Another day, more interesting stuff in the 1v1 vs Fenn--more "stay away Fenn" spoilers:
Well, that was crazy, with both of us using our SCOPs over the course of the day. The main difference is that I activated my COP earlier, which caused me to get a slightly larger chunk of the opening properties. Fenn countered with a devastating SCOP though, making all my units easy to take out. However, I just used my SCOP this turn allowing me to solidify my gains--though Fenn's COP is almost full, making this possibly fleeting. I think I've stabilized with a property advantage--I'm up 24 to 22 now, and unless Fenn diverts a unit to my capturing Infantry in the SW, that will turn into 25-21 very quickly. The biggest problem is that Fenn has more quality units than I do--not counting Infantry and my transport units, I have 13 units and Fenn has 10, but I'm ahead a turn, and his units aren't nearly as injured as mine. His units also match up well against me--notably he has 2 AA's out, while my one AA is almost dead. Finally, his units are much closer to the front lines than mine--he has many more units in the SW (though I've importantly cleared out most of the Infantry), while I don't have anywhere near the forces in the NE. My best chance is to finally start to move on the center, though he still has a lot of units there. I'm also wondering how best to push my funds advantage--when do I start pushing towards bigger units instead of prioritizing producing from all three bases (along with the Airport most of the time)? I'm also hoping my funds spent on all the transport units doesn't come back to hurt me--I think the Black Boat and T-Copter were both great, but I just built an APC almost entirely to refuel my Black Boat--it's moved into more of a healing role, so I think that works.
(April 26th, 2016, 21:24)BRickAstley Wrote: Game set up, I've joined as Orange and team A. Sent out invites. So ipecac pick Yellow and Team A, Fenn and Bob pick Blue & Green and whatever team letter you want.
You have to pick a CO when you join. The game lobby only shows you your CO selection, until the game starts. That includes teammates, since the way team assignment is set up, you aren't officially on a team until the game starts.
Looks like we're ready to start, everyone has their correct CO selected?