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Poll: What should we do?
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Defend against paratrooper invasion because we're too stalwart to die!
13 48.15%
Die a horrible, senseless death, then hear Krill gloat about it!
14 51.85%
Total 27 vote(s) 100%
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Pitboss 18 Lurker Thread of Infinite Wisdom

(July 18th, 2015, 20:50)BRickAstley Wrote: How about we just don't let players give other players Great Persons. It's analogous to not allowing city trades or gifts.

Comment for future, I don't know what should be done here. Especially since I don't know Krills mind.
Agree, to both.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.


What should be done here, though? Simple: Nothing. No rules are being broken, there are good arguments to be made by both sides, and there is no lurker consensus. If it becomes necessary to do so, one of the players will bring it up in the main thread. Until then, there is not enough mandate for a lurker intercession.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(July 18th, 2015, 16:38)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: I don't like your face. Get out of my thread.

(July 18th, 2015, 20:16)Dreylin Wrote:
(July 18th, 2015, 17:47)Qgqqqqq Wrote:
(July 18th, 2015, 06:51)Dreylin Wrote: Yeah true, but I understand BGN's argument that at this point anything that directly helps a "competitor" win is effectively a gift since the purchase price is essentially worthless in the few remaining turns of the game.

Which is hypocritical, really, since the same can be said of his intended Prophet purchase.

Right, but at least he acknowledged that when I brought that up to him.
Hasn't stopped him bitching about how the artist trade is oh so terrible. The only difference is that a) TBS isn't him, and b) made a successful purchase.

Good post Qgqqqqq; summed up far better than I could have done. goodjob

Krill's reasoning for keeping his GA in TBS land is hilariously cunning. Don't want to get on the wrong side of that guy. I wonder if BGN will understand it?

Ceilizul, that's over the line. It makes it pretty clear that you haven't read about it in BGN thread, and therefore that BGN hasn't worked it out and Krill should clarify.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(July 21st, 2015, 13:44)Krill Wrote: Cos I'm bored and I have no games of civ ongoing atm:

If Ruff and myself were swapped on start locations, dtay would have won this game by now. The only reason BGN (and OT) have an opportunity to win this game is because dtay got shafted massively and in fact dtay and TBS have been the best players in this game. BGN and OT are overrated.

Now that's a conversation starter!

Dtay: agree. If you and Ruff swap places, dtay owns his own continent before rifles, and its all over. However, despite your pressure he still should have won. Dtay lost this game in the span of three turns on Pin Island. It was self inflicted, before you even entered the war

BGN: agree, if you perform the same pressure against BGN as you did against dtay, Boldly goes nowhere. It will be interesting to see how much his reputation grows for placing highly in a flagship game... most werent watching as closely as I was and it might look like he was a tactical master. I think he got lucky with opponents who didnt defend properly.

TBS: agree. Dude is solid and creative and has excellent diplo skills. Or opponent read, or meta analysis or whatever those folks who say "CTON isnt diplo" call it. TBS reads the game, and his opponents, near perfectly every time.

OT: disagree. They made their own luck throughout this game. They had some beneficial neighbors, but remember it was they who put their necks out against dtay and maintained the pressure until others piled on.

And since we're passing post game judgements:

German Joey: He got the opposite of BGN's enemy luck. He played a very strong game to get where he is. The strongest, I think, once adjusted for neighbors and geography.

(Typed this in Krill's thread, but decided it is best here, even tho theres no spoilers that matter.)

Kind of agree with Krill there. I'd actually add poor Pindicator there to pile of "played way better than position shows", he was just uber-screwed to have Dtay then OH as his neighbors.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

That's kind of silly reasoning, Pindicator's initial neighbors were an ultra-passive Cyneheard and five people who were deliberately making a mockery of the game.

People are so quick to assume the worst about Krill frown

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