As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Um. I'd probably change the item power to just grant pathfinder, mostly because stacking abilities on heroes is already common enough. No need for a common ability power to also add lots of stats.

(September 19th, 2016, 14:47)Nelphine Wrote: Um. I'd probably change the item power to just grant pathfinder, mostly because stacking abilities on heroes is already common enough. No need for a common ability power to also add lots of stats.

It requires you to Chaos Channel the hero though, don't think people do that often. It makes the hero vulnerable to a whole lot of save or die effects (although it's safe if you have like, 14+ resistance)

Um. True I was thinking more to Torin who I believe starts fantastic.

No o think I'm still on the side of no. If someone wants it they can just cast actual land linking. But I'm not super against it.

Colossus with survival instinct, landlinking, elemental armor and water walking vs 8 draconians (mix of bowmen, halberdiers, swordsmen).

Draconians start by casting prayer, then dispel magic twice (getting rid of all buffs on colossus), then one holy armor.

None of the draconians have more than 6 in any attack or ranged or breath or armor. No warlord or tactician, no globals except just cause.

Colossus recasts elemental armor (dispelled again) and gets completely destroyed (I think it almost killed one bowman unit with the two ranged attacks it got before dying, and did nothing significant with counterattacks. Yes it moved forward instead of kiting, big mistake, but I honestly didn't think it was needed).

I feel like wtf. I know city troops are strong, but I feel like a very rare summon should be able to reliably kill them, especially with a rare global directly supporting them. Admittedly the colossus should have webbed everything, but why are draconian halberdiers (without any offensive buffs aside from prayer) destroying a colossus? Why are bowman able to effectively hurt it from 7 tiles away?

Edit: having written this, I've now thought about the math. I simply don't understand what happened. Aside from assuming worst luck ever, how is this even possible??

(November 9th, 2016, 10:17)Nelphine Wrote: Edit: having written this, I've now thought about the math. I simply don't understand what happened. Aside from assuming worst luck ever, how is this even possible??

I suspect the wizard had Guardian on top of casting prayer. Or maybe other global buffs you didn't notice, for example they might have been fantastic (from doom mastery) and backed up by their own survival instinct. Or had Holy Arms.
Did you actually check their stats? If they had like, +4 to hit from various sources, that's enough to damage a 12 armor unit pretty well. Prayer and magic weapons are already plus 2.

Yeah I checked their stats. Literally, only global in play is Just Cause and my Survival Instincts. We were fighting on a Tower. They definitely had magic weapons, and some might have had holy weapon but most didn't have any buffs at all. But even then, with only 6 attack strength (most had less than 6!), that shouldn't even do damage for most figures, even with +3 to hit. (6 attack, +6 to hit, average 4 hits, 13 armor due to survival instincts, should negate all 4 hits). Bowmen only have str 5 attacks, so if they had +4 to hit (+1 prayer, +1 magic weapons, -1 range), they should only hit 2 or 3 times, and that shouldn't get through the armor of a colossus until suppression really kicks in (does suppression even kick in with ranged attacks?)

On offense - a str 25 attack with +4 to hit should do 17-18 hits; against 4-6 armor (armor piercing, so 2-3 armor, block 1 hit per figure) that should completely wipe a unit every time the colossus attacks or counterattacks - even on halberdiers.

I don't get it.

Not that it mattered i was going to lose the game anyway. Researching my 5th very rare spell (halflings/9 nature/specialist/conjuror/sagemaster), he didn't even have a rare spell yet, I had more spell casting power, but I had no army, and nothing nature has can effectively deal with 9 doom drakes running around except mass summons - again I was trying to make summons work, and I just can't get them fast enough to use as city garrisons.

Gorgons should do pretty well against Doom Drakes...

Sure any combat you can get the doom drakes to commit to fight your gorgons, you'll win (of course, I thought my colossus would beat halberdiers and bowmen too). But they aren't as fast, so unless you can get the source of the doom drakes, you need to have gorgons in all your cities (i have over 20) - and that's too expensive (for reference, I only have about 210 power production that isn't research, even though I can research regeneration in 9 turns.)

Surely the AI isn't near *all* of your cities? You've gotta be able to skimp somewhere.

And are you not even using normal units for city garrisons? That seems pretty extreme. I think of a summons-centric strategy as mostly using summons for *offense* while still relying on mostly city troops for garrisons. You simply don't have enough casting skill to pump that many units otherwise... maybe that works for Skeletons, but not War Bears. Your goal seems impossible to me...

Are you using Spiders much? They're a very strong unit with LL & SI, move as fast as Drakes, and their Web would be really helpful in battle them too.

Nah, I figured if i could get very rares super fast, I could just banish the enemy. But the idea was to try to win with summons doing all the important goals - lairs/nodes/neutrals (I did conquer all the neutral cities on the plane with one great lizard by about 1404 - he was summoned by 1402), enemy cities. The doom drakes just move too fast - if I put gorgons in a city near them, they just attacked a different city, and my Gorgons can't keep up with them.

Anyway, you are correct, my goal simply didn't work. Summons can't clear nodes/lairs fast enough to get enough power, to summon enough, to garrison enough cities that I can research very rares that fast. (Seriously, I think its about 1411, and I'm on my 5th very rare research - if I wasn't going to lose, I imagine this would be the absolute fastest SoM ever.)

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