I'm stuck on a diplo screen. Why is the game paused?
Pink Dot IT Office - Email and technical issues thread - All welcome, all the time
Hey all,
I'm going to be away for the weekend from tomorrow morning. I'll queue up actions so I don't think I'll need a pause ... unless someone dastardly decides to declare on me! ![]() Dreylin.
I'm back, bet none of you missed me! ![]() Played turn, but don't expect any diplo responses yet as I have a bit to catch up on and a wife to romance this evening.... Thanks all for not declaring war on me in my absence, but don't take my return as a license to do so right away, OK? Dreylin. Dreylin Wrote:Thanks all for not declaring war on me in my absenceDammit... I would have if only I knew you were gone! (Note to self: pay more attention.)
This came up in another pitboss game recently, regarding some very broken game mechanics for some of the espionage missions. We're reaching about the same point in this game so wanted to bring it up:
plako Wrote:Main points are in this thread: Indiansmoke Wrote:Yeap this is tottaly broken, especially in conjuction with Christo redentor, and specifically banned in many multiplayer games. Post #76 has some very relevant points for MP too. Basically the issue is that, especially on large / land heavy maps like this, the "switch civics" and "switch religion" espionage missions are massively overpowered. Unlike other espionage missions which are either limited to a single city (e.g. poison) or whose costs scale in proportion to the benefit (e.g. tech steal) - the cost is fixed and does not scale in proportion to the benefit (which is directly related to the size of the target civ whose civics you are messing with). It's even worse when used in conjunction with Cristo Redentor, since you can switch civics at will, pick the worst possible civic(s) for your victim(s), then switch back the next turn for free. We ended up banning it in the other game and we might want to consider doing the same here, otherwise the optimum strategy is to just build CR and then revolt all of your opponents all of the time, which could get boring pretty fast. ![]() Note that spiritual civs are only partly immune as there is still a minimum wait time between civic changes (unlike for Cristo Redentor). Even without CR the mission only costs 500 EP base and can be grossly unbalanced given the size of some of the civs out there. Thoughts?
I've paused the game at Broker's request - apparently his PC has a virus and he is having trouble playing civ
Munro Wrote:We ended up banning it in the other game and we might want to consider doing the same here, otherwise the optimum strategy is to just build CR and then revolt all of your opponents all of the time, which could get boring pretty fast. Oooo, ooooo! I know at least two people who can attest that it is pretty damn frustrating even when your opponent doesn't have Cristo.... |