You had every right to constantly attack me, in my opinion. You seem to be confused. I'm not whining "its so not fair 2metra attacked me," I'm trying to say "2metra is constantly attacking me, so I have to defend against him." Your obliteration of dtay's coast was would have been in store for me had I not kept up an active defense. This is in context of trying to explain Gavagai that you were a real problem/threat for me, hence my paranoia. Yes, I had like 4x your ships/units, but I wasn't able to use all of them to kill you because the situation was so tense with Gav. For example, if Gav and I had equal militaries and he could bring 200 ships to the table, I'd only have 150 on hand because I need an additional 50 to deal with yours. Thus, the Portugeuse vs Carthage theatre was a lot more even matched than you'd otherwise think. On top of that, Gav built up an additional western navy, which made things even more difficult, which was why I was so desperate to finish you off.
As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer |