As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] scooter peruses RB's Greatest Hits

How much of that 20 turns can we actually use though? I'm not talking about it being medieval and this being renaissance, I'm referring to the quick speed vs normal speed thing. I seem to remember that discounts and such are not kept at an exact ratio between the speeds, so doesn't that mean that there is a chance that we won't see the same disparity between pop growth and improvement rate? Note that I'm not arguing against more workers, I think that workers are absolutely critical, I'm just not sure how relevant that article is.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

You can do it with 6 workers instead, they are very cheap. It delays the first settler a bit as it is built on pop 4 instead of 2, with 1 more chop going to workers. It catches up slightly after settler 3 in my sims, 201, 202 and 206. I posted this sim to show fastest settler times with chops. Can not do much more without scouting info.

Re. Slavery, whipping workers can be worth it turns 1 and 2 as you get them ASAP but growing back means not building settlers/ workers which you can't really do until workers are out and food improved. If you do not whip the workers you can build them at pop 2 and work 2 hammer tiles with the capital which means that you get them really fast with only a forest or two. You should try a sim with serfdom where the second starts with work boat and all workers are built from the cap. That way it could start on it's settler earlier and switch food/hammer tiles with the capital when it is the caps turn to grow.

If you're not whipping early, perhaps you could skip slavery for pacifism early? With Pacifism & running 1 specialist + the Mercantilism specialist, you could get a GP in 7 turns and trigger a GA for a free slavery revolt.

When do you whip out the SA in the cap and does it matter early game?
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Long time no posts. Anything happening at the moment?
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Waiting for the map to be created, I believe. Hopefully sometime this week.

Hey scooter, if the game would get posted after you're out for this weekend, do you have any objection to one of us doing the two moves we agreed upon:

Quote:Are we mostly agreed on moving the explorer NW-NW and one of the settlers N-N to start? We can then post the resulting screenshot and discuss where to go from there.

Yes, definitely. This is the only thing I'm 100% certain on at this point.

That would let us start some of the planning / simulating in more detail. It's your call though, I don't think anyone wants to jump into the game and start moving units around without your say so. smile
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

(August 26th, 2016, 09:21)Sullla Wrote: Hey scooter, if the game would get posted after you're out for this weekend, do you have any objection to one of us doing the two moves we agreed upon:

Quote:Are we mostly agreed on moving the explorer NW-NW and one of the settlers N-N to start? We can then post the resulting screenshot and discuss where to go from there.

Yes, definitely. This is the only thing I'm 100% certain on at this point.

That would let us start some of the planning / simulating in more detail. It's your call though, I don't think anyone wants to jump into the game and start moving units around without your say so. smile

Yeah, totally good with this. If the game is live tonight before like 11ish, I'll jump in and do this, otherwise go for it. I'll have pretty good internet connectivity Saturday and Sunday via mobile, but I'll have much less Civ access.

Since the game was posted, I went ahead and made our pre-decided moves. Game password = "caesar" with no quotation marks.

[Image: RBPB35-1s.jpg]

Our starting moves revealed... nothing of interest. crazyeye Well, guess it's time to start doing some simulations. I'm glad that we held off on the heavy micro from the starting screenshot, since our land ended up getting horizontally swapped.

1370 land tiles = 228 per team. Pretty good size, enough for roughly 15 cities per team. Bigger map is obviously better for our team. Note as well that this is a Cylindrical map, which means that the northern jungle is the safe "backlines" here. (From the starting screenshot, I was expecting the opposite.) Perhaps slightly more incentive to make the pigs/iron city the capital?

[Image: RBPB35-2s.jpg]

Tech cost of Nationalism = 1801 beakers. That's the exact cost in the XML with no modifiers; I believe that's slightly cheaper than what we had in the Industrial game. Not exactly sure.
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So first off, the reversed starting position is really messing with my head. I'd gotten the old screenshot so firmly drilled into my brain. I suppose for map purposes it's a bit of a clue on the layout, but that's another discussion.

Yeah, so I'm really coming around on pigs/iron/rice/forests capital. From the light testing I did, I have a feeling it'll come out looking pretty good. I think the biggest question in testing is whether it's worth starting in Serfdom to take the "free" swap back to Slavery in the 3T anarchy plan as opposed to just taking the 1T and going without religion/HR for awhile. That decision pretty severely affects how we play the opening.

Anyway, I should have some time to do some testing tonight. We'll see what that turns up.

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