Any tips for saving Amelia? I haven't saved her before, and I feel that "test runs" would be against the spirit of the variant, so I'll have to get it right on the first try.
Sacred Stones SG
I think all the enemies in that central corridor are set to rush you once you unlock the door, so just gather up in front of it ready to kill the non-Amelia ones with Franz or Ephraim left over to talk to her. If it's a healed Ephraim you can also just use him as part of a wall of bodies for a turn in case you can't kill them all.
This is also the point where enemies start pulling out the effective lances and reaver weapons, so keep an eye on their equipment. And leave Tana where she is so she doesn't attract the nearby mage, he's within (move+) attack range of every other square in her cell. Fenn, do you remember any tricks to rescuing Amelia?
Beyond what you said, not much. Opening the main door triggers Cavalier reinforcements from the north, which can make it tough to isolate Amelia. Like Katon said, lure her down to the entrance while sitting just outside her attack range or putting a unit with no 1-range weapons within her range. If she gets into combat with a unit that can fight back, she'll probably die.
I'd aim to recruit her (and then rescue her with a mounted unit) two turns after you open the door, so that the Cavalier reinforcements don't overtake her.
Chapter 9 - Fort Rigwald
Save: Next time: Expect deaths! ![]()
New units! Today's theme is lance-wielders who really wish we were allowed to grind monsters a little more.
Tana joins Vanessa in our pegasus corps. If they're at equal levels, Tana's a better unit; noticeably more HP, strength, and luck, and Vanessa's only big advantage is skill. The problem is, Tana just spent her entire debut map sitting unarmed in a jail cell at level 4. Meanwhile, Vanessa's somewhere around level 9. Peg knights are fragile enough to make catching Tana up on iron man with no monster maps a less-than-thrilling prospect, even on the Eirika route where she joins with equipment and a good map location. Still, you can never have too many good fliers, and "best peg knight in the game" is a payoff that's worth trying for. Amelia is the second trainee, starting out with a lance she can barely carry and then promoting to a knight (like Gilliam) or cavalier (Franz/Forde/Kyle). Like the other trainees, she's one of the best units in her class if you can get her caught up; the problem is that she shows up massively overmatched in the middle of a nasty run of maps, especially on Ephraim's route. Without access to random maps after she's promoted, I'm not sure how we're going to get her strong enough to survive serious combat, and given that her competition's doing fairly well I'm not sure how much effort she's worth. Hypothetical Caught-Up-On-Levels Amelia is legitimately nice, though. If she goes the path of the knight, she spots Gilliam large chunks of HP and Def along with a couple points of strength in return for being massively faster (even after docking her for constitution), more accurate, and luckier; she's the one general on the series who can actually dodge-tank. As a cavalier, she's basically a swordsmaster with horse and lance access, slicing everything to death two weak hits at a time and dodging like crazy. She's also the most magic-resistant cav, for whatever that's worth. Since Jowy commented on the trainees overall: I think all three of them, if leveled up to match the rest of the party, can expect to come out with real cases for best-in-class but without being brokenly good. The problem is, it's a decent amount of work to level them and for the latter two it's not clear whether it's worth the effort. Ross shows up early enough to need less handholding and is the only good pre-promotion axe-user in the game, so it's reasonable to hand him axe duties for a while and by the time his prepromoted competition shows up you should have an idea whether he's worth using. Amelia is going to be maybe 10% better than Franz/Gilliam (delete as appropriate) if you like dodge tanks, while taking easily twice the effort to level. The third trainee is either competing with Lute/Artur or heading off to use dark magic, which has gotten a lot less fun since they realized how broken FE7 Luna was.
Good work on Chapter 9! Now that we've recruited Amelia, it's time to put her through a training regimen so she can have a hope of appearing on our team:
Chapter 10 preamble:
One more thing...
![]() Lute is, bizarrely, a speed demon at level 14. I'm thinking of promoting her to help with Chapter 10, the extra Move and durability will help her be more aggressive, along with giving us another staff user. What do you guys think? |