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New year, New Master of Magic! v1.5 fan patch

It's such an edge case anyway. If this were a wargame I'd say it was rivet-counting. Who cares? Just make a design decision and do it. It comes up so rarely, why spend so much effort on it?

It's not rare. Two units have both flying and non-corporeal: Wraiths and Shadow Demons. I still don't think it's a big deal, though.

(February 15th, 2016, 18:25)spottedshroom Wrote: It's not rare. Two units have both flying and non-corporeal: Wraiths and Shadow Demons. I still don't think it's a big deal, though.
I think the rare was referring to "This isn't the only problematic feature in the game although it is probably the most illogical. Too bad I couldn't make noncorporeal use roads. Fortunately it only matters on enchanted roads anyway, the greater problem is the pathfinding lizardmen not being able to use them. "

Don't think people use swimming pathfinders all that often on roads. I might be mistaken though.

Sometimes people bridge landmasses with roads built on the sea.
The "patience" is called "patience" because it needs about twenty minutes of patience.

Road Construction Unlimited

(February 16th, 2016, 12:27)TwilightSparkletheAlicorn Wrote: Sometimes people bridge landmasses with roads built on the sea.

Ehhrm I meant on land. Swimming pathfinders count as noncorporeal and cannot use them even on land because it's the same movement type.

(February 15th, 2016, 18:55)Seravy Wrote: Don't think people use swimming pathfinders all that often on roads. I might be mistaken though.
I've certainly noticed it for things like casting Water Walk on Shuri on Myrror (doesn't usually matter on arcanus, since pathfinder is the same cost as a road unless it's enchanted).

RC12b, hard, small, 1.5x, 6 life, 2 sorcery, 2 chaos, artificer, high elves

There still seem to be more than a few 1 and 2 square islands holding nodes.

The ruins being able to be next to each other can create fortresses and bottlenecks in the terrain. I had one that limited access to my capital from the north, despite being in a plain.

Are phantom warriors supposed to have water movement? They clearly have the water icon.

Phantom warriors appeared and made a beeline for my capital, despite the fact that a neutral city was closer. Then they went out on the water and disappeared.

I was up against a 5-pop halfling city with 4 slingers and a swordsman guarding it. A tough customer, it was going to take a while to conquer this city. I was afraid the CP would grab it first. I tried with my 2 elvish cavalry and 2 hell hounds and got slaughtered. After reasoning that the CP would have an easier time of it in auto-combat and hence beat me to the town, I reloaded and checked the automatic combat option. Won the battle with 1 of each unit left. Felt pretty clever pulling that one. Note that this isn't clicking auto-combat in battle. I think this option used to be called "strategic combat" but kyrub renamed it for some reason.

B'Shan gained a level after fleeing a combat? You still get XP even if you flee now?

Raiders appeared to change their target several times. I thought they just pick a city when they spawn and head for it?

Tlaloc offered me a wizard's pact even though our relations were only neutral. I had previously bribed him with enchant item because our relations were getting low and I didn't want any war before I was ready. Still, I thought you had to have higher than 'neutral' to get a WP.

I had just bribed peaceful Freya with enchant item to improve relations from neutral to relaxed, and then she attacked one of my small cities, 3 war bears vs. 1 elvish swordsman. I barely beat off the attacks with the last hit point of my phantom warriors, and then afterwards our relations were as relaxed as if nothing had happened, but if Freya had won we'd be at war.

The "New Mine" event happened, a gold deposit appeared near my capital (which started the game with silver, coal, and game). However, I did not *see* the gold icon. My city was on hill terrain, so maybe it was there.

Freya asked me for a wizard's pact, then landed a transport full of troops into one of my city catchments. She apparently realized it, and the next turn the troops got back on the boat and sailed away. Impressive.

It's kind of disappointing with all the work that has gone into the improved diplomacy system, that it doesn't get used very much. I was having great fun with it at the beginning, but then two CPs declared war on me and from then on diplomacy was out. Since they'll never make peace, there isn't anything to say to them. You have to have a larger army, which will not happen until the end of the game when you can invade their homelands and start taking over their cities and sharply restricting their food supply. It just seems a shame for all this work to go for naught since there is no war weariness, a concept that Master of Orion implemented well.

Demons spawned next to my city...and didn't enter. They started off towards some other city. Why wouldn't they attack the closest city? Do they try to guess if they'll win or not? If I just chase them throughout my territory shoving my heroes in whatever city I think they're going to attack, they'll never attack and just run around.

The game crashed with the following error, saves from the previous turn (save1) and a few turns previous (save2). That was as far as I got, it crashes every time.

.zip (Size: 28.26 KB / Downloads: 1)

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Quote:The ruins being able to be next to each other can create fortresses and bottlenecks in the terrain. I had one that limited access to my capital from the north, despite being in a plain.
That also happens if they cannot be next to each other but the land is only 1 tile wide. It's unfortunate.

Quote:Are phantom warriors supposed to have water movement? They clearly have the water icon.
They are non-corporeal so yes.

Quote:Phantom warriors appeared and made a beeline for my capital, despite the fact that a neutral city was closer. Then they went out on the water and disappeared.
Probably got killed by a ship or something. Maybe an invisible ship if there was a sorcery wizard nearby.
Neutrals can't attack other neutrals they are the same "player".

Quote:I was up against a 5-pop halfling city with 4 slingers and a swordsman guarding it. A tough customer, it was going to take a while to conquer this city. I was afraid the CP would grab it first. I tried with my 2 elvish cavalry and 2 hell hounds and got slaughtered. After reasoning that the CP would have an easier time of it in auto-combat and hence beat me to the town, I reloaded and checked the automatic combat option. Won the battle with 1 of each unit left. Felt pretty clever pulling that one. Note that this isn't clicking auto-combat in battle. I think this option used to be called "strategic combat" but kyrub renamed it for some reason.
Yes, that's how it works, it uses a different combat system so the results are different.

Quote:B'Shan gained a level after fleeing a combat? You still get XP even if you flee now?
I don't think so, maybe it was from the +1 exp he got for that turn.

Quote:Raiders appeared to change their target several times. I thought they just pick a city when they spawn and head for it?
The new AI is smarter than that, finally. Raiders specifically decide based on distance and amount of troops defending. Regular AI also considers the strength of both armies, hostility, personality and treaties.

Quote:Tlaloc offered me a wizard's pact even though our relations were only neutral. I had previously bribed him with enchant item because our relations were getting low and I didn't want any war before I was ready. Still, I thought you had to have higher than 'neutral' to get a WP
You need +15 or higher if the AI is making the offer, +10 if you do and of course in both cases there is a roll to pass. Neutral is from 0 to +19.

Quote:I had just bribed peaceful Freya with enchant item to improve relations from neutral to relaxed, and then she attacked one of my small cities, 3 war bears vs. 1 elvish swordsman. I barely beat off the attacks with the last hit point of my phantom warriors, and then afterwards our relations were as relaxed as if nothing had happened, but if Freya had won we'd be at war.
You must have attacked one of her units before. That's the only way to trigger hostility on a peaceful wizard.
Since the game assumes your total control over your own diplomatic relation, harm done to YOU does not trigger a relation shift. You can manually do so by threatening the wizard if you wish to. In fact, if the AI is the attacker, they won't even get offended if you kill their entire army since it's their own responsibility for starting the attack, not yours.

Quote:The "New Mine" event happened, a gold deposit appeared near my capital (which started the game with silver, coal, and game). However, I did not *see* the gold icon. My city was on hill terrain, so maybe it was there.
Yes, most likely, the tile with the city can contain ores but it's not visible for obvious reasons.

Quote:Freya asked me for a wizard's pact, then landed a transport full of troops into one of my city catchments. She apparently realized it, and the next turn the troops got back on the boat and sailed away. Impressive.
Nice, always good to hear something works properly in the naval system. Wasn't due to the area of the city though, but because she saw there is nothing to fight on the continent.

Quote:You have to have a larger army,
Not exactly, in the current version you only need to have at least half as large army as theirs for war weariness to happen over time. (which is still a considerable amount but reasonable to do unless it's the highest difficulty settings)
Oh wait, food supply, yeah this part doesn't work as well in the normal game as in caster because the human player cannot afford feeding units frown
Can't do much with that in this project, unreasonable food upkeep costs are sadly part of the original game. It works far better in CoM where food costs are lower and gold/production are the primary deciding factors for the amount of troops to build.

Quote:Demons spawned next to my city...and didn't enter. They started off towards some other city. Why wouldn't they attack the closest city? Do they try to guess if they'll win or not?
Neutrals create a weigthed score based on number of defenders and distance. +1 unit of distance is worth, I think, +1 defender so if you had a city with, let's say 6 less defenders but only 4 tiles away, they would go after that one.

Quote:The game crashed with the following error, saves from the previous turn (save1) and a few turns previous (save2). That was as far as I got, it crashes every time.
I'll check it out.

Edit : I tried both saves in the current version, the version before it and in CoM and got no crash when pressing the next turn button.
Try changing the settings and see if it works that way.

From my experience in 1.31, it is possible for neutrals to go for neutral cities. This only happens when the city itself is player-owned, but becomes neutral due to rebellion or wizard being defeated while rampagers are on their way. In this case, since they're the same player, they will not disappear, and will join the garrison troops. Wonder what happens if the town is overloaded.

About Phantom Warriors... One thing about them was always so fun to me:
So they have 1.0 MP. They can spawn as Rampaging Monsters, along with Air Elementals, at Sorcery Nodes, for example. The elementals have a much higher MP, and are invisible - you cannot see them overland.
So the point is. If only Phantom Warriors spawn, the stack has non-corporeal movement, the icon is swimming, and it moves at two tiles per turn, ignoring terrain penalties as well.
If Phantom Warriors spawn along with Air Elementals (whom you cannot see), the stack has swimming movement, moves at one tile per turn at max, does not ignore terrain penalties. That's how you guess the presence of those guys. If a player had those stacks and moved them separately, that'd still be two tiles per turn, given that you don't let Air Elementals outrun the Warriors.
The stack uses the most restrictive movement pattern of any unit in it (excluding Sailing due to transport capacity and Wind Walking), and the lowest MP of any unit in it.
The "patience" is called "patience" because it needs about twenty minutes of patience.

Road Construction Unlimited

Quote:Phantom warriors appeared and made a beeline for my capital, despite the fact that a neutral city was closer. Then they went out on the water and disappeared.
Probably got killed by a ship or something. Maybe an invisible ship if there was a sorcery wizard nearby.
Neutrals can't attack other neutrals they are the same "player".

This was pretty early in the game, and they didn't seem to be near any ships. They were in sight of my capital, then gone.

Quote:Raiders appeared to change their target several times. I thought they just pick a city when they spawn and head for it?
The new AI is smarter than that, finally. Raiders specifically decide based on distance and amount of troops defending. Regular AI also considers the strength of both armies, hostility, personality and treaties.

So I can end up running around my territory, Benny Hill style, reinforcing for attack and they change their mind? I kinda liked the old behavior better.

Quote:You have to have a larger army,
Not exactly, in the current version you only need to have at least half as large army as theirs for war weariness to happen over time. (which is still a considerable amount but reasonable to do unless it's the highest difficulty settings)
Oh wait, food supply, yeah this part doesn't work as well in the normal game as in caster because the human player cannot afford feeding units frown
Can't do much with that in this project, unreasonable food upkeep costs are sadly part of the original game. It works far better in CoM where food costs are lower and gold/production are the primary deciding factors for the amount of troops to build.

The food costs are not 'unreasonable'. They are entirely in line with what was meant. Food is supposed to be a precious resource and every unit has to pull its weight. It also helps to keep the game from bogging down in micromanagement of hundreds of armies, like other games of MoM's time like Warlords 2 or Civilization. Same with MoO's fleet design limit and MoO 2's command points. The game only allows you so many units based on your resources and size of empire, and this is deliberate.

Quote:The game crashed with the following error, saves from the previous turn (save1) and a few turns previous (save2). That was as far as I got, it crashes every time.
I'll check it out.

Edit : I tried both saves in 1.50RC12b, the version before it and in CoM and got no crash when pressing the next turn button.


Try this one.

.zip (Size: 14.18 KB / Downloads: 1)

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