also, jabbz later 'post torture power reveal' was convincing enough imho ... to further lead credibility to the idea.
I guess for others, the scorched eye + dead eye would seem more like (ruined Tracker) rather than man turned into a horrifying god-beast. Regardless, if it was an alignment shift it would hardly be fair for the narrator to make it so obvius,
Therefore im of curent theory that it was indeed a power loss,
Well the only players who supported Brick after he claimed vanilla are Rowain, Jabbz, mattimeo and AdrienIer. Other people don't care about Rowain voting before the novice attack so he's safe today. Jabbz is now safe and I won't be voting AdrienIer today because of my meta-reason. It's very lame.
I'm not sure supporting Brick after his vanilla claim is a scum tactic. Scum likely figured after he had been tortured that he would be outed, so supporting him would be a "real bad idea."
(August 8th, 2015, 19:43)Jabbz Wrote: I'm not sure supporting Brick after his vanilla claim is a scum tactic. Scum likely figured after he had been tortured that he would be outed, so supporting him would be a "real bad idea."
Oh, I agree with you that some scum could have realized that Brick was dead after the vanilla claim but there's too much pressure to lynch someone and I don't care if mattimeo eats it.
I have a vote and a case coming, but I'm not done making it presentable and I'm about to do dinner and a few things. Maybe I'll have something solid for you soon.
So, my vote is on Zakalwe. It took a while to see the pattern I found, but once I did, I saw more of it popping up elsewhere, and then everywhere. I believe the other scum to be Mattimeo. Reasoning is as follows.
For starters, Zak worked hard to help Matt get tortured. Certainly he wasn’t the only person calling for torture, but he did make it clear how good it would be for town. He points out how it will be good for town no matter what happens, town or scum found anyway. He views the torturer as a day use cop, and wants to use it.
(August 5th, 2015, 07:52)zakalwe Wrote: Rowain, we can use a day cop ability before we decide the first lynch. That's a pretty sweet deal. If I thought it was bad for town I would be arguing against it, regardless of my alignment.
Tomorrow, the torturer could be dead, and we've missed our chance.
I don't think this was put in the game just for us to ignore, as an exercise in morality.
Keep in mind, any cop result is bad for scum in a small game. Not just guilty results.
And no, I can't guarantee that it won't backfire, but I still think it's a good play.
Then he goes in to apparently protect MA, by pushing for the tortured person to be able to report.
(August 5th, 2015, 08:58)zakalwe Wrote:
(August 5th, 2015, 08:48)Gazglum Wrote: Marcus Aurelius' only posts were the day he signed up to the game, and he hasn't shown yet. Don't you guys think there's a reasonable chance he is going to remain AWOL and get modkilled? In which case torturing him has less immediate downside of wiping his powers or whatever, but also makes it kind of a waste.
If he remains totally inactive I'd rather lynch him today and torture someone else, if torturers we Achaeans be.
It might also be useful if our victim is around to report on the experience.
This makes more sense when you take into account what was going on at the time, with MJW saying he would be ok with torture, but Matt actively seeking it out.
(August 5th, 2015, 04:04)zakalwe Wrote: Consequences, schmonsequences. Let's torture someone. We even have two volunteers.
My character is from Greek mythology.
iPads have been outlawed today, so phone access for me.
We then see this repeated on day 2. Here he addresses Lewwyns push for torturing Matt, and sets the stage for him to be cleared if he scans clean.
(August 7th, 2015, 16:54)zakalwe Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 16:39)Lewwyn Wrote: And actually... why not torture Mattimeo? If he's scum like I suspect then we can get tacit agreement from the torturer. If he's not scum, he gets cleared by torturer and/or we get actual results on what it means when we torture a villager instead of just scared boogiemen. (Honestly though I think he's scum so...). Additionally, he's volunteering. If we're not going to torture anyone why not torture him?
What if he is scum who scans as town? I thought that was the general concern that we were all having.
That is followed by making it clear that we shouldn’t lynch him if he’s clean, or not torture him if we’re going to lynch him. He appears to be actively fishing for a “no we won’t lynch him if he scans clean.”
(August 7th, 2015, 17:02)zakalwe Wrote: So we're going to torture Mattimeo, and then lynch him regardless of the outcome? Why bother torturing him, then?
AdrienIer gives him the answer he wants, and he never brings it up again.
(August 7th, 2015, 17:10)AdrienIer Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 17:01)zakalwe Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 16:46)AdrienIer Wrote:
(August 7th, 2015, 16:38)MJW (ya that one) Wrote: Rowain, it's plausible that the wolfs bussed Brick after noticing that he claimed vanilla. I'm probably just being silly here.
This is an unreasonable assertion. As a vanilla villager myself I find it frustrating to hear you so sure of yourself. It's part of why I believed BRick yesterday, the vanilla PM actually says "You have no powers", just like BRick said. He must have been a standard god with no powers.
Incidental vanilla claims are also inherently scummy.
I hope the torture makes my role more interesting. I'm just trying to stop the discussion from going into the "obviously everyone has a power and it was stupid for BRick to claim vanilla" corner.
(August 7th, 2015, 17:02)zakalwe Wrote: So we're going to torture Mattimeo, and then lynch him regardless of the outcome? Why bother torturing him, then?
Of course we're not going to lynch him if he doesn't get confirmed as a god. He just doesn't get a full game pass, like with any cop read in a normal game.
Then finally Matt himself drives the message home with this little tidbit.
(August 8th, 2015, 00:38)Mattimeo Wrote:
(August 6th, 2015, 01:46)Gazglum Wrote: As far as I see it, torture will work one of three ways.
1. torturing gives a random side effect
2. torture will give a pre-programmed side effect depending on which hero/God it is used on
3. torture side effects ramp up to become more anti-town over time
As I've said, I think the third is most likely, but we can't be sure yet.
I was thinking a combination of 2 and 3, especially with believing BRick's claim, but not so sure of that now that he's been proven to be lying.
Thus, we should completely ignore the fact that 3 is the more likely situation in favour of further testing to determine if 2 is feasible ^_^
I'd also like to reiterate my amusement that the myth of Kassandra played out faithfully, with everyone not believing her claims (up to the point where Hades jumped out of her corpse, of course, but we can't have everything correct in these historical reenactments, can we?)
(August 7th, 2015, 17:02)zakalwe Wrote: So we're going to torture Mattimeo, and then lynch him regardless of the outcome? Why bother torturing him, then?
As much as I hate to admit it, zak's got it correct here. If the fear if that I'm asking for being tortured because I'm a Godfather-equivalent, why scan me at all? Either you want to torture me to get a read, after which you really shouldn't lynch me, or you think I'm the Godfather and shouldn't waste a torture on me.
Unless those proposing the double-up are doing it deliberately, to increase the torture count without it being remotely useful?
Add all of that to some very clear distancing that happened between Zak and Brick within the first few pages, and it appears we have a pretty sketchy Zak.
(August 4th, 2015, 13:05)zakalwe Wrote: I don't think this game mechanic was added just as a red herring that we ought to ignore. That would also be a very boring choice. So with that in mind, deciding who to torture should be the first order of business. Scum lean on Brick for jumping straight in with a lynch vote, instead. (Also hinting slightly at a policy lynch, which seems fishy.)
(August 4th, 2015, 13:09)zakalwe Wrote:
(August 4th, 2015, 11:57)AdrienIer Wrote: Long time no see Gazglum
I missed this, actually. So I guess AdrienIer is guilty of the same thing.
He drops his torture vote on brick because hinting at a policy lynch is fishy, but doesn’t complain about Adrien doing it other than to comment, and leaves his torture vote on Brick.
I believe Matt is likely Zeus, and has some kind of shape shifting ability that would function as a Godfather effect. It would thematically make sense, as my redirect skill did. I think they are counting on getting some town cred for Matt, without much in the way of blowback on Zak, as it's only torture, not a lynch. In addition to this, it also further pushes up the torture counting, which, based on the view I have of the setup, makes it less stable and more dangerous to use when we need it, like at lylo. I vote we lynch Zak tonight, or if needs be lynch Matt tonight, really I'd be up for either, and then if we do that, torture Zak tomorrow, especially if Matt pops scum and extra-especially if Matt shows up as Zeus the shape shifting rapist.