2 possibilities I can see for the troop movements:
1) He changed his mind; was going to plant on the hill but didn't want to wait the turn and let our borders pop first so planted on flatland instead. The Rifle had either already been moved before he made the decision, or was on auto-move and finished on the Hill.
2) He always planned to plant as he did but moved the MG to the hill for greater visibility before planting and then put the Rifle there to cover an incoming Worker against a Cav raid.
Probably some combination of the two.
Regarding Culture; I didn't think to check the percentages on the tiles, but he must have made 10c in one turn. My concern is that if we shut off culture production in Donkeys, it would only take a couple of turns for him to overcome the existing culture on our first ring if he keeps building it. I think we probably need to keep Donkeys on Culture for one more turn just to be safe. OTOH, this turn a second chop can complete into its bin so we could just 1t a Theatre instead.
We have 7 Workers in the immediate vicinity and one more just the far side of Goats that can get in range this turn, so I think we're covered on that score.
This turn all we could attack with are the 2Rifle & Gren that are in the Galleon in the Fort. At the end of this turn we will have the following available:
Up to 5 Cavs to staging 1SW of Donkeys
1 more Cav that can reach the Galleon on Goats.
3 Galleons in range (from Fort or Crabs)
2 Cats, 1 Treb, 2 Grenadiers & 2 Rifles in Galleons along with the 1 Cav.
That leaves 1 space in the Galleon which could be a drafted rifle from Goats?
The second round of Cavs are 3t away, so I think we probably have to go in next turn even if he's stacked both units in the city as we don't really add anything from the extra turn except the choice to keep the Cav on land.
Agree with starting to save money for emergencies / research. Gems we can either send the Worker N of Goats back (leaving us 7 at the front) or pull one across from Guinea Pigs or up from Chameleons.
Donovan has played with 2whips and ended turn, so we can go in and take a look. I think we need to offer him Peace this turn since I think the risk that he doesn't take it outweighs potential early warning to Gaspar.
NobleHelium has logged in for the first time in a while, so not sure whether that is meaningful. If we want to have chance of being first in the turn order next turn, then we have to play first this turn as well. How important is that to us?