(February 28th, 2016, 14:26)Tiltowait Wrote: Ok, how do we calculate those values, but at any arbitrary time? Just say I press a key and the function runs and displays the values for the currently selected stack.
There was a patch that made the unit rating load into the unit's cost field during combat which could be read through tweaker, but it got voted "don't include". You can still find it in CoM's tools folder, it's the unitspy.txt file. This only works on the combat value rating. Overland values are not visible but are calculated in a similar but simplified way.
As for an actual, ingame feature, no way.
That's far too complex and I have no idea how to do it even if it didn't require excessive amounts of time.
It would require assigning a new input key, reading where the units actually are on the screen, locating the mouse, writing text and so on.
In strategic combat, you can assume that
Attack power = roughly melee attack * 20
Ranged power = roughly ranged attack * 20
Defensive power = exactly health*4*(defense+4)
where the first also uses modifiers for some abilities like armor pierce, illusion, gaze, poison, etc
All stats are actual combat stats, with buffs etc applied just like in real combat. Health refers to the total number of hit points the unit has, considering figures and damage.