![[Image: screen001.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wl1hshlgnz2a26v/screen001.png)
Between ordering a new tank and hiring these Scientists, the money from the last operation is quickly spent.
![[Image: screen002.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4mytbykz4q4pbnt/screen002.png)
After a few days, radar reports a large UFO touched down in Madrid, Spain. It's not the size of the behemoth that flew over Europe back in March, but it's still going to be bigger than any other UFO previously boarded, and the replacement tank still hasn't come in.
![[Image: screen003.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8t5x3lmd36kifbq/screen003.png)
This time, the whole RB-Team plus two weirdos are taking the field.
Just in case the ship takes off, both Interceptors are scrambled along with the Skyranger.
![[Image: screen004.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bsf6qlxgzx6krkc/screen004.png)
But while the crafts are in flight, a Very Large UFO shows up - landed right next to Budapest!
![[Image: screen005.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/s6xzmwcce7m0s8l/screen005.png)
The Skyranger is redirected towards the greater threat. Madrid's going to have to manage on their own for now.
![[Image: screen006.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n181sle3h413f6v/screen006.png)
En route to Budapest, a Large UFO is detected in Berlin! What's going on with these European capitals?
![[Image: screen007.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a0cblyl2y3hsbw3/screen007.png)
Then two more UFOs - one Very Large and one Small - land at Moscow. Seeing the possibility for a daylight operation, the Skyranger is redirected once more.
To recap - at this moment, there are
six UFOs landed at four European capitals.
At dawn, the Skyranger lands in the outskirts of Moscow and finds:
![[Image: screen008.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/80rckw69lh1oqvt/screen008.png)
More reapers? You'd think they were the only aliens around...
In the confusion of the UFO sightings
(ie my excitement), the new agents have naught but their coveralls to protect them.
![[Image: screen009.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4km58n9jsjv15t3/screen009.png)
Still, no reason to turn back now. Montezuma handily lasers the Reaper out of this mortal coil. Queen Victoria puts down a smoke grenade, and the squad passes turn 1 to the aliens as usual.
![[Image: screen010.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rsurjp2k01d6o18/screen010.png)
Lots of UFO doors opening, but nothing besides. Montezuma clambers out and sees nothing.
Turn 3:He's followed by most of the squad. The coast looks clear, but there's some smoke cover around just in case.
This UFO has five struts of a sort connecting it with the ground - four in each cardinal direction have no entrances, but one in the center has some doors on it. That's our ultimate destination.
![[Image: screen012.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y4lxpaz117pae1h/screen012.png)
Victoria peeks around the edge of the strut and finds nothing; Molach turns to the side and finds a Reaper brazenly presenting its rear to him.
![[Image: screen013.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/zc0wzea5xn5ykgq/screen013.png)
Ungentlemanly conduct will
not be tolerated.
![[Image: screen014.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y2vjaw22w97tqyi/screen014.png)
This corner of the map is clear - everybody out of the Skyranger! You too haphazard, I promise there's no Floaters waiting to shoot you.
![[Image: screen015.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/sxd7569y64hyfcs/screen015.png)
During the alien turn:
-Something shoots at Molach from the north and misses
-A whole lot of UFO doors open
-So does a farm door
Clearly, there's more to be done outside the UFO.
Turn 4: Molach is once again frustrated in his attempt to scout north by this guy who thinks he's clever by staying above the smoke cloud.
![[Image: screen017.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/fy9faxxjjjh8dba/screen017.png)
Faced with a target facing him, Molach's aim is way off; DaveV sends him back to earth.
![[Image: screen018.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1t1ii8std960ys5/screen018.png)
Near the UFO entrance, Her Majesty comes upon a wandering Floater. She only has enough TUs for a snap shot.
![[Image: screen019.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/i364t9eb46kdiib/screen019.png)
One is all she needs, though.
![[Image: screen020.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/e7bnx14vrjl0fcs/screen020.png)
Lewwyn finds himself in a sticky situation with a Reaper by the northern strut. He's plum out of TUs to run away with; Molach takes some shots - hits once, twice - but the Reaper's still standing. Nobody with TUs can get a firing angle.
![[Image: screen021.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xjly6rdsqsh2qs2/screen021.png)
RefSteel makes a pinpoint grenade throw over the UFO and just past the Reaper. Will that, two laser shots and a sniper bullet be enough? Lewwyn had better hope so.
![[Image: screen022.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lod3cupump7kbxj/screen022.png)
It isn't. Well, perhaps this war animal will be merciful?
![[Image: screen023.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/2apbgl5yktctwx1/screen023.png)
Before Lewwyn can learn of his fate, a Floater steps out of the UFO, walks up to the western strut, then turns around and tries unsuccessfully to shoot at Dp101.
![[Image: screen024.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ijv5g86lis2hcdn/screen024.png)
Suddenly a missile flies out of the ship and strikes Victoria in the face. Impressively, Dp101 manages to hang on to life despite being caught in the blast.
![[Image: screen026.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6klpitte20azjse/screen026.png)
Quagma Blast (

) and Victoria lack the same fortitude/fortune.
![[Image: screen027.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/bnnfrmnwhddlcpc/screen027.png)
And, indeed, Lewwyn loses his life to the Reaper.
Turn 5: Molach takes vengeance, too late.
![[Image: screen029.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/n1czs7as0oktwee/screen029.png)
Dp101 lies stricken in the out in the open, close to the UFO doors. He could bleed out at any time, but first the squad needs to secure the area. Montezuma tries to shoot this Floater but fails.
![[Image: screen030.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1xwbs46rvj35cp3/screen030.png)
Adrien doesn't have much more luck.
![[Image: screen031.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/njcn4eomt2jqrg2/screen031.png)
Can rho21 show them how it's done?
![[Image: screen032.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/iupz8wsa1ablalj/screen032.png)
He can. One aimed shot puts an end to that Floater.
![[Image: screen033.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/puq4384fdem99mm/screen033.png)
One problem remains: Montezuma has a Medikit but burned through all his TUs shooting at that Floater. One of these dead guys had a Medikit too, but we don't know which. Bobchillingworth quickly goes through Victoria's pockets but can't find anything.
![[Image: screen034.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y4mr4z2s6y43zkn/screen034.png)
Everyone else who can takes cover. It's too risky to run after Dp101, he'll have to hold on a little longer.
![[Image: screen035.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/iox899s8hw9gxfm/screen035.png)
Thankfully, the next turn passes without any casualties.
![[Image: screen036.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/oupwyo8zu1mniri/screen036.png)
Dp101 is still alive, even! Perhaps his encounter with a proximity grenade in the very first mission helped him here. Bobchillingworth throws his Medikit over to Montezuma, who prepares to operate.
![[Image: screen037.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/y9zkut78v3myjcl/screen037.png)
Two treatments and two doses of stimulants later, and Dp is as good as new!
![[Image: screen038.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/aue6ao2ynmb28pt/screen038.png)
While the others are sweeping the outside - still need to check out those barns - Dreylin checks the door and sees no less than three aliens already. Oh dear. Him and the others are just going to step aside and hope the aliens choose to stay inside.
Turn 7: Nothing yet. Dreylin and a few others will stay by the doors and try to kill any aliens they can.
![[Image: screen040.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nwwobjntojjb8ol/screen040.png)
Meanwhile, rho, Molach, haphazard and Montezuma will deal with whatever aliens sare still outside. When they're done they'll converge on the UFO, and the assault can begin in earnest.
![[Image: screen041.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/vxklazc0tb0f4jq/screen041.png)
Dreylin opens the doors again, and spots two aliens this time. A pair of shotgun blasts dispatches with this Floater on the first level.
![[Image: screen042.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/25g25zm8kadgmgc/screen042.png)
In the northeast, haphazard and Molach continue the search for Floaters. The nearest barn is deserted...
![[Image: screen043.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/erzw3u8pdn2qsxz/screen043.png)
But Molach notices something far off to the southwest. He carefully takes aim, squeezes the trigger and kills the Floater in one shot. If only RefSteel were around to appreciate such fine shooting.
![[Image: screen044.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6rm5ut6crsbtcr6/screen044.png)
He's busy with blowing up this Reaper in the UFO, though.
![[Image: screen045.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/9aooly9ojdxgv5i/screen045.png)
Bob and Dreylin open the doors again. Dreylin spots and guns down another Floater, but declines to move up - there could be more lying in wait.
![[Image: screen046.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/synnp298yvvjdlq/screen046.png)
Like this one who guns down AdrienIer II when he takes a look. Still breathing at least, if he can hold in his guts for a turn Molach can help him out.