My last GP from the capital was a Great Merchant, which was the best result and should hopefully go some way toward reaching that tech goal. An Airport flew him down here where he's hidden in a transport.
I also flew down two workers to complete a RR beside DumaZulu. Next turn, we unload the transport there and run a trade mission to the size 22 Nidaros, hopefully without GJ suspecting anything.
The first step in the tech goals is to 2t Composities from here, which is a bit tricky. I'm probably going to have to start some non-optimal starving next turn to make it. But these Casings are close run thing, so starting them a turn earlier should be worth it.
Started the Docking Bay now that Satelites is in:
We actually have a lot more hammers than that, but scientists are better than workshops in a lot of cases. I suspect the same holds for Gav though, especially since he's in Environmentalism. Food is also a bit artificially deflated.
Here are some of the obstacles we'll have to deal with:
Plako ferrying spies over to our lands. I don't want to cancel our OB deals yet as I need the money right now. I guess we'll re-evaluate after Composites. Also, note to self, get spies in our big part builders.
GJ's fleet is in a quite aggressive location. He's in range of UninvitedGuest(the irony

). With enough collateral from missiles, or planes(but I don't see many fortunately) he could take the city. If he has enough commandos, he could take the other 3 cities on the island too. Well, he'd only get to raze them, he couldn't hold, but the point is it's a pretty aggressive location if he's trying to be peaceful. I don't really want to move my own fleet in range to force him to back down, since that's even more aggressive. I don't know whether the fleet has always been there or if he used the turn where I was taking over to sneak up a few tiles. Anyway, the island isn't too important anymore, so I'm trying for a good mix of defense and threat to dissuade him.
Gavagai's fleet has been healing up in Deliverance and the rest are congregating between there and Amarah Prime. His massive land stack has disappeared, which is obviously worrying. He's at least 3t, possibly more, behind me at this stage and Gav isn't the sort of person to sit and hope something breaks his way. I'm expecting an attack somewhere.
This is his great advantage, I have 2 cities which don't even quite reach the level of these guys, with BFCs full of Levee powered land tiles. He has 7 in this picture alone, 2 more in the north and a bunch of other good producers not far behind. Well, I have 10 spies on the way to his land and I'm hoping I can get another 10 on the way. Realistically, if I can make him take 2t instead of 1t after finishing the tech tree, I'd be pretty happy.
Plako is next in the space race IMO, 1 tech behind Gav IIRC. GJ is a further tech behind, and being in Police State instead of Rep is pretty big handicap too. Perhaps that's why he's the only person still building up his army:
World War and multiple capital razes are probably his best shot.