Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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This is gonna be good: von Adlercreutz and Taotao

Yay, I'm a Battleship! jive

IIRC, Base BTS the Paratrooper cannot attack after dropping (I remember being very disappointed about this in PBEM1), but it /can/ capture an empty city. Not sure what changes Krill made for this mod version though.

Ship ahoy wink


It’s a bit funny that Dreylin and Rowain would comment here last turn as they both saw some action this turn.

First off REM tried to use his small naval stack on me last turn.
He managed to pick off poor Ceilazul, but his battleship lost against Haram and after wards Dreylin singlehandedly defeated two frigates and one destroyer.
When I opened up the turn REM had positioned himself somewhat like this:

There’s a few things that can be glanced from the picture, but let’s start with the ships.
I’d really like to pick off that destroyer that killed Ceil, but unless I go through a city and those other ships that’s 7 moves…
Luckily I had left Rowain unpromoted at 5xp and now he got his chance:
the Rowain vs (6/30) c2 destroyer (>99,9%)… Flawless Win 1hit after reload

REM might have more ships in the fog/newly produced, but let’s try to get any kills I can shall we?

the Dreylin (inj c2) vs c2 destroyer (53,7%)… WIN! (only 1 hit)
ok, that was perhaps slightly careless, but as I had backup it felt worth it and now Dreylin has 10xp and I can cover him slightly with another battleship.

For completeness I of course also kill the frigate:
the Pocketbeetle vs nav1 frigate ((>99,9%)… Win (1hit)

Apart from possibly disturbing REMs island supply lines, I’m hoping that these actions will help CH if he decides to go for the island (fingers crossed…)

Ok, I’m sidetracking, but I should probably mention: Dtay declared war on CH 1/a couple of turns ago and took back the island cities Gav had captured. This had the potential of getting dtay&CH out of mine&REMs picture, but the cities were always going to be totally indefensible due to culture and CH&dtay have already made peace this turn, so I can still hope for a CH intervention...

Just north of that last screenshot lies the 1-tile city-island of Istanbul.
That is indeed the city REM captured from me last turn.
I lost a guerrilla rifle on defense + 1EI, 1cr3 infantry and 2 airships. REM didn’t really loses anything as far as I remember, but gained visibility.

However, this turn I sent a battleship to slightly deal with the intrusion:
the Haram vs nav1 transport (98%)… Win! (1hit)
Sadly he didn’t have any more units loaded on the ship, but I didn’t want to deal with the risk if he had so…

Close by to the north there was also a REM destroyer severely gimping the freedom of my EI movement…
the El Grillo vs c2 destroyer (64%)… Lucky Win! (5hits)

I said ”lucky” win as I only had EIs as follow up in range this turn and El Grillo took 5 hits before he started his own streak.

So, what else can be gleaned from the picture?
Well, REM sadly reinforced Kursk really well.
I had 3 tanks, 5 cavs and 1 knight outside the city, but against that combo of 8 units and with hill and cultural defenses in place I would’ve come up terribly short. It’s not so much that I couldn’t attack into the units, only that I’d need 2-3 times more unless it’s going to turn into a one sided affair. I actually need to be really careful here and probably send more units to the island or REM could start reconquering his old cities at an alarming rate. For now I decided that my best course of action was to pillage railroads on the two hills I had units, grab (and delete) REMs western worker and retreat a tile for now. I’ll try to get more tanks over (and a couple of cannons for collateral), but overall this is still a very volatile area.

One final thing from the screenshot:
REM killed my cab on ”resource island” with a c4 tank.
This is both good news and bad (mostly bad).
Bad news is that REM can get 17xp on units in a city of his.
Good news is that when the tank was created he doesn’t seem to have realized that with a military academy and going up the drill line, those 17xp could be commandoes…

Speaking of…
I’ve got my first commando capable tank in range of Novgorod now. I still need some railroads for it to work and my workers aren’t in position yet, but lately REMs been keeping 3-5 units in the city at all times, so I believe I need to wait for that number of commandoes before it’s worth bringing up the workers… (I’m currently producing about 3 tanks every 4 turns in my WP city, but there’s a fair few turns of transport before they’re in position as well).

So, no commandoes yet, but that shouldn’t keep me from all fun should it?

This was a couple of turns back.
I had gotten a great general generated on Replot island and was a bit miffed at my troubles at getting him (safely) to the main continent. Well, instead of settling him in my HE city I decided to go for another approach and gave two EIs nav2-possibility, 3 marines a second promotion and one 2xp musket had the honour of merging with the general himself.

Last turn I had upgraded the musket to an infantry and this turn his ship boldly set sail towards the Russian coastline.
Not spying any enemy right at the shore, the general jumped off the ship just outside the city of Rostov.
Once ashore an encouraging speech was held and suddenly the men weren’t as tired as just a moment ago.
Rostov was defended by a lone battalion of spearmen and we all know how it goes if attacking a spear with a(n) tank infantry right?

c1 (morale) infantry vs c1 spear (99,9%)… WIN!

It’s not as good as burning for instance Moscow, Novgorod or even Kursk, but it’s still a very well developed city with a few towns and other strong tiles. Now I’m just hoping that I’ll find a similarly good use for the EIs…
Like, if they’d been in Samara this turn I could’ve burnt Commodores ex-capital of Saradash…  
Also, I really hope I’ll get in a strong commando strike eventually…

Sadly, while I landed a good blow on REM, that doesn’t seem to have been the most influential battle this turn.
On REMs turn I lost 47! points.
That could be fairly catastrophic. The one place that immediately springs to mind NE-city Palva.
Not only is it 2t from generating the third GP to my 4-man GA, it also hosts my largest northern army including almost all my navy in the area…
Other alternative (if he has enough commandoes) could be my Ironworks city of Alavo. Certainly not a great prospect either…
Actually, considering the magnitude of the drop in points I might have to hope for it being Sandöström. My largest city, fully developed and boasting Wall Street.
well I guess it could only be expected that eventually he’s find a hole in my defenses...
Played in PB27

Ok, I believe I owe a short update on REMs actions last turn.

Basically I was hit by the full Sirian doctrine up north at my NE-city Palva.

I had a couple of fighters on intercept duty, but after they’d tried to do their job, REM simply had an overwhelming airforce still in attacking range. End result is REM winning 17 consecutive battles and burning down my city.

Now, this is terrible news in itself (I believe I’ve mentioned that I was planning on getting the last two GP for my last golden age from here?), but that’s actually the least of my worries.

Inside the city was basically my entire northern fleet (something like 18 battleships and 6 EIs, plus some old extra stuff). Stupidly I also had some marines loaded on ships that could’ve prevented the raze last turn…

I didn’t really have the energy to fully assess the situation last turn (feeling also slightly stressed about holding up the turn) and I was planning on moving out the entire fleet this turn to pressure REM. Surely not much could change in one turn…
Now, the rest of the island is REMs to take if he only dares to (he probably will). The rest of the cities are very lightly defended (since I had had to pull troops to Palva for some time) and the fleet I was counting on to obliterate any advanced threat of REM simply doesn’t exist anymore.

When this realization first dawned on me, I was actually considering conceding for a good while, but for now at least I play on. Before this I would say that I’ve gotten the clearly better deal out of this war, but the loss of Palva probably makes us about even and I count on the follow up favouring REM unless he’s way too cautious or something. Really I’ll need a good commando raze or something quickly to get back into the game.

One very positive thing that happened though was that Donovan finally agreed to open borders with me. On top of that he also declared war on REM!
Without the Palva situation this would’ve meant an invitation to really strike at REM through DZ/BGN lands. Now, sadly I’ll need to pull most troops west to defend my coastal cities, but I have sent a small company of tanks (9 or so) to show my support to DZ and take whatever opportunities may arise in the Northeast.
Played in PB27

Wow, dtay has gone awol and now mackoti seems like he might take over.

I still need to do something along the lines of razing Novgorod for REM not to win, 
but if I do, 
then we're closing in on the point where REM and I have hurt each other enough that dtay mackoti has a real chance of sneaking in a victory.
And I've got a terribly long and exposed border to mack...
Played in PB27


Bobbie was scared. Ohdear
While he had been around almost since the very beginning of the nation, never had he experienced a situation like this.
There had been wars yes.
First against fierce animals, later against Zulus, Incans and Englishmen.
Those had been wars were one defended for survival or attacked to gain ground though.
This war felt different.
The emperor was said to have gone insane smoke  and sent out Finlands finest in what seemed like haphazard suicide missions.
Only on the rare occasion came reports on actual cities claimed for the empire jive . Other “victories” entailed presumable “enemy bases” being lit on fire. On fire  
Meanwhile Palva, once the cultural pride of the empire, had gone up into smoke.
Not only that, but last year six other cities in the empire simply had stopped responding to any calls. How could the jolly merchants of Sandöström stop talking calls? Bobbie had it from safe sources that a year ago they even made deals while in their sleep. And now? Silence… Iiam

Last year Bobbie had been stationed in the vicinity of Alavo. That had felt good. Being near such a prime example of Finno-dutch industrialism can do nothing but fill you with pride. bow Now, however, he’s being ordered further north.
The north has been a no-go zone ever since the war began. It was said that the ruins of Virta hosted spirits that would eat your soul. plub  Still, an order is an order and north he goes.
On freshly laid tracks the railway carriages rolls onward, past Virta, and here and there Bobbie notices signs indicating an ever-decreasing distance to the Russian border. Why aren’t they stopping? Bobbie is otherwise all about improving every last speck of Finnish soil, but when would anyone get any use from this land, the closest city is leagues away?
Finally the train rolls to a halt and Bobbie gets off.
Only to look at…
…the Border…

…and his foreman telling him to keep laying tracks in North-Easterly direction?

After a year of hard work the rails are finished and Bobbie barely has time to get out of the way before the first tank thunders past.
A look of mean determination is in the crews eyes, but Bobbie gets no reply as to their mission.
Another tank thunders past. An even grimmer look in their eyes, but still no reply. shhh
In total five tanks passes Bobbie, the last two bearing the flag of General Mannerheim, but as to their doings Bobbie hears not a word. He’s just about to go to rest for the evening when suddenly about half of his worker comrades seem to go berserk, pick up their shovels and starts killing their mates! butcher2
Bobbie’s panicking. What is happening?!!
Played in PB27


What really* happened.
*As approved by the Finno-dutch bureau of public relations, counter-intelligence and deception.

Let’s not talk about t209.

Or well, let’s.

I knew that REM could easily take my remaining three cities on the Replot island. Depressing, but just the facts of life at this point. I couldn’t take any of his cities myself, but I did set up to threaten a couple for next turn (mainly putting just about my entire southern navy on a spot forking three coastal mainland cities of REM).
Looking at civstats I could, however, notice not 3, but 4… 5… 6 cities being lost on REMs part of the turn.
Disaster scenarios running through my head, this wasn’t a fun period. Everything was made worse from the fact that I actually thought I had covered all (other) bases, and now obviously I had made a big mistake somewhere. Still, it ain’t over until the fat lady has sung, and so far I don’t think she’s even begun to warm up.
So, what did I see when I logged in? Well, let’s start with the disaster that is the Replot island. Only a few turns back this island hosted no less than 98 Finno-dutch citizens. Today the sole survivors are 11 citizens in Grönvikssund, all under Russian occupation.

Just about every city of mine on the Northwestern coast is making battleships, but it takes time to budge the power differentials in the area and for the moment I can’t do much more than taking the odd crapshoot if he’d move up positions further.

Where else did he take cities?
Well, last turn I had moved forward my troops on the SE island to hopefully (finally) take out REMs forbidden palace city of Kursk. Due to some Russian galleons I needed to keep lots of troops in Staraya Russia, but otherwise my garrisons were between paper thin to non-existant. I don’t yet know exactly how he did it, but at least he seem to have unloaded one galleon in the Mali city of Djenne and used neutral territory plus old Russian territory on recapture to raze Frostkåge and take back Pskov and Suzdal.

The above picture was taken about half way into my turn. As you can see, I actually did manage to take Kursk. REM had decided to evacuate most troops to Archangelsk and left were an infantry, a rifle and one newly produced anti-tank.
b1 cannon vs (16,4/20) G1 infantry (2,7%)…LOSS (3hits)
c2pinch cav vs (12,6/14) c1 rifle (44,4%)… WIN! (1hit)
c3 cav vs (12,6/14) anti-tank (73,8%)… LOSS (2hits)
tank vs (6,7/14) anti-tank (96,3%)…WIN! (3hits)
tank vs (9,2/20) g1 infantry (97,3%)… WIN! (2hits)
In retrospect I believe I made a mistake in keeping the city. My thinking at the time was that I couldn’t replant inland and that I could do with a port for my ships in the area to hide, but really, I can’t afford to keep a big enough garrison in here, so the city should have been set aflame.
Later in the turn I proceed to take back Pskov (5 turns anarchy again!) and took out the stray units. Left are 3 units in/around Suzdal and several workers, but I don’t really have vision on all possible attack angles for REM…

That’s all fine… or well, decent. What was Bobbies story all about then?

6 workers of mine have slowly made their way up north during the last few turns. This turn they resulted in 3 pieces of railroad being built (thanks serfdom!). Then it was time for my 3 commando capable tanks in the area to go up against the three defenders my airship had spotted in Novgorod.
d4commando tank vs cg1 rifle (60,7%)…LOSS (4hits)
d4commando tank vs d1tank (75,8%)…LOSS (3hits)
d4commando tank vs (11,2/28)d1 tank (99,9%) Flawless WIN!
Not the results I was hoping for.
However, last turn I had received a great general in Jutas and by (moving him 13 tiles and) merging him with two 7xp (free drill 1) tanks I had in Pulkkila I eventually was able to do this:

Leading to:

I’m back in the game!! dancing jive twirl  twirl  jive  dancing

- No Pentagon means 1 less promotion on most units REM produce from here on.

- No Statue of Liberty means something in the order of 40 less (representation) specialists for REM each turn!

- No Rock n roll means REM will have more trouble in managing his happiness situation.

- Even more so since he’s had Eiffel (I believe you get to keep your broadcast towers even if you lose Eiffel, but I’m not entirely sure). Personally I’m fielding 6 war weary citizens in my bigger cities, so this could be a thing.

- And finally, Novgorod was REMs best production city. Any new city he plants on that spot won’t be at equal capacity in time for space ships. He’s got “back up” production cities (like Vladivostok) that still will be better than my own Alavo, but it’ll be a closer call and he’ll also have to spend extra hammers on Ironworks and so on.
Played in PB27

Nicely done!

hatsoff Woo, nice!

Back in the game indeed. nod

Good job!

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