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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

Turn 269 denouement

Is it the last turn? The turn log tells me that over the last 100 turns (since he completed Sistine) TBS has had seven great artists born.

1790 *GA* BC
1725 *GA* Elen
1705 *GA* Tomb of K
1690 *GA* New Silver
1620 *GA* Weldyn
1585 *GM* Pure Lake
1580 *GA* Hornshark
1575 *GS* Shard
1390 *GP* BC
1360 *GA* Fort Tahn

Before that we didn't have vision so its hard to know which are his. He could easily have planned ahead this far, and had another couple stashed, but there aren't many in the turn log please. But if not why would he bother starving Weldyn to go legendary this turn?

I threw our Commandos at the nearest stack just for something to do. The chances that BGN can do anything further because of that are practically zero, but I didn't see any other use for them (no other accessible cities). In the mean time another couple of spies got airlifted in.

Anyway, the spying plans suffered a bit at BC as we lost three spies before finally destroying the Security Bureau and a Cathedral. We have another four spies there and three in Elen with five more just arrived.

Victory screen.


That's game. Thanks for watching folks.


It seems GJ gifted TBS an artist.. shakehead
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Well played guys. Much fuss has been made about luck (starting land, neighbors in particular) determining who was on the big stage at the end, but your team earned it. Playing azza/mardoc perfectly, putting enough pressure on dtay for OTHERS to reel him in, and maintaining focus for danged loooong game.

Congrats! dont let the artist gift be the focus of your postgame thoughts, there is so much else to talk about...

If the Artist isn't gifted, does TBS lose, or is the outcome in doubt?

(August 10th, 2015, 17:06)TheHumanHydra Wrote: If the Artist isn't gifted, does TBS lose, or is the outcome in doubt?

It depends on spy luck and if TBS defended our attempt to destroy his Eiffel city (I just logged in to check and it looks like he did defend it properly).

My assumption was that we needed to stop both Elen getting to 50,000 and BC getting to 22,000. That's easy if we destroy Eiffel, if not then a fairly conservative estimate of how well our spies perform (ie that they knock out the remaining cathedrals one-per-turn) has us tying on t274 eek.

It looks like TBS paid a fair price for the artist and I don't really want to quibble over minor rules, given how messy the whole game was. But I have a habit of bending over backwards to be nice when I shouldn't, so I think I'll let Fintourist manage the post-game shitstorm phase lol. He'll be back tomorrow folks!

Most importantly, what have we learned from this game? Don't ever be a map maker. nono

Moving on to more edifying topics:

Thanks Ceil! It was always nice to get comments from you (and the other lurkers). I try to write these things for my own benefit as you can never be sure anyone is reading, and I'm under no illusions that I'm a Commodore or Gaspar, but I hope you guys were at least a bit entertained.

I'm amazed at how close the game was at the end - ten turns between three team's winning conditions? That's ridiculous. Is Krill's massive ego right that he caused it by hamstringing BGN? Or did Krill cause it by balancing the mod so well? Either way Kudos.

Which threads are good to read? I want to know how dtay got such a good start again, how BGN took the lead and threw it away and whether TBS was planning the CV from the start. But after I've read those who else is good?

(August 10th, 2015, 17:38)Old Harry Wrote: Most importantly, what have we learned from this game? Don't ever be a map maker. nono
alright You're received far worse for far better. Still think we should just reuse 25 for 27...pack 'em in!
(August 10th, 2015, 17:43)Old Harry Wrote: Which threads are good to read? I want to know how dtay got such a good start again, how BGN took the lead and threw it away and whether TBS was planning the CV from the start. But after I've read those who else is good?
Pindicator. Barry (Bob) can be funny. Xenu's pirate epic (with MASS TELEPORT MAGIC), WLP's first twenty pages were an amazingly deep discussion of "Civ from first principles", plus Mindy's usual madness. Lots of other people really reported well!
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Barry was more than Bob, btw, in both posts and players. IIRC Sareln, Nicolae, Ellimist (in another thread) and myself all posted under that username.

Out of curiosity, how would your spaceship build-speed have been affected if you hadn't been able to obtain aluminum?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(August 10th, 2015, 19:50)Commodore Wrote: WLP's first twenty pages were an amazingly deep discussion of "Civ from first principles", plus Mindy's usual madness.

Hah, yeah, those were the days. After those twenty pages was about the time I got a job I had to work hard at so sorry I couldn't continue that level of discussion.

Anyway, great game to you two, Harry and Fintourist. I'm amazed you can work together so well over so long a time. I'm still waiting for the WWE-style split where one of you turns heel and you get engaged in a bitter feud. rolf I'm not ready to think about Civ in depth right now but I'm sure there's a ton for me to learn in this thread, and your game, which I could tell from my northward point of view was played quite masterfully.

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