ReallyEvilMuffin: before I do a micro plan, if we are going with that extra settler t206 we need to decide which site it will go to
ReallyEvilMuffin: I think all the options are viable to the north of the cap
ReallyEvilMuffin: anything south doesnt have the tiles or worker support
Nicolae Carpathia: im not really sure, id really like to send him out east
ReallyEvilMuffin: to which site?
Nicolae Carpathia: we could overflow a worker from the settler
ReallyEvilMuffin: We have limited labour available
ReallyEvilMuffin: the site 6669 of barabur is possible, it does share the rice straight away
ReallyEvilMuffin: but we won't be in slavery
ReallyEvilMuffin: the filler spot 663 of the cap is also quite nice, although it would not be instantly connected
ReallyEvilMuffin: it could go south I suppose also as that worker that chopped will be down there, although that is uncontested land really
ReallyEvilMuffin: the issue is the eastern sites run out of good tiles fast
Nicolae Carpathia: oh interesting, it looks like we can overflow *2* workers from the capital after the settler whip
ReallyEvilMuffin: and share with a city that is sharing a lot
Nicolae Carpathia: if we interweave a temple build
ReallyEvilMuffin: the second settler whip or the first one?
Nicolae Carpathia: the second settler whip, overflow into a worker, then build a temple, then overflow into a 2nd worker
ReallyEvilMuffin: could do that
ReallyEvilMuffin: I think in that situation going south is the right call
ReallyEvilMuffin: it has much better tiles
ReallyEvilMuffin: and is safer
ReallyEvilMuffin: we get banana and horses straight away if we put it where I suggest
ReallyEvilMuffin: and it can go commerce or hammer no issues
Nicolae Carpathia: as for worker moves: i suggest that the iron worker puts 1 turn into a road 7 of the iron, then moves onto the north banana jungle, and chops away
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes that was my best effort
ReallyEvilMuffin: and the other 2 move to the deer 9 of the other new city and improve that
Nicolae Carpathia: for the east-northern worker, puts 1 turn into a road towards the new city site
Nicolae Carpathia: the east-southern worker puts a turn into a camp (needs another 2 serfdom turns to finish it), then moves onto BD, then completes the road
Nicolae Carpathia: after the northern city is settled and clears the jungle a worker moves onto the deer and starts roading it
Nicolae Carpathia: the 2nd worker finishes it when serfdom comes in
Nicolae Carpathia: i quite like this plan, it feels quite elegant
ReallyEvilMuffin: settle south with the other settler?
Nicolae Carpathia: one option is to settle the gold-clams city, chop out a workboat
Nicolae Carpathia: i think its safe to play the worker turns and whip now, and decide on the next city over the next day or so
ReallyEvilMuffin: wait a sec
ReallyEvilMuffin: with that worker actions
Nicolae Carpathia: havent moved, dont worry
Nicolae Carpathia: another suggestion: we put BD's overflow into a library instead of a temple, just in case some jerk steals the AP from us
Nicolae Carpathia: actually, countermand that, library is too slow to build, and temple is too valuable if we can get it out
ReallyEvilMuffin: ok im sold, lets start to camp the ivory
Nicolae Carpathia: awesome
ReallyEvilMuffin: but before ending turn
Nicolae Carpathia: ok, first camp, then slave
ReallyEvilMuffin: make sure cap is working horses/whale/corn
ReallyEvilMuffin: in the sim it keeps wanting to work the cottage
ReallyEvilMuffin: unless manually changed
Nicolae Carpathia: so this will hit size 6 on the turn AP completes?
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
Nicolae Carpathia: ok, ill stick to your plan
ReallyEvilMuffin: then 1 turn working the settler
ReallyEvilMuffin: then whipping 6-3
Nicolae Carpathia: the overflowed worker moves 13, immediately starts chopping
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
ReallyEvilMuffin: that chop will come in on the 1 turn of working the settler
Nicolae Carpathia: finishes chopping the turn we start the settler, lets us immediately 3-pop whip
ReallyEvilMuffin: the iron worker goes 7, roads, then straight to the banana and chops it
ReallyEvilMuffin: the other workers move up slowly to the other city to improve the northern deer
ReallyEvilMuffin: so the one worker puts a turn onto the ivory, then moves into barabur
Nicolae Carpathia: allow the city to clear the jungle before moving worker B onto the deer
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
Nicolae Carpathia: ok, lets start!
ReallyEvilMuffin: the other worker moves up 7, putting 1turn of road into each tile as it moves
ReallyEvilMuffin: oh note the sim is 5 culture behind in barabur for some reason
Nicolae Carpathia: ill keep that in mind
ReallyEvilMuffin: it means we get the other deer a turn earlier
Nicolae Carpathia: ok, moved, whipped
Nicolae Carpathia: BD works: iron and pigs
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
Nicolae Carpathia: cap works: horses, whales, corn
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
ReallyEvilMuffin: then as turn rolls, worker to banana
ReallyEvilMuffin: other worker 7 and roads
Nicolae Carpathia: and slooowwwly chops
![frown frown](
ReallyEvilMuffin: other worker 77 into barabur
ReallyEvilMuffin: yup
Nicolae Carpathia: wish we had the christo redentor lol
Nicolae Carpathia: what should we do with the eastern longbow? move into BD or capital, or sentry out east?
ReallyEvilMuffin: move into borders
Nicolae Carpathia: oh neat, saves a gold
ReallyEvilMuffin: also move that warrior NW of barabur back into borders, the Northern LB will reach the city site in time
Nicolae Carpathia: done
Nicolae Carpathia: what about western warrior? keep as a sentry?
Nicolae Carpathia: i think the other LB can garrison the banana city
ReallyEvilMuffin: I think he could go nicely on that choke mountain out west
ReallyEvilMuffin: lots of warning for anything going on there
Nicolae Carpathia: ok
Nicolae Carpathia: ok, cap working horses, corn, whales, BD working iron, pigs
Nicolae Carpathia: end turn
Nicolae Carpathia: what a critical turn
ReallyEvilMuffin: yes
ReallyEvilMuffin: did you whip both cities?
Nicolae Carpathia: of course
Nicolae Carpathia: both settlers are out
ReallyEvilMuffin: civstats only shows one whip
ReallyEvilMuffin: odd
Nicolae Carpathia: size 3 and 2
Nicolae Carpathia: weird, maybe i whipped them too fast together
ReallyEvilMuffin: yeah that happened to me once
Nicolae Carpathia: and the tracker couldnt parse it lol
Nicolae Carpathia: if it fucks with the other players trying to demoread then lmao
ReallyEvilMuffin: top to bottom in one go