inventory from a Worgen list to stick Patrons/Emp/Boom in.) it's really funny when it works, though

This grim patron deck by is actually really really good:

[Image: NiyN7tC.jpg]

What do you mean it doesn't get the charge?

(April 9th, 2015, 03:30)Jowy Wrote: I agree with every card except the Raging Worgen. It doesn't get the charge so it's basically just a Grizzly (3/3 taunt).

It does, doesn't it? It gets the charge when it's summoned, at which point it's a 3/3, unless I'm missing something...

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