Part 12 - UFO Recovery
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China's getting a new Interceptor plus equipment to arm the garrison. You never know when the aliens might come calling...
As mentioned, a party of rookies clears out the other Floater Battleship with only a few losses. Sending sorties after the remaining four UFOs is considered, but quickly abandoned once the alien ships suddenly take off and flee into space. The capture of two Battleships may have spooked them.
![[Image: screen003.png]](
The two operations combined brought in over four million dollars to X-COM, and a surfeit of alien loot.
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Flush with cash, X-COM finances a new listening station in South America; after this facility is up and running, only South Africa, Antarctica and Hawaii will lack radar coverage.
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Even after transferring as much Elerium and Alien Alloys to Canada the HQ's stores are overflowing; two more General Stores are put on order.
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Really, with all this stuff one might consider having a single place to store it all.
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But enough of that, here's the new Heavy Laser. Though it lacks the autoshot of the Laser Rifle, costs more TUs to fire and is much heavier (18 vs 8), it does over half again as much damage per shot, which will come in handy against heavily armored aliens.
![[Image: screen008.png]](
However, the true purpose of researching the Heavy Laser was to allow research into Laser Cannons. These will be particularly useful to X-COM.
China's Interceptor also arrives during this interval. It's going to roll with dual Avalanche missiles, and go up against the larger UFOs when needed.
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Later, a Small Scout buzzes European airspace and runs off; once again the alien craft prove too fast for Interceptors to keep up with.
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Finally a small UFO is detected in India. Send in the troops!
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A Skyranger/Interceptor pair head for the landing site.
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Before they can make it, the UFO is alerted to their presence and takes off to the south. The Interceptor follows for a while, but eventually has to retreat for lack of fuel.
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A few days later, Canada base picks up another UFO flying northeast.
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The Interceptor catches up to the ship over the Atlantic, but holds fire until the UFO can pass over land.
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Once it does, it's shot down over Hungary. Now we can send in the troops.
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Montezuma is rechristened Mardoc. Very good Stamina and Reactions but his Strength could use some work.
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Fresh-faced Old Harry is coming along for an easy first mission.
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After waiting for sunrise, the Skyranger sets out.
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Landed in the northeast corner this time. As usual, the rocket tank will do the scouting.
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Nothing so far...
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With the area around the Skyranger safe, Bobchillingworth and Dreylin step out and throw their smoke grenades.
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The rest of the squad begins to deploy, but then Old Harry sees a Floater in the second floor of the barn. Could be bad news if it grenades the squad, so Harry moves to the wall and the tank blocks the entrance.
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The plan works; the Floater heads downstairs but, apparently confused by the tank, freezes in place.
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His loss.
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Bobchillingworth finds his way blocked by a fence. Attempts to shoot it out prove unsuccessful.
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Covered by a to-be-detonated smoke greande, Mardoc moves up and finds the UFO, but no Floaters.
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Everyone else lines up by the barn.
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Turn 3: Lots of barn doors opening, but no action during the alien turn. Further scouting doesn't reveal the source of the noises.
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At least Bobchillingworth conquers the dastardly fence (The trick is to shoot mostly parallel to it).
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Turn 4: A shot at the tank came from over here. Bob and rho hide behind a hedge, thinking to ambush whatever's out there next turn. Mardoc goes south through the wheat field, but can't see anything
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Moving towards the UFO, an unseen Floater fires from above the craft at the tank. Turning to try and find the shooter, the tank discovers a Floater right next to itself.
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It's beyond me how he escaped Mardoc's notice, but might as well deal with this nuisance first.
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Molach's got it under control.
![[Image: screen035.png]](
And there's the other one! This should be an easy mark.
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haphazard misses (that was on 85% too)...
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Molach misses...
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But Lewwyn lands a 33% shot from his Heavy Laser. Alright then.
![[Image: screen039.png]](
Turn 5: This part of the map is thick with barns and stables. These doors don't seem to have been opened at least.
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The tank finds the remains of three Floaters...and a live one too.
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Dreylin and Quagma Blast try for a grenade throw over the UFO, but both come up short. It's a tough angle to make.
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Turn 6: Luckily the Floater stayed where he was. The tank misses a close range rocket, but Molach lands a grenade just past the Floater. Dreylin opens up the front door to check for hostiles and finds not a soul.
We did hear another barn door open, so Bob and rho's work is not yet finished.
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Another Floater? Good thing the tank has more rockets.
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Tank, we need to talk about your aim. This time Dreylin lobs a High Explosive over.
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An open door! The Floater must be near. Bob and rho creep closer.
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Turn 8: This house is up against the edge of the map; the Floater is surely inside.
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Turn 9: The tank (after two tries) blows a hole in the side of the house for the rest of the squad to enter through.
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It turns out to be unnecessary - the Floater shoots at rho as he passes by a window, who brings it down in a flurry of laser fire.
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Meanwhile in the UFO, Old Harry finds and exchanges fire with a Floater in the command room. Both take a hit, but OH gets the worst of it and starts bleeding out.
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Molach takes his place and...fails to hit the Floater at all with four shots.
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The Floater is too stupid to get out there and shoot him during his own turn, so it all works out in the end.
![[Image: screen052.png]](
These are getting pretty easy, there weren't even any casualties. Where the Snakemen at?
![[Image: screen002.png]](
China's getting a new Interceptor plus equipment to arm the garrison. You never know when the aliens might come calling...
As mentioned, a party of rookies clears out the other Floater Battleship with only a few losses. Sending sorties after the remaining four UFOs is considered, but quickly abandoned once the alien ships suddenly take off and flee into space. The capture of two Battleships may have spooked them.
![[Image: screen003.png]](
The two operations combined brought in over four million dollars to X-COM, and a surfeit of alien loot.
![[Image: screen004.png]](
Flush with cash, X-COM finances a new listening station in South America; after this facility is up and running, only South Africa, Antarctica and Hawaii will lack radar coverage.
![[Image: screen005.png]](
Even after transferring as much Elerium and Alien Alloys to Canada the HQ's stores are overflowing; two more General Stores are put on order.
![[Image: screen006.png]](
Really, with all this stuff one might consider having a single place to store it all.
![[Image: screen007.png]](
But enough of that, here's the new Heavy Laser. Though it lacks the autoshot of the Laser Rifle, costs more TUs to fire and is much heavier (18 vs 8), it does over half again as much damage per shot, which will come in handy against heavily armored aliens.
![[Image: screen008.png]](
However, the true purpose of researching the Heavy Laser was to allow research into Laser Cannons. These will be particularly useful to X-COM.
China's Interceptor also arrives during this interval. It's going to roll with dual Avalanche missiles, and go up against the larger UFOs when needed.
![[Image: screen010.png]](
Later, a Small Scout buzzes European airspace and runs off; once again the alien craft prove too fast for Interceptors to keep up with.
![[Image: screen011.png]](
Finally a small UFO is detected in India. Send in the troops!
![[Image: screen012.png]](
A Skyranger/Interceptor pair head for the landing site.
![[Image: screen013.png]](
Before they can make it, the UFO is alerted to their presence and takes off to the south. The Interceptor follows for a while, but eventually has to retreat for lack of fuel.
![[Image: screen014.png]](
A few days later, Canada base picks up another UFO flying northeast.
![[Image: screen015.png]](
The Interceptor catches up to the ship over the Atlantic, but holds fire until the UFO can pass over land.
![[Image: screen016.png]](
Once it does, it's shot down over Hungary. Now we can send in the troops.
![[Image: screen017.png]](
Montezuma is rechristened Mardoc. Very good Stamina and Reactions but his Strength could use some work.
![[Image: screen018.png]](
Fresh-faced Old Harry is coming along for an easy first mission.
![[Image: screen019.png]](
After waiting for sunrise, the Skyranger sets out.
![[Image: screen020.png]](
Landed in the northeast corner this time. As usual, the rocket tank will do the scouting.
![[Image: screen021.png]](
Nothing so far...
![[Image: screen022.png]](
With the area around the Skyranger safe, Bobchillingworth and Dreylin step out and throw their smoke grenades.
![[Image: screen023.png]](
The rest of the squad begins to deploy, but then Old Harry sees a Floater in the second floor of the barn. Could be bad news if it grenades the squad, so Harry moves to the wall and the tank blocks the entrance.
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The plan works; the Floater heads downstairs but, apparently confused by the tank, freezes in place.
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His loss.
![[Image: screen026.png]](
Bobchillingworth finds his way blocked by a fence. Attempts to shoot it out prove unsuccessful.
![[Image: screen027.png]](
Covered by a to-be-detonated smoke greande, Mardoc moves up and finds the UFO, but no Floaters.
![[Image: screen028.png]](
Everyone else lines up by the barn.
![[Image: screen029.png]](
Turn 3: Lots of barn doors opening, but no action during the alien turn. Further scouting doesn't reveal the source of the noises.
![[Image: screen030.png]](
At least Bobchillingworth conquers the dastardly fence (The trick is to shoot mostly parallel to it).
![[Image: screen031.png]](
Turn 4: A shot at the tank came from over here. Bob and rho hide behind a hedge, thinking to ambush whatever's out there next turn. Mardoc goes south through the wheat field, but can't see anything
![[Image: screen032.png]](
Moving towards the UFO, an unseen Floater fires from above the craft at the tank. Turning to try and find the shooter, the tank discovers a Floater right next to itself.
![[Image: screen033.png]](
It's beyond me how he escaped Mardoc's notice, but might as well deal with this nuisance first.
![[Image: screen034.png]](
Molach's got it under control.
![[Image: screen035.png]](
And there's the other one! This should be an easy mark.
![[Image: screen036.png]](
haphazard misses (that was on 85% too)...
![[Image: screen037.png]](
Molach misses...
![[Image: screen038.png]](
But Lewwyn lands a 33% shot from his Heavy Laser. Alright then.
![[Image: screen039.png]](
Turn 5: This part of the map is thick with barns and stables. These doors don't seem to have been opened at least.
![[Image: screen040.png]](
The tank finds the remains of three Floaters...and a live one too.
![[Image: screen041.png]](
Dreylin and Quagma Blast try for a grenade throw over the UFO, but both come up short. It's a tough angle to make.
![[Image: screen042.png]](
Turn 6: Luckily the Floater stayed where he was. The tank misses a close range rocket, but Molach lands a grenade just past the Floater. Dreylin opens up the front door to check for hostiles and finds not a soul.
We did hear another barn door open, so Bob and rho's work is not yet finished.
![[Image: screen043.png]](
Another Floater? Good thing the tank has more rockets.
![[Image: screen044.png]](
Tank, we need to talk about your aim. This time Dreylin lobs a High Explosive over.
![[Image: screen045.png]](
An open door! The Floater must be near. Bob and rho creep closer.
![[Image: screen046.png]](
Turn 8: This house is up against the edge of the map; the Floater is surely inside.
![[Image: screen047.png]](
Turn 9: The tank (after two tries) blows a hole in the side of the house for the rest of the squad to enter through.
![[Image: screen048.png]](
It turns out to be unnecessary - the Floater shoots at rho as he passes by a window, who brings it down in a flurry of laser fire.
![[Image: screen049.png]](
Meanwhile in the UFO, Old Harry finds and exchanges fire with a Floater in the command room. Both take a hit, but OH gets the worst of it and starts bleeding out.
![[Image: screen050.png]](
Molach takes his place and...fails to hit the Floater at all with four shots.
![[Image: screen051.png]](
The Floater is too stupid to get out there and shoot him during his own turn, so it all works out in the end.
![[Image: screen052.png]](
These are getting pretty easy, there weren't even any casualties. Where the Snakemen at?