Part 3 - Novosibirsk Terror
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We open up the mission to this sight. Good news - we have Floaters instead of Sectoids. Floaters are like Sectoids, but a little larger and sturdier and capable of flight. I'd rather face them here though, because while Sectoids bring engines of destruction on terror missions, Floaters just bring Reapers - oversized attack dogs.
Bad news - that's still two aliens pointing guns our way. Haphazard drops a smoke grenade at the front of the Skyranger, yet there's no guarantee the Floaters won't find us anyway on their turn. So the tank is going to have a go with its rocket launcher.
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Not bad - one Floater dead, and the other shot the tank thrice but couldn't get past the armor. Let's move the tank out of the way -
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Except there's another Floater right in front of the ramp the tank somehow missed earlier. Well, we really have to kill this one before it shoots somebody. The tank moves forward and Quagma Blast fires his Autocannon...which I forgot has INCENDIARY rounds, not explosive ones, which leaves the Floater unmoved. Haphazard still has an angle though:
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Needless to say, that takes care of the Floater. There's still one more off to the right, but from Quagma Blast's position we have a line of fire. Bobchillingworth, a nameless agent and El Grillo all take Aimed shots, but none of them manage to hit.
During the extensive Alien phase, at least three civilians are slain, but the smoke grenade works - nobody on our squad dies.
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The tank moves up, spots the Floater from before, and rockets it. The Reaper up north gets burned up by an Auto shot Quagma Blast's incendiary rounds - Reapers are weak enough to fire that mere incendiary rounds can kill one outright.
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Our starting corner of the map is safe enough now to take the squad out of the Skyranger. Everyone tries to spread out, and an agent throws a smoke grenade ahead for extra safety.
Half a dozen civilians die on the alien turn. Oh well, better them than us.
Turn 3:
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The tank (which caught on fire at some point) advances forward, suddenly taking a heavy hit from the darkness. It won't be long for this world so it presses forward, revealing two Reapers a Floater off to the side. The shot came from the front however, so Dreylin tosses a flare forward to uncover the culprit:
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Two agents try and fail too shoot him, until Bobchillingworth steps up and drops the Floater with a snapshot from his Sniper Rifle. With that threat gone our grenadier Simba Laroupe primes a grenade and passes it to Dreylin, who throws it at the nearest Reaper but falls just short of it.
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Haphazard blows up the far Reaper. That leaves just a Floater off to the side and a Reaper in front with a grenade nearby.
Sadly I lose my mind at this point and order Quagma Blast to try for an aimed shot against the Reaper. This has predictable consequences:
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Hopefully haphazard will not catch on fire, but you never know.
During the alien turn, more civilians die and the Reaper destroys the tank. Unfortunate to lose it so soon, but that will leave it open to retaliation. First we have to help out haphazard, who's passed out from the smoke and fire. Our medic picks him up and carries him to safety:
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Perhaps he'll survive after all.
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Meanhwile two of our riflemen cooperate to shoot down the offending Reaper. In doing so we spot the other Floater from before; Bob shoots it but doesn't kill it. Dreylin throws a High Explosive charge to make sure it dies.
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El Grill moves into the house and spots a Reaper frighteningly close to us. He manages to hit it through the window once with a burst, Quagma Blast does the same, and grenadier Simba throws a frag at its feet.
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Both Reaper and Floater obligingly perish.
Turn 5: haphazard dies from his fatal wound (of being on fire). Farewell haphazard.
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Remi Mercer throws a flare, steps forward and reveals yet more Floaters and Reapers in the same spot. She moves aside to try to give Bobchillingworth a line of fire, but then the Floater fires back, missing her but striking El Grillo dead center. Farewell El Grillo.
"That's enough of that", thinks Dreylin, priming and throwing a second High Explosive at the group. Remi moves north and spots a Floater:
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She tries an Auto shot, but only one of the three bullets hit. In return, the Floater shoots back. The plasma misses Remi again and vaporizes another agent again. Remi has very peculiar luck. Simba is able to make a long-distance grenade throw form near the Skyranger all the way to the Floater, blowing it up.
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During the alien turn a shot flies in from the northeast and knocks out Quagma Blast. Remi manages to stabilize him and spots his shooter, floating above the road. She misses, as does Bob (off of a 94% shot I might add) and another rifleman. Simba has better luck, managing to shoot it down with two consecutive pistol shots.
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A Reaper runs up to Remi and bites her to death - so much for that luck. Also three agents pass out from smoke inhalation, leaving just two able-bodied soldiers. Simba throws a High Explosive at the Reaper, but it falls well short and kills the unconscious Dreylin, Quagma Blast and a third agent.
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Only three agents are left, but maybe there aren't too many more aliens? Simba and the medic group up near Bob to try and revive him. A turn later, Simba sees another Reaper approaching; good thing there was a spare High Explosive lying around.
By Turn 11, the team is once again about to pass out from smoke, even with stimulants from the medikit. Another Reaper is spotted and disposed of with a grenade, but there's at least one Floater still lurking about - we can hear him trying to shoot a civilian in the apartment block.
Turn 12:
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The squad takes cover in a house to escape the smoke. Along the way the see a civilian wandering in a daze. That might be the Floater's target; if so, the Floater must be nearby.
Turn 14:
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Simba walks in front of a window and is gunned down instantly. At least we know where the Floater is. The medic steps out of the house and sights the Floater on a second floor balcony:
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Unfortunately, when he takes another step to try for a firing angle, the Floater turns out to have plenty of TUs left and shoots him. Can Bobchillingworth finish the mission alone?
![[Image: screen082.png]](
Bob runs forward, sees the Floater facing away from him, and for once kills it with a single shot. The mission doesn't end there though - there's still more enemies lurking.
Bob draws his pistol runs over to the apartment complex, checking each room in turn. Clear...clear...
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There's one. But Bob can only fire one shot, and it probably won't be enough to kill the Floater. Hoping for the best, he retreats to the bottom of the stairs and hopes the Floater doesn't notice him...
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Today, Bob is lucky. The Floater comes to a stop at the balcony and Bob drops it with two pistol shots, but sees one more Floater off in the distance. It's not over yet.
Bob retreats downstairs and hides around a corner. Next turn, he creeps forward and finds his mark in front of a house:
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This time, only a single pistol shot is needed. It's not all good news:
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Turning around to head back to his corner, what does he see but still another Floater. This time, Bob heads east to hide around the corner, hoping the Floater will show its side to him.
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It floats past the balcony for sure, but has the wherewithal to see Bob and fire a shot at him - miss. Bob's just as innacurate with his pistol, but after a round of snapshots takes down his opponent. How many more are left?
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Next turn, Bob sees another Floater crossing the courtyard. Four shots are enough to put it away. Bob's running out of pistol ammo. He thinks of making a run for the Skyranger...
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No such luck.
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Bob fires the last two bullets from his pistol. Both miss. Bob ducks behind cover, and for a couple of turns neither foe is able to get a good shot at one another. The Floater blows out some of the wall trying to get at Bob; Bob shoots at the Floater but misses. Then:
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The Floater circles around and just barely misses with a plasma bolt. This is the moment of truth. Bob crouches, takes aim, and:
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Bobchillingworth, you're a damn hero.
![[Image: screen060.png]](
We open up the mission to this sight. Good news - we have Floaters instead of Sectoids. Floaters are like Sectoids, but a little larger and sturdier and capable of flight. I'd rather face them here though, because while Sectoids bring engines of destruction on terror missions, Floaters just bring Reapers - oversized attack dogs.
Bad news - that's still two aliens pointing guns our way. Haphazard drops a smoke grenade at the front of the Skyranger, yet there's no guarantee the Floaters won't find us anyway on their turn. So the tank is going to have a go with its rocket launcher.
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Not bad - one Floater dead, and the other shot the tank thrice but couldn't get past the armor. Let's move the tank out of the way -
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Except there's another Floater right in front of the ramp the tank somehow missed earlier. Well, we really have to kill this one before it shoots somebody. The tank moves forward and Quagma Blast fires his Autocannon...which I forgot has INCENDIARY rounds, not explosive ones, which leaves the Floater unmoved. Haphazard still has an angle though:
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Needless to say, that takes care of the Floater. There's still one more off to the right, but from Quagma Blast's position we have a line of fire. Bobchillingworth, a nameless agent and El Grillo all take Aimed shots, but none of them manage to hit.
During the extensive Alien phase, at least three civilians are slain, but the smoke grenade works - nobody on our squad dies.
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The tank moves up, spots the Floater from before, and rockets it. The Reaper up north gets burned up by an Auto shot Quagma Blast's incendiary rounds - Reapers are weak enough to fire that mere incendiary rounds can kill one outright.
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Our starting corner of the map is safe enough now to take the squad out of the Skyranger. Everyone tries to spread out, and an agent throws a smoke grenade ahead for extra safety.
Half a dozen civilians die on the alien turn. Oh well, better them than us.
Turn 3:
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The tank (which caught on fire at some point) advances forward, suddenly taking a heavy hit from the darkness. It won't be long for this world so it presses forward, revealing two Reapers a Floater off to the side. The shot came from the front however, so Dreylin tosses a flare forward to uncover the culprit:
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Two agents try and fail too shoot him, until Bobchillingworth steps up and drops the Floater with a snapshot from his Sniper Rifle. With that threat gone our grenadier Simba Laroupe primes a grenade and passes it to Dreylin, who throws it at the nearest Reaper but falls just short of it.
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Haphazard blows up the far Reaper. That leaves just a Floater off to the side and a Reaper in front with a grenade nearby.
Sadly I lose my mind at this point and order Quagma Blast to try for an aimed shot against the Reaper. This has predictable consequences:
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Hopefully haphazard will not catch on fire, but you never know.
During the alien turn, more civilians die and the Reaper destroys the tank. Unfortunate to lose it so soon, but that will leave it open to retaliation. First we have to help out haphazard, who's passed out from the smoke and fire. Our medic picks him up and carries him to safety:
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Perhaps he'll survive after all.
![[Image: screen071.png]](
Meanhwile two of our riflemen cooperate to shoot down the offending Reaper. In doing so we spot the other Floater from before; Bob shoots it but doesn't kill it. Dreylin throws a High Explosive charge to make sure it dies.
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El Grill moves into the house and spots a Reaper frighteningly close to us. He manages to hit it through the window once with a burst, Quagma Blast does the same, and grenadier Simba throws a frag at its feet.
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Both Reaper and Floater obligingly perish.
Turn 5: haphazard dies from his fatal wound (of being on fire). Farewell haphazard.
![[Image: screen074.png]](
Remi Mercer throws a flare, steps forward and reveals yet more Floaters and Reapers in the same spot. She moves aside to try to give Bobchillingworth a line of fire, but then the Floater fires back, missing her but striking El Grillo dead center. Farewell El Grillo.
"That's enough of that", thinks Dreylin, priming and throwing a second High Explosive at the group. Remi moves north and spots a Floater:
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She tries an Auto shot, but only one of the three bullets hit. In return, the Floater shoots back. The plasma misses Remi again and vaporizes another agent again. Remi has very peculiar luck. Simba is able to make a long-distance grenade throw form near the Skyranger all the way to the Floater, blowing it up.
![[Image: screen076.png]](
During the alien turn a shot flies in from the northeast and knocks out Quagma Blast. Remi manages to stabilize him and spots his shooter, floating above the road. She misses, as does Bob (off of a 94% shot I might add) and another rifleman. Simba has better luck, managing to shoot it down with two consecutive pistol shots.
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A Reaper runs up to Remi and bites her to death - so much for that luck. Also three agents pass out from smoke inhalation, leaving just two able-bodied soldiers. Simba throws a High Explosive at the Reaper, but it falls well short and kills the unconscious Dreylin, Quagma Blast and a third agent.
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Only three agents are left, but maybe there aren't too many more aliens? Simba and the medic group up near Bob to try and revive him. A turn later, Simba sees another Reaper approaching; good thing there was a spare High Explosive lying around.
By Turn 11, the team is once again about to pass out from smoke, even with stimulants from the medikit. Another Reaper is spotted and disposed of with a grenade, but there's at least one Floater still lurking about - we can hear him trying to shoot a civilian in the apartment block.
Turn 12:
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The squad takes cover in a house to escape the smoke. Along the way the see a civilian wandering in a daze. That might be the Floater's target; if so, the Floater must be nearby.
Turn 14:
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Simba walks in front of a window and is gunned down instantly. At least we know where the Floater is. The medic steps out of the house and sights the Floater on a second floor balcony:
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Unfortunately, when he takes another step to try for a firing angle, the Floater turns out to have plenty of TUs left and shoots him. Can Bobchillingworth finish the mission alone?
![[Image: screen082.png]](
Bob runs forward, sees the Floater facing away from him, and for once kills it with a single shot. The mission doesn't end there though - there's still more enemies lurking.
Bob draws his pistol runs over to the apartment complex, checking each room in turn. Clear...clear...
![[Image: screen083.png]](
There's one. But Bob can only fire one shot, and it probably won't be enough to kill the Floater. Hoping for the best, he retreats to the bottom of the stairs and hopes the Floater doesn't notice him...
![[Image: screen084.png]](
Today, Bob is lucky. The Floater comes to a stop at the balcony and Bob drops it with two pistol shots, but sees one more Floater off in the distance. It's not over yet.
Bob retreats downstairs and hides around a corner. Next turn, he creeps forward and finds his mark in front of a house:
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This time, only a single pistol shot is needed. It's not all good news:
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Turning around to head back to his corner, what does he see but still another Floater. This time, Bob heads east to hide around the corner, hoping the Floater will show its side to him.
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It floats past the balcony for sure, but has the wherewithal to see Bob and fire a shot at him - miss. Bob's just as innacurate with his pistol, but after a round of snapshots takes down his opponent. How many more are left?
![[Image: screen088.png]](
Next turn, Bob sees another Floater crossing the courtyard. Four shots are enough to put it away. Bob's running out of pistol ammo. He thinks of making a run for the Skyranger...
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No such luck.
![[Image: screen090.png]](
Bob fires the last two bullets from his pistol. Both miss. Bob ducks behind cover, and for a couple of turns neither foe is able to get a good shot at one another. The Floater blows out some of the wall trying to get at Bob; Bob shoots at the Floater but misses. Then:
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The Floater circles around and just barely misses with a plasma bolt. This is the moment of truth. Bob crouches, takes aim, and:
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Bobchillingworth, you're a damn hero.