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[Spoilers] Alhazard ruins a Renaissance fair

oh ok thank you for your input. The most important concepts have to have the 2nd city share both horse and PHM to build settlers. Also settling between pigs and horses allows this city to work 2 cottage tiles for cap, N of whales and E of oasis. I don't think we need to chop any trees in the BFC of the capital because there is so much product if we mine the marble. Not chopping the tree SW of whales allows that tree for the city SE of whales to use that and the tree NE of whales and SW of right corn to build its own settler. The basic gist is have the capital build settlers for the 1st ring cities that have the capabilities to build it's own settlers with 3 chops and have those settlers claim 2nd ring cities.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Yeah if we have to detour to Gunpowder and use a GE for it, definitely will delay lib by 10 turns but much safer overall and we can lib the much more useful chemistry tech to power Workshops and goto MSci if needed. If there is no pressure, we can use the GE for the Kremlin. I don't think this will affect communism EOT from prior testing.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

even though our leader can tie to get the 1st GE, no interest in building the AP for the reasons DTG mentioned
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

(August 11th, 2016, 11:27)Alhazard Wrote:

My plan diverged from yours:
a) whipped worker in city #2 1 turn earlier at T189
b) focused on completing horse pasture before plains mine
c) finished roading 1N of capital instead of plains hill tile

Noticeable differences:
-pigs pasture is finished 1T earlier; city #2 has more food but less hammers into missionary
-horse pasture is finished T195

Edit: alternative t194, t195:

Also, is there some reason why you didn't whip worker in capital t195?

whip unhappiness doesnt wear off till T196 and wanted to save a much overflow as possible. Now can the 2nd city finish it's missionary before starting on its own worker?
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

T199, 15 turns in:

original plan:

A)whipping t189 (instead of t190)

B) whipping t189 (instead of t190), and 195 instead of 196:


I am missing something but I can't get the 2nd city to grow to size 4 by T199
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Never mind I see how you did it. But I would prefer put foodhammers into worker on T197 at size 3, to whip the worker on T199, just when the whip penalty wears off.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

It's an interesting start for sure. Is there a reason why neither of you settled 1N of the Pigs?

(August 13th, 2016, 10:04)ipecac Wrote: T199, 15 turns in:

original plan:

A)whipping t189 (instead of t190)

B) whipping t189 (instead of t190), and 195 instead of 196:

My initial attempt:


I don't think my run is good enough. The big worry for me are Settlers.

With Bureaucracy, and so many nice tiles, I don't mind growing the cap to size 6/7/8.

I don't think we need more than 3 Workers yet, but maybe Edirne can produce another to enable some more chopping.

BTW, I just noticed that there's an Iron missing in the sandbox (2W of the Pigs) that will be important.

Sorry about the missing iron.
I tried settling 1N of pigs but what I didn't like originally was that I had to spend 2 turns roading the tile E of pigs. And rice is not 1st ring, which slows growth because I thought it was important that 2nd city grows to size 3 on T197 exact so I can put 2 fh turns in to 3->2 whip a worker on T199 when the whip unhappy wears out. while pigs gets pastures, it was to work a 2f if it doesnt have rice in the BFC. The 2nd city E of pig can also work a cottage tile N of whales for cap.

BTW i do agree with ipecac that I need to whip the worker in 2nd city on T189. In other test games, I did not have enough fhs to.

And I did notice that you improved the furs before PMH and the marble, which I do not recommend since you are not going to get settlers out every 10 turns from the cap if you are not working the 3 hammer tiles. I thought if we are going to shoot for lib hard, we should be working citizens in the except for priest in cap and 2nd city engineer (even this is a serious maybe). And the cities that we will identify as birthing the 4 GS. What will happen if we get the GE from cap? then we have to get the GP again from the cap but it is much slower since there is only 1 slot available even with Phi and Pacifism. Even if we get GE from the 2nd city 1st, we can have enough GPP for the priest prebuilt that we can start getting the 2 GS out faster. We have to scout around for a city that can work the 2~3 fur tiles for us. So far depending on what we see, I think the 3rd city should claim iron or go between whales and corn.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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