I had a chance to log into the game:
Pindicator had a diplo window with nothing offered when I logged in. I closed it, and there were two more diplo windows behind the initial one, each with nothing offered. Scooter, can you make any sense of this? I have no idea what this is supposed to mean (if anything). Possibly an artifact of the Pausing from the end of last turn.
This is the city that pindicator razed, the multicolored blob on the map to the south of Balakirev. It originally belonged to Gaspar/Noble, then Dreylin captured it, followed by pindicator razing it. I doubt that pindicator could have held the spot against Dreylin's huge army, and that explains why it was burned down. The location was only 3 tiles away from pindicator's city and its removal clears up some space in that part of the map. Hopefully pindicator isn't planning on making a pattern of razing cities three tiles away from one of his.
I think the spot was only defended by a single unit, as pindicator only has 9 points of war weariness and you get 6 points for capturing a city from what I remember. That's only a guess though.
There's the war declaration in the event logger. Note that pindicator has not signed peace yet with Dreylin; no idea if it was offered by either side. REM popped a Great Merchant, and I wonder if that's an accidental Great Person at low odds. The Great Merchant lightbulbs Steam Power, which makes little sense for REM (he researched Scientific Method first, and that can only mean a Communism push). Maybe the idea is to use it for a trade mission to another team?
Induction Coil popped borders and happily controls the corn tile already. I think we chop out a theatre this turn, and then work the corn/horses/iron tiles, using Build Culture until we have control of the sheep as well. I would like us to push for 100 culture quickly here, for the dual purposes of cultural control and the 40% defensive bonus. We also now have vision of pindicator's two border cities, neither of which have any cultural buildings inside. Pindicator is also not in Caste System civic, so if he wants culture in these cities it's Build Culture or nothing.
My trigger finger got itchy and I moved the explorer a tile north to see what was up there. I'll leave it to your discretion on where we want him to finish his turn. Scooter, there was a pair of Gaspar/Noble workers on the orange dotted tile before I moved, and I suspect that they are moving them over to either scout the area or gift to our team. Heaven knows we can use another two workers up here.
On the last big issue for the turn: Open Borders with Dreylin. We currently have Open Borders signed with every team in the game except Dreylin. Of course, we only get trade routes from BGN since everyone else is in Mercantilism. We would get a huge influx of commerce if we were to sign OB with Dreylin, and it would catapult us ahead significantly in our research; his 12 cities would be worth at least 36 commerce at 3 per city. We could potentially sign OB with Dreylin and have the two of us race ahead of the rest of the field.
However, I'm still leaning against signing them with Dreylin, as I think that they would gain more than us. They have to be hurting on research right now, and I think we can get a tech lead. What do you think?