chumchu, Cheater Hater and I are playing a teaching game of Through the Ages online, with discussion on these forums. The discussion is more about strategy than explaining the rules though, so I thought I might take the time to explain the game, and hopefully convince a few other people to give it a whirl. It's one of the best boardgames ever made, and it's completely free to play asynchronously online, so what is there to lose?
I will aim to alternate description of the game as it progresses with rules explanations so you can see each in the context of the other. If you want to read the full rules rather than get them piecemeal, they're available direct from the publisher.
I'm going to have to start with a bit of a rules dump, for obvious reasons. Please feel free to ask questions, especially where things aren't clear.
So, what is Through the Ages?
It's a board game inspired by Civilization. There are quite a few of those (not to mention a board game that inspired the computer game in the first place), but this one's special, mostly because they removed the map! In practice, this means the designer (the legendary Vlaada Chvátil) has been able to squeeze much more strategic depth into the game without having to worry about all the tactical considerations of moving armies around, choosing settling locations etc. These things can be great for a computer game, but they really dilute the experience if you have to squeeze them into the length of a board game. You may think this all makes it nothing much like Civ, but there's a surprising amount of flavour in there.
What site are we playing on?
The rather strangely named (TtA is the only game it provides), aka BGO. The interface is good, if not particularly pretty, and it's largely stable. It's all browser-based so can be used on a mobile. There are one or two bugs floating around, but not much in the way of game-breakers.
Right, it's time for a picture of the interface:
![[Image: InitialSetup.png]](
So, what's going on here? Let's start at the bottom right with the area that represents your civilization:
![[Image: CivArea.png]](
Agriculture, Bronze, Philosophy, Religion and Warrior are your starting techs. They produce nothing by themselves though, you need people to work on them. Accordingly, you start with two people each working on your farms and mines, one philosopher and a warrior. You also start with one unemployed citizen, who is up in the worker pool. (In the real-life boardgame version, all of these are represented by yellow cylinders, but the website gives you little graphics instead.)
Let's look at how the economy works.
Your employed citizens [representing both population and the infrastructure and buildings to support their work] produce something determined by the technology card they are standing on. Your citizens on agriculture produce 1 food each per turn, your bronze miners 1 resource each per turn and your philosopher 1 science per turn. The warrior provides 1 military strength (this is a constant thing, not per turn). There isn't have a worker in religion, but if there were it would produce 1 culture per turn and 1 happy face (again, a constant thing). Later in the game, you will be able to discover more advanced technologies which will make your citizens much more productive.
![[Image: BlueBank.png]](
At the top of the civilization section is the bank of blue tokens (aka the blue bank). While science and culture are stored off on their own tracks, your food and resources are represented by blue tokens. At the end of the turn, these are taken from the bank and placed onto the farm and mine cards, one per worker on the card. They will return to the blue bank when spent. You can't just save up indefinitely though: at the end of the turn, before producing anything, you need to check for corruption. The blue bank is divided into sections: you lose the amount of resources depicted to the left of the rightmost empty section, effectively 2 resources per empty section. You income is only 2 resources per turn right now though, so that's a pretty big deal. As long as you spend most of your food and resources each turn, you won't have a problem.
Later farm and mine technologies produce more food and resources, but these are still represented by one blue token, it's just that a blue token on those cards is worth more. Hence later farms and mines are extremely valuable just for the ability to store up some resources without going corrupt.
![[Image: YellowBank.png]](
Looking below the blue bank, just above the technologies, we have the bank of yellow tokens (aka the yellow bank). This represents territory you can expand into, which you do by spending food to increase your population. This moves a yellow token from the right of the bank to the pool of unused workers. The food cost is listed below the column of tokens; this goes up gradually. [You can think of this as the first new cities going in lovely sites with abundant food, while later ones fit into increasingly more marginal locations.]
Also in the yellow bank area is your entertainment meter. When a section of the box is empty, your population has grown enough to need entertainment. Once the first two spots are empty, you need to provide one happy face, after four more, another, then one for every two places emptied beyond that. For each happy face you don't supply, you have a discontent worker who refuses to work. If they reside in the unused worker pool, this isn't a major problem. If you attempt to put them to work anyway, there are very nasty effects. The little orange cube is on the zero space of the entertainment meter as we have no happy faces yet. It will move to the left as we gain them.
Finally in the yellow bank, there is consumption. This works much like corruption except that it is paid from your new production rather than taken from what's left at the end of the turn. It starts at 0, but when the first section of yellow tokens is empty, you start having to pay one food per turn, just to keep them fed (again, if you can't afford this, very bad things happen). And the consumption continues to increase the larger your population.
So it's easy enough to expand population early on, but before too long food costs go up, net food production goes down, and you need to invest into entertaining your new citizens too. This is all really expensive, but you're not going to be able to play a one-city challenge here! The thing to take away from this is that population is a very limited resource, so you're going to have to make what population you do have much more efficient through advanced technology.
Right, that's the economy covered, and if the word snowball has come to mind, you're very much on the right track, though there are lots of brakes and bottlenecks to stop you running away too hard. On to round 1 and the card row. Well, it should be Turn 0 really, but the game refers to it as 1, so it'll only get confusing later if I don't do the same.
chumchu, Cheater Hater and I are playing a teaching game of Through the Ages online, with discussion on these forums. The discussion is more about strategy than explaining the rules though, so I thought I might take the time to explain the game, and hopefully convince a few other people to give it a whirl. It's one of the best boardgames ever made, and it's completely free to play asynchronously online, so what is there to lose?
I will aim to alternate description of the game as it progresses with rules explanations so you can see each in the context of the other. If you want to read the full rules rather than get them piecemeal, they're available direct from the publisher.
I'm going to have to start with a bit of a rules dump, for obvious reasons. Please feel free to ask questions, especially where things aren't clear.
So, what is Through the Ages?
It's a board game inspired by Civilization. There are quite a few of those (not to mention a board game that inspired the computer game in the first place), but this one's special, mostly because they removed the map! In practice, this means the designer (the legendary Vlaada Chvátil) has been able to squeeze much more strategic depth into the game without having to worry about all the tactical considerations of moving armies around, choosing settling locations etc. These things can be great for a computer game, but they really dilute the experience if you have to squeeze them into the length of a board game. You may think this all makes it nothing much like Civ, but there's a surprising amount of flavour in there.
What site are we playing on?
The rather strangely named (TtA is the only game it provides), aka BGO. The interface is good, if not particularly pretty, and it's largely stable. It's all browser-based so can be used on a mobile. There are one or two bugs floating around, but not much in the way of game-breakers.
Right, it's time for a picture of the interface:
![[Image: InitialSetup.png]](
So, what's going on here? Let's start at the bottom right with the area that represents your civilization:
![[Image: CivArea.png]](
Agriculture, Bronze, Philosophy, Religion and Warrior are your starting techs. They produce nothing by themselves though, you need people to work on them. Accordingly, you start with two people each working on your farms and mines, one philosopher and a warrior. You also start with one unemployed citizen, who is up in the worker pool. (In the real-life boardgame version, all of these are represented by yellow cylinders, but the website gives you little graphics instead.)
Let's look at how the economy works.
Your employed citizens [representing both population and the infrastructure and buildings to support their work] produce something determined by the technology card they are standing on. Your citizens on agriculture produce 1 food each per turn, your bronze miners 1 resource each per turn and your philosopher 1 science per turn. The warrior provides 1 military strength (this is a constant thing, not per turn). There isn't have a worker in religion, but if there were it would produce 1 culture per turn and 1 happy face (again, a constant thing). Later in the game, you will be able to discover more advanced technologies which will make your citizens much more productive.
- Food is solely used, unsurprisingly, to generate new citizens.
- Resources are mainly spent to turn your unemployed workers into productive citizens. They can also be used to build wonders.
- Science is used to pay for new technologies.
- Culture is victory points.
- Happy faces are used to entertain your population (more on this in a moment).
- Military strength is used for, well, size comparisons with other players (but not for a bit yet).
![[Image: BlueBank.png]](
At the top of the civilization section is the bank of blue tokens (aka the blue bank). While science and culture are stored off on their own tracks, your food and resources are represented by blue tokens. At the end of the turn, these are taken from the bank and placed onto the farm and mine cards, one per worker on the card. They will return to the blue bank when spent. You can't just save up indefinitely though: at the end of the turn, before producing anything, you need to check for corruption. The blue bank is divided into sections: you lose the amount of resources depicted to the left of the rightmost empty section, effectively 2 resources per empty section. You income is only 2 resources per turn right now though, so that's a pretty big deal. As long as you spend most of your food and resources each turn, you won't have a problem.
Later farm and mine technologies produce more food and resources, but these are still represented by one blue token, it's just that a blue token on those cards is worth more. Hence later farms and mines are extremely valuable just for the ability to store up some resources without going corrupt.
![[Image: YellowBank.png]](
Looking below the blue bank, just above the technologies, we have the bank of yellow tokens (aka the yellow bank). This represents territory you can expand into, which you do by spending food to increase your population. This moves a yellow token from the right of the bank to the pool of unused workers. The food cost is listed below the column of tokens; this goes up gradually. [You can think of this as the first new cities going in lovely sites with abundant food, while later ones fit into increasingly more marginal locations.]
Also in the yellow bank area is your entertainment meter. When a section of the box is empty, your population has grown enough to need entertainment. Once the first two spots are empty, you need to provide one happy face, after four more, another, then one for every two places emptied beyond that. For each happy face you don't supply, you have a discontent worker who refuses to work. If they reside in the unused worker pool, this isn't a major problem. If you attempt to put them to work anyway, there are very nasty effects. The little orange cube is on the zero space of the entertainment meter as we have no happy faces yet. It will move to the left as we gain them.
Finally in the yellow bank, there is consumption. This works much like corruption except that it is paid from your new production rather than taken from what's left at the end of the turn. It starts at 0, but when the first section of yellow tokens is empty, you start having to pay one food per turn, just to keep them fed (again, if you can't afford this, very bad things happen). And the consumption continues to increase the larger your population.
So it's easy enough to expand population early on, but before too long food costs go up, net food production goes down, and you need to invest into entertaining your new citizens too. This is all really expensive, but you're not going to be able to play a one-city challenge here! The thing to take away from this is that population is a very limited resource, so you're going to have to make what population you do have much more efficient through advanced technology.
Right, that's the economy covered, and if the word snowball has come to mind, you're very much on the right track, though there are lots of brakes and bottlenecks to stop you running away too hard. On to round 1 and the card row. Well, it should be Turn 0 really, but the game refers to it as 1, so it'll only get confusing later if I don't do the same.