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I got no idea how to play in FoW except to build Recons occasionally.
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Here we are! Not only are we playing with Fog of War, but it turns out Funding is set to 1500 per property. That has some implications for my CO choice:
-Vehicles and aircraft will be built earlier, and more advanced types will see play
-CO powers will charge faster than normal
With that in mind, you want a CO that has a good CO power and has some proficiency with vehicles. I considered Hawke and Andy for their great SCOPs- Andy's neatly counteracts any mass-damage SCOPs - but decided to run with Eagle again. Stronger B-Copters will be a nice bonus considering how early we can get them, but the real prize is Lightning Strike. Getting two moves with non-footsoldiers is practically an I-Win button, and it shouldn't take too long to charge Eagle's meter. Stealth Fighters that consume less fuel will be handy too.
My plan for the first few turns is to get out Infantry to capture all the nearby properties, starting with that neutral Base, and perhaps build a B-Copter as my first vehicle. With the Airports starting off pre-owned, it's a viable strategy.
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Other players' CO choices:
Ipecac - Lash
So Lash's units gain attack in addition to defense boosts for siting on terrain, and her SCOP doubles these bonuses. It's useful for discouraging counterattacks since her units will take much less damage until her SCOP wears off, but it's not a power that will turn the tides like the other COs in play. Ipecac may have problems in this map; if he doesn't gain an early advantage against his neighbours, their CO powers may be too much to handle.
BRickAstley - Max
Although Fog seems like it would favor indirects, the map we're playing on is rather open and features and allows for air units right off the bat; that plus the increased funding will make Max pretty scary here. My consolation here is that his SCOP isn't that devastating, and he'll hopefully focus the brunt of his attacks on Ipecac.
CheaterHater - Sami
Now, Sami's day-to-day isn't so great here; I expect direct units to be common and Infantry/Mechs to be less so given the increased funding, but Victory March is a terrifying SCOP that she'll have an easier time reaching in this setting - especially so for me, since my Lab is the closest to CH. I'll have to be very careful to protect my Lab against CH, and try to maintain a favourable position day-to-day until I can beat him back with my SCOP.
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You know, next turn we'll have 7000 funds to play around with already - enough to build a Recon. Normally that would allow us to Recon rush each others' neutral bases, but the FoW actually prevents that cheese strategy; the Recons couldn't get vision on the neutral base before an Infantry can cap it, assuming everyone beelines their neutral base. Sonja could do it thanks to her +1 vision, but nobody picked her, and CH picked Sami so it wouldn't have worked either way.
The point is, I need to capture my neutral base ASAP so there's no chance of Brick preventing me from capping it, and I'll have to watch out for him trying to disrupt city captures too, he does have 120/100 Recons after all.
May 29th, 2016, 09:46
(This post was last modified: May 29th, 2016, 09:46 by Fenn.)
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Day 2
Going for my neutral base as planned, but my southern Infantry isn't capturing the nearest city; instead it's going for the city at the other end of the road that goes to CH's neutral base. Is it worthwhile or not? Who knows
Next turn I'll have 9000 Funds to spend, and that opens up the possibility of a Tank or Artillery build. It might be a good idea to get an early vehicle going against Brick, but I've still got all of these neutral properties to capture, so maybe more Infantry is the way to go...
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Decided to go for a Recon to get some visibility against Brick. Though like most decisions I make I immediately regretted not building more Infantry and saving up enough for an early B-Copter...won't be able to build one for at least two turns.
June 1st, 2016, 00:37
(This post was last modified: June 1st, 2016, 00:37 by Fenn.)
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Got through two turns today:
Day 4
Neutral base was captured without incident; my Recon's hiding in the forests in case Brick has one of his own nearby. Otherwise, I've sent one of my Infs west towards the central island, forgoing neutral properties closer to home. I figure it's better to get the cities nearest to me on the island sealed up ASAP, then turtle on my end. There's strangely no properties in the center of the island, so advancing on that front would be difficult.
In the south, I've built an Artillery to fire on any CH units that may wander over in my direction. I want to play defensively on this front, as with his third base so close making progress against him would be an uphill battle. Besides, I'm best off making my biggest pushes with Lightning Strike.
Day 5
Moving my Inf to capture the northern city revealed a Brickian Recon. Thus, I moved up my own Recon to the adjacent forest. If Brick tries to move onto that forest to attack my Inf, he'll get ambushed by my Recon and waste a move. In the south, my plan is to park my Artillery on the forest NW of that southern city; from there it can fire on both that city and the port to the west, while still being invisible from afar.
This turn also marked the production of my first B-Copter, I had barely enough funds to build it along with Infantry in all of my bases. Will probably send it against CH, as that will force him to field B-Copters or AA guns of his own, and being Sami his are weaker than normal. Next turn I think I'll build a Tank in my northern base to deal with Brick's Recon for good.
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June 7th, 2016, 15:27
(This post was last modified: June 7th, 2016, 15:30 by Fenn.)
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Activated my SCOP and did a lot of damage to CH and Brick...except, I forgot about Victory March and left my Lab open. Whoops
Monument to my idiocy:
And I was doing so well too....