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[Spoilers] Dreylin's short visit to a late Era

We can bring Machine gun and 2 wounded Cavs in. In fact we can bring 1 healthy cavalry from the Galleon behind the island, but I feel that' we'd better keep healthy Cavs invisible for DZ. Let him think that he can take it back.
[Image: o2M3dXv.jpg]

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that the GG could give him a 2-move unit. That and sinking the SotL in port has me leaning towards the attack as well - particularly now that you have confirmed we can bring in enough reinforcements even if we take it with a single redlined Cav.

GL then. I think we are doing it right. It must work.

About GA, we really need it very soon. By the time scooter gets Panzers we need to have both Artillery and Railroad and it seems that there is nothing between him and his goal while we are crawling at the 100-200 science/wealth points of income. But I want to give Biology 2-3 turns to work for our growth before launching it, but may be it is my mistake and natural greed. During GA we must grow 2 more GPs in Lhamas and Chickens probably for another GA, build National park and mostly focus on wealth/research. You need to arrange civic changings. During GA we'd prefer to adopt Caste, so if we aim to run it in 3, we cant switch now. I am not sure about Bureau yet, Lhamas will become unhappy next turn because we will get many WW after all those attacks.

Also we need to spread our religion broadly, we wont have time for it later. I'd not hesitate to 1pop whip missionary from scratch.

Consider building a settler for our gems city. Cities pays off really quick here. Anywhere else we could plant?

t315 (the rest) -

Pushed the odds to the very limit:

Every unit we had yikes:
Cat - 1hit
Cat - 2hits
Cat - 2hits!
C2 Cav v MG - complete loss frown
C2 Cav v MG - 3hits!
Pinch Cav v Inf - complete loss frown
iPinch Cav v Inf - 2hits + withdraw!
iPinch Cav v Inf - complete loss frown
iPinch Cav v Inf - win!
iC2 Cav v Inf - complete loss frown
Rifle v Inf - 2hits
Rifle v Inf - 3hits
Rifle v MG (54%) - win!
Rifle v Inf (59%) - win!
Rifle v Inf (99.9%) - win!
Things went better here:

But we still lost 4Cavs:
Pinch Cav v Inf - complete loss frown
Pinch Cav v Inf - 5 hits! jive
Pinch Cav v Inf - 4 hits! jive
C2 Pinch Cav v Inf (75%) - 2 hits
C2 Pinch Cav v Inf (98%) - win
C2 Pinch Cav v Inf (99.9%) - win
Added the MG and a pair of mostly-health Cavs to the city in addition to the completely healthy one. There is also a Galleon 2N of the Oil with 2 completely healthy Cavs and one slightly injured in case he makes a mistake and leaves Sector19 poorly defended.

I also put our healthy Privateer onto the Oil to see if I can tempt Donovan into promoting the Ironclad NavI and attacking - it would leave it on ocean, so no defensive bonuses plus with non-combat promotions. He shouldn't do it, but hasn't resisted temptation so far....

Units in Nettwerk & AZ are all redlined & needing a /lot/ of healing, but I don't think any have promos pending to get Medic I. Staalplaat has the final injured Rifle and a second at full health inside, so we shouldn't suffer from any GG shenanigans.

We will need to watch this carefully though:

Especially the Galleon. I would expect him to take Athanor at a convenient time (also Donovan's FW horde is down there), but fortunately there's a roadless DMZ between him and SP and there's only 1 Worker here so we should have warning.

Neighbourhood shots from the Airship Brigade:

Scooter has no army to speak of, and no ships in the sea S of our Core (& no Fort route to bring one in). Perhaps your appoach is rubbing off on me, but perhaps we need an alternative solution than trying to race his tech... mischief

REM is also running light on the Gasparland border:

but then he can see that we are too.

Not much in pindiland either:

He's trading away 2/3 of his Sugar, which is sad. I still offered him an Iron for the remaining, and then offered him a Copper for 5gpt and Open Borders for good measure. If that doesn't diplo-lock him to oblivion, nothing will! lol

Pillage gold let me drop most of the Wealth builds and Specialists and make a couple of whips:

I went back and set Research up to 100% incase anything untoward happens and we can't quite reach it at 90%.

Both cities taken with the last unit? Nice!
Though cant say it was lucky turn, so many units lost without making any harm. Looks like every third unit we produced was a waste. How soon do we get our GG?

It wont be good if REM attacks us. You should start pulling extra rifles from Guinea pigs and may be replace some standing rifles with newly built catapults... Again...

Everything we have requires healing. I worry that we will be unable to advance and DZ will get 10 infantries in his factory city. The only hope is for reinforcements.

Yeah, it was depressing / nerve racking seeing so many complete losses. I'm pretty sure that there was a point I should have stopped the attack on SP, but not sure when it was.

GG needs something like 11 or 16 more xp. And yes everything needs too many turns of healing. frown I was thinking we'd build some Trebs for the attack on Ironworks, but it does seem we'll be facing far too many Infs with REM on the border. But next turn we can Pillage his Coal, and it should be possible to raid his Iron as well to kill that bonus.

I think we probably do need Nationhood for more Rifles and happiness, although I also feel like we need to pop the GSpy next turn to get the GA rolling - we aren't going to be able to grow much while capped by the WW, which isn't going away soon.

I was also wondering, if the turn rolls at a convenient time, whether you would be willing to play a couple of turns? The last few have felt a bit all-consuming, and I could really use a couple of days break from turnplay & reporting.

I can imagine your condition when you were playing this turn. I was about to type when it is time to stop before going to sleep, but thought that it could lower your spirit.

I can play some turns to cover you if you need. Though I satisfied with my role and I have almost defeated the desire to make moves in me. Trust me it wasnt easy, because the game is exciting but I still find what to do being on the 2nd role.

Well if the turn doesn't roll tonight then I'll get a day off anyway, so that might refresh me. smile

Dreylin Wrote:
Donovan Zoi Wrote:
Dreylin Wrote:Howdy,

I was just wondering if you would have a problem with us going in to take a look at the game outside the turnsplit? Standard "look but don't touch", of course, and would work both ways if you want to go in on our side.

Easy either way, but thought I'd ask as there's some research I'd like to do.



Normally, I would probably say no, but I don't really care at this point. smile

Go for it!



I wouldn't ask usually either (single play window, etc.) but I'm off today and the family are away and I missed a couple of planning shots.



I wanted to go in and grab GPP shots of Goats, Llamas and Chickens so we could discuss.

Bait not taken:

GG still pending, but CG promos committed. Also a 2-pop whip in Glitch Mode and a 4-pop in Sector19. yikes

It'll probably cost us a Cav, but we can disconnect his Coal next turn.


Number crunching will have to wait until later, but some vague thoughts now:

We could 5-pop whip a Settler from Llamas to solve the Happiness problem; that would make 3 improved tiles available for Goats, which will have to dial back on its Scientists for a while anyway. Llamas is totally non-Scientist, and should stay that way to ensure we can chain a second GA. Not sure we can do it, but if we can get all 3 to pop during the first GA we might have a choice of keeping the Artist if Chickens pops that way - could be useful for fixing borders from REM. If not, a second Scientist would be worth >50% of Electricity - and we have quite a few WM & WM to benefit from that.

His coal must get disconnected by itself, no need to pillage it.

Thoughts about GPs I like and share, but I doubt that 5 pop whip in Lhamas is reasonable. We need to put specialists, how are we going to do it? This city is the best developed city of ours with the highest number of improvements. During GA it can grow GP and still make 1 cav per turn.

GP preview:
Chickens: 560-262 = 298 < 51*6 (5 specialists)
Lhamas: 640-251 = 389 < 60*7 (6 specialists)
Goats: 720-158 = 562 < 75*8 (8 scientists)

But it looks like we must stick to the opposite order to minimize losses in Goats and maximize use from military academy in Lhamas.

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