Turn 4 sees a Cyberdisc wander over to where the last one perished, and right within Molach's sights.
An auto-burst later, and that's another Cyberdisc down. If it weren't for Laser weapons there would be no way to shoot down Cyberdiscs like this; they simply shrug off normal bullets.
The tank runs into a Sectoid making a house call. That's a little too close to be firing rockets, so Bobchillingworth lobs a frag at his feet instead.
Peeking around the fence reveals a Sectoid and Cyberdisc poised to vaporize some innocent bystanders.
A rocket next to the Cyberdisc chews up another building and hopefully damages the robot. This part of the map is starting to resemble the Moon with all the craters and pockmarks.
Another frag grenade goes to the parking lot Sectoid. Now to finish off that no-doubt weakened Cyberdisc. Maybe Dp101 can step out and lend a hand?
It takes him two auto-bursts to land a hit, but Dp101 pulls through in the end.
Some maneuvering later, and Turn 4 comes to a close, and both Sectoids go up in smoke.
There's always more where that came from, though - Quagma Blast would have been killed by this sneaky Sectoid if his aim was any good. As it is, Dp101's Laser Rifle is enough to handle him.
He can't quite handle this other Sectoid the tank ran into, but humorously one of his missed shots ends up killing another alien out in the fog. Way to go! RefSteel gets the visible one with a single aimed shot.
Bobchillingworth primed a frag last turn, and this distant Sectoid makes the perfect target.
Yet another Sectoid in this store. El Grillo seems to have a clear opportunity, but, defying logic and probability, misses a 111% shot.
Lewwyn's rocket goes wide too, but he takes a page from Dp101's book and blows up two Sectoids off in the distance. Handy, but we're running out of soldiers who can act so Dreylin just tosses a primed High Explosive he's been carrying around.
During the alien turn a three-shot burst is heard somewhere, but otherwise nothing happens. Are the aliens running out of troops?
Would you look at that! A panicked Sectoid. Maybe RefSteel can run over and stun him.
Figuring the battle is almost finished, the RBers spread out to search for the remaining Sectoids. There's still a few with their wits - like this one that tries to shoot the tank. Molach has a handle on it.
Another armed Sectoid is hanging out in this courtyard. Lewwyn goes for a shot but can't quite land a rocket close enough to kill; he'll have to wait until next turn.
On turn 7, RefSteel runs up and jabs the Sectoid from before. Which is where everything goes horribly wrong. The Sectoid doesn't fall unconscious. Dp101 shoots at him but misses a whole lot. DaveV drills him twice with his Laser Pistol, but he survives both shots unscathed. Molach, still crouching near the Skyranger, tries an Aimed shot of his own.
Not exactly who you were supposed to hit, Molach. RefSteel is once again flattened by a shot to the back.
Finally, El Grillo puts the immortal Sectoid in the ground. If he had missed this shot too I probably would have fired him on the spot.
Here's the Sectoid from the courtyard - he's panicked and dropped his weapon, allowing us to capture him at our leisure. The tank will keep him company (and trap him in that alleyway) until then.
While that comedy of errors is going on, haphazard and Dreylin have had a relaxing time checking the houses for Sectoids.
No time to mourn RefSteel; Dp101 will just pry the Stun Rod from his dead fingers and move on.
Dreylin tries to ambush the unarmed Sectoid from the south, and finds a rude surprise instead: a live Cyberdisc lurking in the last unchecked corner of the map. He doesn't have enough energy to run for cover and nobody can get close enough to shoot, so haphazard throws a smoke grenade in front of him.
The smoke works, and Dreylin lives, but now we can't see the Cyberdisc. The tank can't find it in the courtyard or to the east, so Quagma Blast sends a hopeful rocket down the alley:
Sure enough, the Cyberdisc was in the way. Quagma's rocket puts it out of commission for good. Perhaps Dp101 can stun that Sectoid?
Don't be ridiculous - there's always another Cyberdisc. Molach drills it with five Laser Rifle shots, but it's still holding up.
El Grillo's sniper bullet tips it over the edge.
Dp101 stuns the Sectoid, ends the turn and...nothing happens. What more could there be?
Another Cyberdisc, of course. They certainly like to sneak about. Molach takes a few potshots at it from afar, and everyone else moves closer to try and get a shot.
A turn passes, the Cyberdisc remains in an awkward position where almost nobody can take a shot. Dp101 has enough TUs to fire at it from the south end, so he tries for an auto-shot and -
Destroys it in one go? Er, nice shooting Dp.
At this point, I ended the turn prematurely with a bunch of agents out in the open, sure that
this time was the end. Well, it wasn't. Another Cyberdisc started approaching from the north edge of the map; right when my heart started to sink Lewwyn spun around 90 degrees, fired a pinpoint rocket from halfway across the map, and scrapped the Cyberdisc instantly.
Sometimes, you do get lucky.
A round of promotions handed out for a job well done. Quagma Blast II makes Colonel for his precision rocketeering, and DaveV ascends to become Commander of the X-COM project - congratulations! Unfortunately this position grants no actual authority, but it's definitely prestigious.
The rest of March passes uneventfully. A base is built in Australia for the sole purpose of housing a Large Radar; the Sectoid autopsy finishes (took them long enough, didn't that start back in February?); the Hangar and Radar installation in the China base complete.
The council is pleased as well, handing over an extra $700,000 a month. Things are looking up!