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[spoilers] wetbandit casually changes thread titles

Primed for growth and economic collapse. City 6 founded next turn. Neighbors are on 4 at the moment, but both have writing. Asked Yuri for a map trade. Who needs writing anyway.

I imagine Borsche will settle on that t59 scout spot soonish. City 6 seen in the lower left corner.

CY looks amazing, to be expected with Imperialistic. Add another 10 over the next two turns with the city settle and pop growth. MFG is ok, but I have unused mines and there are hills EVERYWHERE so "catching up" in MFG won't be an issue ever.

G2 will be the dominant promo here, longbows and xbows will be feared. Thank heavens I'm not near China or an Agg leader that has easy access to 5xp.


I hope he thinks I'm on "my" side of the land split. Already shifting axes to head this way.


Have a trade connection with Borsche, but he was in game for a long time and wasn't able to open it up. Wanted to see if he had horse hooked up which would present an inconvenience. Two axes are 3 and 4 turns away. Things could get a little dicey if a chariot pops up soon. He can settle north of the copper and the river for a nice border (for him). The new city is *only* six tiles from my capital; that's my story and I'm sticking to it. But I'd hope to avoid early conflict. Besides, go chew up Yuris' holkans, you/he settled right next to each other! hammer

Borsche is prioritizing EP on me. I've also shifted all focus to him, but it will still be another 4 turns until I get graphs. I also incorrectly stated that Yuris has writing, Borsche does, so hence, I didn't ask him for a map trade.

Coffee-deprivation meant I neglected to take pics. Borsche moved his warrior 2NE of the city and that's about it. Little under-workered at the moment. Two big whips on the horizon for the island settler and the galley. Will ruin the precious demos, but gotta turn this food into hammers.

Quote:Edit: I guess I should say that's it's a midsize map with ~175 tiles per player but enough water to make that roomy.

Seems like there's conflict elsewhere in the world with Jowy in a turn split. I'm also observing one with Borsche, I have the second half. Wouldn't have expected that so early with the hilly terrain and map size.

I don't really know anything about Borsche, he seems to have done well in pb25 until Gavagai was forced to go all-in on him with numidians. Don't think there was much he could do there. Civ impressions? Germany is nice for the techs but the UU and UB are far into the future and hopefully we don't need to worry about them. Creative can make borders annoying and add extra frustration to pre-catapult wars seeing as how most cities will be settled on hills. Obviously, I'm an expert and settled my most contentious city on flatland.

So much for that settling plan. That copper pig location just became a big priority. Quechua is going to take a peek to see what Yuris has in theater. I can send the island settler there, which might be a necessity given Yuris' shared imperialistic trait.

Borsche also settled another city. Among the three of us we account for 16 cities. Available land drying up. Thankfully no apparent military movements here

There already appears to be some strata on the scoreboard, us three and Fenn have separated from the pack somewhat. I am somewhat alarmed at the 65000 soldier count person, it's possible someone is engaging in combat already given Jowy's turn split posts and that high number.


I know there are swine there, but I think of that as the "copper pig" location because it is hogging *two* coppers...
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

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That western copper is going to be absorbed into the BFC by the culture growth in craigslist (new naming scheme stat) in 1-2 turns. The new CopperPig, if I go for it, will be between copper and pig (what a naming concept). That location would serve to block off two backline cities and is *only* 8 tiles from my capital. I can also settle a defensible F U border city 1W of the spices, but it would have lots of trouble initially holding the critical first ring NE tile against creative culture. 2W may be better for the PH bonus and less worry about culture fights.

This border is going to be a mess.

Borsche accepted the map trade. For an update about a map trade, you would think you would get a picture, but you would be wrong.

The map confirms initial suspicions that we are on a 3-person continent with roughly mirrored starts. I don't have sight on Yuris' capital, but judging by the placement of his second lux, it looks like both him and Borsche started with capital fur instead of silver. There are minor tweaks like that throughout the mirrors, but we generally have access to the same resources. Borsche, for instance, has a two-tile ivory island. We have a trade connection, so he teched sailing earlier than I did. He is also running out of land to settle.

The most interesting development is the revelation that Yuri founded Hinduism. I suppose if I was watching the score a bit closer I could have figured that out, but something something casual. The other point of interest is that yuris does not have writing yet. It is exceedingly possible that we have identified our competition for the Oracle. I'll revisit that later, but math is very very far away and there are city sites to grab.

Counting tiles, it seems that yuris' newest city is at least 8 tiles from his capital, possibly more, making it just as much of a reach as the CopperPig location for me. Yuris has a holkan shielding a worker there when I moved to peek at the city. I moved on top of borsche's scout and next to a barb warrior that will surely attack my quechua. Poop.


It's amusing that we've all apparently "reached" to the "left" flank with settles.

Sending the settler to the island because it can grow fast and I am full of smoke for not hooking up horses. Someone is preparing for war it looks like. Two pops grow next turn and another 4 grow after that.


Amusingly, the posse of barb warriors has prevented this quechua from having enough health to go directly at yuris' city. Borsche's scout kindly took the bullet for it last turn, and on moving to avoid the warrior and prompt an attack on Yuris' scout, found this unguarded worker. With some BS RNG, that warrior can get a hit or two on the scout (warrior is at .5 hp). I am assuming that Yuris at least has an axe or holkan coming from the fog to the northeast. Otherwise this move is super ballsy. He definitely has one holkan at mayapan. My axe is 5 turns away from either mayapan or calakmul.

Asked borsche for another map trade. It would be nice to 2v1 yuris. Borsche and I don't really have any border tension yet and perhaps we can work together.

Yuris is going to have to pay very close attention to the timer. mischief

Big island between borsche and I. Revealed the north-south world wrap also. Moai city looks awesome with inclusion of that ocean fish.

Got graphs on borsche, which is nice. Jumping on plane in 2 hours, no more time.

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