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Turn 201 update continued






Turn 201 update part 3 (system gets stuck after some uploads and I have to do a new post)



Turn 232 VICTORY

Not much happened in the next 30 turns, I kept on pressing enter, saw my tourists rise and in turn 232 I hit the magic number.




Thoughts on the cultural victory

I have since played another game on emperor difficulty/pangea and won a tourism victory with France this time. Here are some thoughts.

1. Kongo seems really strong for this type of victory due to the extra great work slots and the food/production/gold it gets from them.

2. Wonders are not that important, yet on the emperor game with France I found some wonders to be key like the Eiffel Tower that increased appeal in my tiles and my tourist output skyrocketed in a few turns. 

3. Tile appeal matters alot, so you have to check where you place your tourist generating buildings.

4. Trade routes with other civs help, I did not know it at the time I played this game so made no effort to create any.

5. The theming of art and archeology display gives a very nice boost, it is important to pay attention to it and try to achieve it, although there is a luck factor involved and you cannot always control it.

6. Beeline to Tourism bonus civics is obviously important and there are 3 of them (all economic). I was completely unaware of their existence in this game.

7. In lower difficulty levels a few cities will do but in higher you need many cities to have many theater districts.

8. There are some broken great people especially in later eras, like a great engineer that makes industrial districts generate toursim.

9. Naturalists and parks help as well although you need faith to purchase them and unless you conquer ai cities that generate faith it is not worth it to build the buildings yourself, hammers are better spend elsewhere and you also need a city near a natural wonder to use them anyway

10. Overall the biggest output of tourism will come from theater districts, so they are a priority build in virtually all of your cities if you can.

11. Since the tourists you need to win are dependant on how other civs are doing a warring approach to tourism seems to be the most effective way. Conquer 3-4 civs and keep the others small for a faster win seems to be the way.

Some thoughts on the game overall

The layer of complexity is pretty high, there are just so many options and different paths for you to take at any given point that it feels way more complex than previous civ games. Especially with the civics you can basically micro and plan every few turns to maximise all shorts of advantages.   

It is not clear to me yet if all the different options and paths provide equally interesting/valid opportunities but there surely is alot to explore which is great.

Micro managing your citizens in each city seems very important. Although the game will make descent allocation choices, it is crucial to follow where you are in terms of happiness and not allow your city to grow unhappy by working food tiles unless you can manage the amenities. Barb revolt is no joke and in most cases can end your game which while cruel I find it a nice way to balance expansion through war and settling which otherwise seems to have no downside.

I am getting more used to 1UPT although my biggest problem is having to individually move all these units which after mid game becomes tedious.

The unit progression and timing for wars seems to be relatively well balanced. It is much similar to civ4 where hitting certain tech millestones and then rushing/upgrading the relevant units to attack as fast as possible was the optimal way. 
The biggest difference I found and one that I can live with is that at later stages you need need bombard/artillery units to take cities, even with infantry vs medieval units you will not be able to take a fortified city, which even though a pain it is simple enough to plan for.

Overall and coming from a multiplayer Civ4 background I find the game a better single player experience than civ5 and at least equal to civ4 and if they improve the ai to fight better then it will probably become the best single player experience in civ yet. 

I have yet to play any multiplayer on civ6, but looking forward to that as well.

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