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EitB v12 Wishlist/Progress

Please don't nerf aristocracy unless you plan to nerf the Lanun as well.

Do you have any proposals for nerfing Lanun?

And anyway, I only did that because practically no one commented on it. This isn't a change I'm in love with, I proposed it because of popular demand and I just want discussion on it.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.

Progress Report:

Done and untested: Blue
Done and Tested: Green
Done and fails disastrously: Red


Naval units gain +50% vs. Disciple units (Mod Notes: hard-coded in.)
Conquest Civic: Moves back to Warfare (from Education).
Military State: Moves back to Military Strategy (from Warfare).
Decius: Decius gains the Tolerant trait.
Summer Palace: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Winter Palace: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Form of the Titan: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Boar Rider: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Ljosalfar Palace: Pedia Background Entry updated/filled in.
General Palace: Strategy entry created/filled.
Tax Office: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Rivanna The Wraith Lord: Pedia Background Entry updated/filled in.
Dwarven Slinger: Pedia Background Entry updated/filled in.
Stonewarden: Pedia Background Entry updated/filled in.
Planar Gate: Cost reduced from 200->100h
Pallens Engine: Cost reduced from 180->120h
Alduria Chambers: Cost reduced from 180->120h
- Reliquary gains a priest slot.
Wane requires level 5 (not 6)
Queen of the Line 9->16str
Airship divorced from Queen of the Line, Kuriotates can build both
Abashi gains the hero promotion
Drifa gains the hero promotion
Eurabatres gains the hero promotion
- Reliquary cost changed from 60h->45h
* Any military unit can explore Graveyards and Shipwrecks. (No Workboats!)
* Only Level 2+ units can explore Barrows and Ruins. (2XP minimum)
* Only Level 3+ units can explore Goblin Forts and Dungeons. (4/5XP minimum)
* Only Level 4+ units can explore Unique Features. (8/10XP minimum)
* Epic Lairs take 3 turns to explore, all other lairs take 1 turn to explore (exploration triggers at start of next turn
Naval Promotions:
* Longshoreman now loses one combat (instead of one cargo)
* Buccaneers now loses one cargo (instead of one move)
* Skeleton Crew now loses one combat, gains two cargo
Sidar Palace gives +1g to priests
Warrens give +10% maintenance
Dragon’s Hoard gives +2cpt, +100% cpt, +10gpt, Gems, Gold, and Mithril (and Enchanted Blade)
Creative gains +100% speed Public Baths
Workshops receive +1h base, lose +1h at Guilds
Forts, citadels and castles act as cities (allowing them to be used for lakes and so on)
Pact of Nilhorn price reduced to 250h base (167h quick)
12. Caste System gains low upkeep, +1g per specialist, loses +1b per specialist.
Tolerant Trait gains March (temporary fix)
Foreign Trade loses +1 trade route everywhere; gains +50% trade-route yield.

How does Foreign Trade fail tests, you may ask? Well mischief


Incidentally, poking around for this proved something I'd never really realised before, that overflow from foodhammer units is taken in full, no matter if it exceeds the +100% of unit cost requirement. I wonder if there's a way to abuse that, especially in base...
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.

Tolerant Trait giving March is a big boost to Decius that I'm not certain is warranted.

It's a temporary fix. Decius has his new trait commented out in case we release as-is.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.

You trying to implement Civ V style Trade Routes there, Q? lol

(April 11th, 2015, 14:44)Dreylin Wrote: You trying to implement Civ V style Trade Routes there, Q? lol

Expected bars of gold. Got bars of golden butter.

Quote:Incidentally, poking around for this proved something I'd never really realised before, that overflow from foodhammer units is taken in full, no matter if it exceeds the +100% of unit cost requirement. I wonder if there's a way to abuse that, especially in base...

I got so excited I had to test this, but it doesn't seem to be true(in base at least). What did you see?

Perhaps it's just for food.

Basically, I saw the trade route bug mentioned above and just had to test it. I worked on a worker and got full overflow the next turn (in the order of 30000). Then I built a warrior, and it all went into gold as you can see in one of those images. So idk.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.

Quote:* Any military unit can explore Graveyards and Shipwrecks. (No Workboats!)

Did you do anything to fix that bug/exploit I told you about with exploring shipwrecks?
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FFH-20: Jonas Endain of the Clan of Embers
EITB Pitboss 1: Clan/Elohim/Calabim with Mardoc and Thoth

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