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(April 16th, 2016, 02:33)OT4E Wrote: (April 15th, 2016, 19:14)Dreylin Wrote: FYI I'm away with the wife from the weekend, which means no kids and extra booze, so my sober "play the turns" periods may be unreliable. 
We have a couple of turns to discuss revolts before they become available and agree on the next few turns, so you probably need to play the next turn....  It is arguable who is the worst enemy of bright mind, girls, kids or whiskey.
Congrats on the Kremlin guys, nicely done.
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Interesting turn. DZ sent us peace offer which I was going to accept as we agreed.
But the game was paused so I couldnt do anything without someone's help. When the game got finally unpaused, I noticed that DZ has abandoned Tartar:
So what does it mean? I think they worry about their core cities and are not ready to throw everything to defend city without good resources and buildings. We will find how to use it better I think.
Anyway I sent them Peace offer after taking a city:
Next turn we can have 6 units in Tartar in case if DZ decides to turn back and retake it:
Here we go with Communism and Kremlin:
I decided not to draft from Goats while we are in pacifism, but I think we will stay in nationhood and will draft then.
Researching Physics at 0%, but you can see that our income is not very high.
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How do we call Tartar? Chameleons?
It currently shows 33% our culture/33% indian/33% barbarians.
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Nice! Krelim, 3 extra Workers and a new city without firing a shot!
It's entirely possible that Donovan is the low power, having built ome but then lost it taking the city. He really didn't do well out of it, did he.
Let's get that Explorer across to the island to scout it out shall we.
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(April 16th, 2016, 14:04)Dreylin Wrote: Let's get that Explorer across to the island to scout it out shall we.
If DZ gives us peace. I also want to return to the idea of keeping 1 spy in each direction and may be on each island. It is even better than explorer because it doesnt reveal our attention. I sent GS to the GasparNoble to see what they do at our side.
About overall situation I think that we need to prepare fleet and then plant a city on each passage to be able to throw it from one sea to another and unload wherever nobody expects.
I think that unless somebody near us tries to expand close to us without basic protection we need to focus on our own expansion first and only then with 7-8 cities we can advance in our conquest.
But today it seems I wont have time to make some certain plan, hopefully I will have more free time tomorrow.
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DZ accepted peace. Not much interesting this turn: no civics changed from anyone, no other GPS.
Workers hooked horses.
Starting 2 spies.
Lhamas and Chickens are set on maximum growth to restore population.
I want to chop tundra forest into Lhamas with 3 other forests from 3rd radius. 6 forests we can chop into Rabbits. Both we can use for settler to whip the rest of it.
I am not decided with civics yet. May be if we are going to chop 10 forests Serfdorm is not that bad idea.
The current plan is:
- US (to buy granary in Chameleons)
- Nationhood (we stay in)
- Slavery
- State property (+10% prod, + food, less upkeep)
- Org. rel (for missionaries and possibly buildings)
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So the question is in sequence:
Serfdorm - Slavery - Serfdorm - Caste (GA)
Slavery - Serfdorm - Slavery - Caste (GA)
We cant spend more than 5-6 turns in each, because it is not effective. I think that Serfdorm we will need when we will plant those new cities to make improvements for them ASAP. I also want to start making fleet, which requires Slavery right now. We need fleet to be able to react if someone (BGN for example) plants in our direction. We also need some Cavalries if we dont want to be stopped by just 1 Machine Gun.
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It sounds like we need Slavery first to get out some of the units and then the Settlers before switching. I think the exception to that would be if the two cities that we'll be settling have some overlap with the existing footprint so that we can pre-improve tiles while in Serfdom - otherwise the Workers probably end up "idle" before we do the switch and whip out the Settlers.
What's our Happy cap like without Rep? Can we support a couple of Whips along with the Draft anger in the next few turns, or does that have to wait until we're switching back to Rep?
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Also, we have a spare Gems now that we can shop around. I should be able to log in shortly to take a look at city sites and see if anyone has spares.
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Ok, finally it seems I know what to do.
3 workers goes to make fort and improve deers to chameleons. We whip/buy ships in Chickens and stay in nationhood.
The main goal ia to plant front cities with everyone one by one. With DZ I think we have got nice position, I doubt they will plant towards us and we have whole 10 turns to improve it.
The next in queue is BGN, if he decides to plant somewhere screwing our plant on forest hill then we simply attack him from ships and by land. Why do I like that spot? It is on hill, it is beyond river, so basically we will have 1 more turns to bring forcea in. And it is the nice place for Globe Theatre, because of much food and not very much of land tiles. Let BGN compete with this culture!
The next thing we need to settle is island imho. There are 2 more luxury things and so desired trade routes. Or we can settle towards Gaspar to prepare to capture his fresh water lake spot peacefully or with force.
The main idea is not to aim on conquest by all means, but to be flexible enough to punish those who dares to call us for a challenge. Then we watch what is happening and choose the best things to do corresponding to the situation. Surprisingly that Scooter, BGN and DZ hasnt planted any cities yet. What are they waiting for?