Wow, this game is still going!
I'd appreciate some advice, OT4E, if you have the time to take a look?
REM treaty expires at the end of next turn. This turn (maybe last) he got Flight. Scooter is still researching and landed Electricity, so is probably planning to get through to Industrialism (at least) before dialing back. He seems to have rebuffed REM's fleet in the East and is assisting pindicator with securing his territory while pind makes some counter-attacks at the Canaries Island, but pind is losing ground elsewhere. BGN (Xenu?) just signed Peace with REM

and Donovan still has OB and is tootling along merrily.
We just research Combustion and have 3 Destroyers & more on the way:
I put up Industrialism and it was showing 4t, which I got down to 3t by switching Llamas from Wealth to Research, but I'm not convinced it's the right target...?
I flew all the Airships to get the picture on our neighbourhood (but not moved anything else). I don't think REM will make a move on us in the East:
Primarily because of the counterweight on Scooter over here as well.
But I think he might be planning a move in the SW:
Not sure if he'd bother hitting Donovan or just run OB straight through his territory to hit us at Chameleons. Well, there's an off chance he's looking to hit a poorly-defended Scooter, but my feeling is against that. I've offered Donovan Open Borders and I'm expecting to start shifting troops across this way unless you have any other thoughts?
About research & builds; I'm assuming we'll be at war with REM as soon as the Peace ends, so we only have 2t to prepare. No hint of potential betrayal from Scooter, so we can pull a lot of the forces from the Interlands to reinforce the edges, but we're still seriously outgunned on the water in terms of numbers. Also, we'll probably get the first move against him, so could stage a preemptive strike if we can position enough forces at an appropriate vector.