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[TECH] Civ 5 PBEM4 Tech and Organization Thread

(December 7th, 2015, 06:57)yuris125 Wrote: Well played Rowain. Shouldn't have spent all the effort bashing me Ichabod :P

It was a nice conflict, most fun I had with Civ 5 so far. In the end, artilleries showed how they break the game's combat. Without them, I couldn't even approach your cities. But you need only 2/3 shots to redline a city, that's just too powerful.

And Rowain showed me that too. lol I didn't even realize Os Ratos was in danger, only to open the save and seeing it captured the next turn.

Yeah agree it was a long and fun war, but Artilleries are completely broken. Is there even a counter to them? Artilleries on defence? Air units?

Can everyone except Rowain log in to GMR and click Surrender please

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