I think BGN and REM will make peace in 1-2 turns at most. If they dont it can be even better for us. So I am not sure that changing target is good idea.
Keep in the mind that those odds are acrossing the river, but still good considering airships. Though he might use double city garnisson promotion once, those units must be unable to get enough fortify to have much better odds. The main problem is still his siege.
Btw do not refrain from whipping Cats. Academy bonus stacks with Kremlin and it gives pretty nice overflow. I even though to make an academy in the city with Globe to whip it instead of drafting.
He whipped 5 cities, 2 of them were 3pop, probably the cities we are going to take next.
Keep in the mind that those odds are acrossing the river, but still good considering airships. Though he might use double city garnisson promotion once, those units must be unable to get enough fortify to have much better odds. The main problem is still his siege.
Btw do not refrain from whipping Cats. Academy bonus stacks with Kremlin and it gives pretty nice overflow. I even though to make an academy in the city with Globe to whip it instead of drafting.
He whipped 5 cities, 2 of them were 3pop, probably the cities we are going to take next.