February 25th, 2010, 17:12
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Cyneheard, since you have chatted with the others the most, do you mind making a list of all the proposals that are in the works?
I find it hard to do responses when you're nto around since you have laid the ground work for NAPs and tech alliances.
Can you give us summaries on what the diplo-picture is with each faction if you havne't already?
February 25th, 2010, 17:50
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Broker/Swiss of Mali:
T75 NAP, 43EP max. We've arranged contact with the HRE. They've promised to help arrange contacts as able. Haven't chatted, only the emails.
Kyan/Twinkletoes/Whosit of Babylon:
I spoke with Kyan
-After we meet the Byzantines, they want to convene a 4-team conference to discuss tech trades (Us, Mali, Byzantium, Babylon). They're about to finish Pottery (T50), and then go straight for Writing-Alphabet. I made a prelim offer of Hunting-Archery-HBR (I assume we'll go in that order, or Hunting-HBR & if someone else has finished Archery, we trade for that. Hunting should be next after Pottery for us, with our Furs). They cut a settlement deal with Mali, and have crappy land to their south (desert).
43EP limit on both sides.
Dazedroyalty/Ilios/Meatbalz of the HRE:
They offered a T70 or T75 NAP. I'd have to check the e-mail for which, but that's a "let's not poach your worker" deal, and little more.
They were forthcoming in chat, although don't really have a sense on what they want to do for tech trading. Midas' Folly has gold and copper.
They'll be locking horns with France: they expect war to happen soon. Not sure what all's been going on there. I do want to hear France's side of the story.
43EP limit there, as well.
For our EP, we're most of the way there on Mali's demogs, so we should finish that off first. I would rather get HRE's than Babylon's demogs first: if nothing else, to look at their GNP for the gold spike.
February 25th, 2010, 20:40
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We are now in binary science mode. Will keep an eye on that for when we want to switch to 100% research and burn through the rest of Pottery.
London has a new warrior, Charles Dickens. His job is to wander the streets of London for eternity.
Gulliver continues his trek towards our future friends, the Byzantines.
Royal Guard is moving SE, and the plan is probably to have him swing around the mountains and head NW. Maybe find some copper...
This is a gorgeous demographics board. Everything but GNP is great, and with tech trading a mediocre GNP is tolerable.
Update on our competitors:
Last turn, Morgan + DMOC of France finally joined the 2-city club.
Dantski + Mukha of Portugal joined us and Carthage in the 3-city club this turn.
Kathlete of Inca double-whipped their capital (again). Another settler, probably. Mr. Nice Guy of Carthage grew their capital to size 4.
3 techs were discovered.
I don't know what Carthage discovered: either The Wheel or Hunting. I put down The Wheel because Animal Husbandry --> Hunting seems like a subpar option.
Kyan's Babylonians discovered Pottery, as they told us, and so did France.
February 25th, 2010, 21:04
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Hey, guys I was thinking about wonders and made a list of the stone wonders we could get.
Code: Stone Wonders
Angkor Wat 500 1 Hammer from Priest, 3 Priests Each +GP
Chichen Itza 500 +25% Defense +GP
Notre Dame 550 +2 Happy +GA
Great Wall 150 No Barbs, +100% +SPY
Hanging Garden 300 +1 Health, 1 Free Pop +GE
Kremlin 800 33% cheaper rushes +SPY
Pyramids 500 You Know By Now +GE
Spiral Mineret 550 +1 Gold from state religion builds +GP
Sankoer 550 +2 Beakers from state religion builds +GS
There are a few interesting thoughts I have:
1) Cyneheard had his suggestion of TGW for additional fast great people or a spy which gives us some nice beakers.
2) Another is Hanging Gardens -> GE to rush a wonder. It is the cheapest GE Wonder(we could go for Notre Dame for +1 free happy).
2.5) Settler Spam -> Hanging Gardens
3) The most ambitious move would be something like Chitchen Itza -> GP -> Religion -> Spiral Minaret/Sankore/Shrine -> Wall Street + Shrine + Academy + Temples Everywhere.
February 26th, 2010, 17:42
(This post was last modified: February 26th, 2010, 18:28 by antisocialmunky.)
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Random Goings On:
We concluded a NAP deal with HRE
Quote:Hi Guys,
Our team accepts your offer for the T75 NAP. We've been busy so we kinda forgot about this. Anyway, can we also add a EP limit of 43 against each other? I don't remember if you brought that up but it sounds like you have plenty of other civs to get graphs from what Cyneheard has told us.
You guys also might want to be careful, Mali spotted the first Emperor barb warrior spawning.
for Team CHASM
Mali found our first barb, I passed it onto HRE as Mali would tell them as well:
I wish we had a 3 commerce tile at home.
Also Team Names:
Avalon - Mythical resting place of Arthur.
Worker's Paradise
February 26th, 2010, 18:19
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Our empire needs a name. ASM suggested "Avalon" (Arthur's burialplace), and that's got my vote, unless Hap has any ideas?
Tech Progress: Pottery in 6t. Costs increased to -9gpt, but revenues grew, as well. 2t of 100% gold, then 4t @ 100%.
Chatted briefly with Meatbalz in-game. Tricky Dicky is heading towards Carthage, and Richard is going to tag along, while knocking some fog out of the way. ASM had gotten a NAP proposal from them, and I said we'd try to draft a formal acceptance tonight. They should meet Mali this turn.
Gulliver continues to head towards the meeting spot with the Byzantines. We're currently building 2 workers, 1 each in AF and London. London will build a chariot after that @ max growth, and then the granary will be built on T57 with a chop from our worker. Name suggestion for the chariot: Conan the Antibarbarian.
Richard moving: He's 3t behind Tricky Dicky.
Doc and Happy will be in position to get the Wheat online T55, and then the sheep + a couple of roads while we knock out Hunting, for the furs. Beaver Rock's Granary will almost certainly be whipped once we're size 2.
Animal Farm can:
Build a worker (currently, what it's doing): Finishes T55. Grow to size 4, double-whip a barracks, and then knock out the granary. Slightly slower than the below plan, and we'll be size 2 when we're done, not size 3.
Or: Build a chariot while growing to size 4: Finishes T55. Then, on T57, we double-whip a barracks, and the granary would finish around T60 @ size 3.
So, the trade is: 1 worker for 1 chariot + 1 pop.
MFG and Crop Yield #1s! We have 8 pop points, no one else has more than 7 (Krill's Egypt and WarriorKnight's Ottomans had 7).
Other news:
Mali: Something discovered. 5t tech.
Ok, re-did Krill's techs:
Starting techs: Agriculture, The Wheel
Discovered: Mysticism, Polytheism, Animal Husbandry, Pottery, Mining. The last 2 were not what I'd had before. This is because he's grown a lot of pop recently, so he has to have Granaries in.
Huge rival best power jump of 9k, probably from an axemen + barracks from whoever had 33k power last turn.
February 26th, 2010, 18:38
(This post was last modified: February 26th, 2010, 20:12 by Cyneheard.)
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Ok, T51 Posterity Shots (See previous post for Demogs):
Land Overview:
Military Overview:
Animal Farm:
Beaver Rock:
One last thing for posterity: Our C&D file.
February 27th, 2010, 07:52
(This post was last modified: February 27th, 2010, 08:28 by antisocialmunky.)
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Hey guys, did we ever get an NAP with Babylon? I havne't talked to them personally. If no one is going to keep track of these things I'm going to stick them on the 2nd post of this thread.
Quote:Great to hear. Thanks for the heads-up about the barb, that's the first one we've heard of. The EP limit is also fine.
We'll keep you up to date on Tricky's moves so Richard the Lionheart can keep up. He's not just tagging along on a rendezvous with Carthage: we've also arranged for units of two other civs to move to that location.
We ask you to keep this information strictly confidential, and that you hold off from committing to any tech deals until the meeting has taken place. The summit should happen within a handful of turns so we hope this isn't too much to ask.
Meatbalz for DIM
Does this seem somewhat odd? I guess they probably don't know about Babylon's Alphabet plan. Maybe they have something set up with their neighbors and are inviting us.
February 27th, 2010, 11:11
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- HRE does know about Babylon's Alphabet plan, I told them. However, gaining contact with Babylon is difficult for them, TD's a good 15-20 turns away.
- We do not have an official NAP with Babylon. Kyan isn't from the "Sign a NAP the moment we meet" school of thought, and it's our warrior near his borders, not vice-versa. I don't see any reason why a NAP wouldn't be approved by them, but I also don't see why it's necessary in this case. I think it's easier to make the NAP discussions part of the tech trade discussions.
- It sounds like we're going to get our choice of groups to trade with: HRE + Carthage's group, or Mali/Babylon/Byzantium. There are advantages to being late to the table: they don't know whose side we're going to take, so they're going to make us an offer we can't refuse (in a good way). We'll see what both sides have to offer, although geographically Mali/Babylon/Byz are closer.
- I don't think we officially accepted Mali's NAP proposal? We should mention that it got lost in the shuffle. Mali and HRE have now met.
February 27th, 2010, 13:33
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We meet the Byzantines. I sent a quick in-game greeting w/ our email address.
Feros founded T40. Both it and their capital are size 2.
Starting Techs: Mysticism, The Wheel
Discovered: Agriculture, AH, Mining, BW. Presumably almost done with Pottery, or heading straight for IW. They should be going for Pottery, but who knows.
Borders pop next turn @ Beaver Rock, Doc and Happy are in position to get that farm up on T55. Pottery is 5t from completion, we'll go to 100% research next turn. Our spike in costs with city #3 were from Civic costs: 0gpt w/ 2 cities to 3gpt w/ 3, so it'll probably be ~4-5gpt for cities #4 and 5: manageable costs, once we get a cottage or 2 down. 5 cities @ T75 strikes me as a reasonable goal, with one definitely being Drunken Pigs SE of London.
Krill has joined us in the 8-population club, but with only 2 cities.
Last turn, Mali founded City #3, double-whipped their capital down to size 4, and this turn grew their capital back to size 3. *headspin*
Exploit's Sumeria discovered a tech. I think he's gone Mysticism-Meditation or Poly and is going Priesthood next, both for the Oracle and his 45-hammer Ziggurats. Or he's beelined Pottery-Writing at a crazy-fast tech pace (2 cities, top-heavy with his capital @ size 5).
The HRE also learned a tech. With their gold online (it says "needs route", but "mine" isn't red-lined, unlike the corn tile. So they need a road), I think they knocked out The Wheel in 5t.