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[Spoilers] Alhazard ruins a Renaissance fair

Revised turns

Edu should have 280b by now. Reassign to PP.
Missionary done and 2nd city grows. Assign to rice. Build warrior (archer?)

Real question here. With worker on horse, finish horse or farm SE of 2nd city to irrigate it?
I went ahead with irrigation.
Finish rice farm with workers on rice and SW of rice
Finish farm E of pigs with worker on horse

Adopt slavery
Whip capital off 2H PH tile.

Capital reassigned from horse to a 3/0/2. Spread religion. Start temple.
Worker SE of 2nd city can move back to horse and finish pasture
Workers from rice can move SW and road the 3f tile.
Worker from cap can move to marble tile.

Temple done. Dont forget to reassign citizen to priest. Build warrior (archer?) for garrison and start library aferwards.
2nd city grows to 3. assign to 3f farm
Worker on marble begin mining (1/5)
Worker on horse move E and farm (1/5) *Can be something else*
Workers on SE of 2nd city can road horse pasture (unless there is something else to improve like another food source for 2nd city)

Capital to size 4. Work 2nd 3/0/2 tile
2nd city grows to 4 and warrior done. Worker working forest iron, horse, pig, and rice
Worker on marble mining (2/5)
Worker on E of horse move to PH *must get this worker here by this turn*
2 other Workers on pasture can start camping eastern fur *Tentative*

Capital to size 5. Work fur tile if it is done
worker 2nd city from 4->3. whip off the 1/3/0 tile

Worker on marble mining (3/5)
Worker on PH mine (1/4)
Workers on complete camping fur NE of cap *Tentative*

Adopt Caste+Pacifism. GE done so we can start working a scientist in 2nd city now.

Should 2nd city at 3, work farm or horse? I am going with the farm since this city will run a lot of scientists and should priority food as much as possible out of caution.

Worker on marble mining (4/5)
Worker on PH mine (2/4)
Workers on camped fur start camping fur to W (2/4) *Tentative*
Worker from 2nd city to iron

Capitol grows to 6. Can work other fur now.

Worker on marble mining (5/5)
Worker on PH mine (3/4)
Workers on finish Western fur *Tentative*
Worker on iron mine (1/7)

Capitol grows to 7. work all resources plus two 4h mines for 29FH into setter.
2nd city grows to 4. work a 2/1/0 tile
Adjust slider to put close to as 280b as possible into PP

Worker on marble mine move to forest S,SW of cap.
Worker on PH mine (4/4)
Workers on western fur road eastern fur *Tentative*
Worker on iron mine (2/7)

2nd city grows to 5. Can't get to size next turn. Maybe the workers improving fur should have finished a farm 1st? Or work the horse instead of the 3f tile when it was available?
Should start settler next turn.

Worker on forest S,SW of cap chop (1/3)
Worker on PH move to said forest to chop next turn
Workers on eastern fur start cottaging tile 2N of cap? or finish farm E of horse in 2turns? or something else?
Worker on iron mine (3/7)
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Something seems bugged with the forums so here is a txt file
Pb35 micro
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Building another farm still doesnt get 2nd city to size 6 when it should start on a settler on T205. The advantage of delaying the worker whip in 2nd city so we can go 4->3 instead of 3->2 is an extra long bow and 4 more food in the box. I think this is worth it expecially if there is another food resource that we can improve instead of camps.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

overlooked that western fur is jungled so I guess I found where the extra 4 worker turns will go if we delay whips on 2nd city by 2 turns smoke
If we do decide to whip 2nd city on T197, the workers could build a cottage instead.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

yup no way to improve that fur while building 1st settler.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

DTG and ipecac when you see this I have 1 question for you. Should we even get this GE from 2nd city? This slows down lib ETA by 10 turns and we really dont need to run the engineer if we are going to be 4->3 whip the worker. Thanks.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Why would you run a citizen in your capital instead of an engineer? Its not like you get penalized for extra hammers?

Or did I read something wrong?
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

hmm did more sims and I am pretty sure that I can get lib by T236 even getting the GE so I take it back.

Lib ETA is T236
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

No this is correct to avoid polluting the GPP pool. We need the priest from the capital to bulb lib with after 2 scientists bulb Edu and PP.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Time to not panic and think this straight.

Ok for bulbing, we are going to run 5 scientists in 2nd city between T221-225 and T231-235 being at least size 6 (2 working 5 food tiles + 4 scientists + merc scientists. Assuming that we run 2 scientists through the library on T226-230, that is a total of 225+60+225 = 510GPP.

We need to get 2GS from this city (unless we have to starve capital to get 1) so need to get total of 270+360 = 630 GPP.
120/9 = 13.333. So need to sneak in 13 more pacifist scientist turns since we get 3 overflow from birthing GE. We are going to be running 10 scientists while in caste+pacifism by merc so need to sneak in just 3 more scientists likely during T211-215 while building library.

Probably need to look for other food rich cities to produce GS 3 and 4 to bulb SM, ideally cities 3 and 4. And yes those cities will run citizens when not running scientists.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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