T201 onward: conquering Norway and the final push... it's amazing how much got done in the last third of the game by turns. (It's half my notes)
T202: Cairo completes the Ruhr. Electricity comes in. Welcome to the Modern Era! The next tech is Chemistry, so we can get going on those Research Labs that I actually think I might want to build for a change.
We also met Amsterdam, which means we can finally get the money train really going, since I've spammed out commercial districts like a good player.
Cairo gets a power plant. I also shuffle some tiles around to maximize the Ruhr's +1 to mines and quarries. I get ... four ... of those. This map is rather flat, unfortunately... but all the other options were worse. It's still cranking out something like 85 production per turn, enough to put a power plant out in 6 turns despite being 500+ production, even with no outgoing trade routes.
Medina was building Big Ben, so I decide to take a short break to build a power plant there as well. It will slow our completion by a few turns, given that it only had 18 turns remaining, but the power plant is worth a lot. It's about a 7% production boost for Medina and each of the surrounding cities.
Sana'a didn't need anything else just yet, so it has been working on a sewer. Also, it's out of range of factory boosting anything unless I lay down another city, because I built the industrial district on the wrong side of the city in a moment of paying attention to the wrong things. We're going to switch off the sewer for a seaport, which I should have remembered exists and gives some gold income, some food income, and one housing (instead of the 2 from the sewer). Actually, we're going to put 4 turns into it and then lay down the commercial district it hasn't built yet, when it grows to size 7.
The other cities have critical buildings finishing in the next couple turns, so we're finishing those first.
T203: Nothing of note happened. I moved a trader from Hattin to Cairo, in order to make it an even crazier production city.
Interturn, Peter is disappointed by my science and culture output... probably mostly the culture output, but he
is ahead of me in science.
T204: I purchase a trader in Sana'a. I'm several below limit right now, and I want to accelerate building even ones up there faster.
Hattin finished a bank and starts on a power plant. Bergen finished a sewer and started on a power plant. Bremen finished a bank and ... umm ... started on an industrial zone. 15 turns.
T205: Civil Engineering comes in. I actually don't do anything with it, so maybe I should have switched to Nationalism earlier, come to think of it. Well... that will be coming in another 10 turns.
By now, exploring has also found Buenos Aires and Kabul. Also, I have proseletized all three of the closest holy sites in Scythia, so I don't think Islam will ever spread again.
Damascus completed a sewer and starts on its own power plant. This one seems to be slower than the others, at 10 turns.
Sana'a switches to a commercial hub, which will complete in 7 turns. It also turns out that Sana'a is pretty much good on production, so I send another route to Aachen and hope that the barbarians (which it now occurs to me were probably a revolt) have been suppressed.
T207: I cleaned up a barbarian camp. Nothing else happened.
Interturn, Harald renewed his denunciation of me for being a warmonger.
T208: Cairo finishes the first of the power plants. It appears to have shaved one turn off of Damietta's power plant build, and a couple off Bremen's industrial zone build. The next build is a sewer so we can start growing properly again.
Also, apparently a trade route was the only thing keeping Hattin growing. I restart the route between hattin and somewhere, sending it to Cairo (which is my only city to give +4 food).
T209: I pay for delaying Big Ben as much as I did: Peter finished it this past turn. On the other hand, Medina is only just finishing its power plant this turn, so there really was no chance that I'd have finished it in time, short of maybe stacking trade routes more than I knew I would need to.
Since Medina just finished the power plant, I think I'll finally fill my trade routes back up: a trader or builder apparently builds in 1 turn. I'm going to need to put the new builder card in sometime to drop out a few more builders sometime... and then probably research Divine right to pop us right back out again.
T210: We got another great person, Alan Turing. So... we appear to have gotten both of the "boost computers" great people. I'm going to use this one, because he boosts something else, too. Passing him up for Alfred Nobel might have been better.
Anyway, I use him and he boosts chemistry, which I was 3/4 done with. Whoops! I need to roll up the part of the tech tree that I had ignored, and I plan to see if I can still get Oxford soon, so I set our cheap techs next. We'll roll up castles and stuff at about 2 turns per tech, because they're all boosted.
I transfer the trader that was just finished to Bremen. A research lab in Medina where it was finished is 7 turns. I buy a trader in Damietta, because it's most hurting for production of the cities that we're going to build labs in.
T212: I start a bunch of research labs. Bergen is the one most direly in need of production, and Sana'a just finished its commercial hub, so Hattin, which doesn't have a campus, builds a trader to send there. Next turn, Cairo or Medina, probably Cairo, will start on Oxford, however.
Interturn, a bunch of AIs renew their denunciations of me. Scythia demands a luxury from me (again?), and this time I decline. I don't need any of these suckers, at this point. I could probably brawl them all at the same time!
Also, apparently, I can now declare holy war on Pericles, which baffles me: if he's converting someone, it's Scythia.
T213: Hattin literally has nothing to build now except units, projects, or a new district, when I have been planning to save the 10-pop district for a spaceport. I guess it's time to do industrial zone logistics to get the next GE faster, who is Robert Goddard. Goddard boosts rocketry, which is nice, and gives a 20% increase to spaceport projects, which is critical. I'll backfill some other techs while I do that.
Vilnius wants a trade route for a quest, so Hattin sends a route there. The city isn't amazingly helpful for us, and the route is 8g2c1f after cards, but I like covering these things.
Interturn, Catherine taunts me about politics. Big Time Operators think they're so precious.
T214: We get a GMerchant who is completely useless: Sarah Breedlove increases tourism and nothing else. Unfortunately, Peter got the last one, which I should have tried to snipe from him: John Rockefeller is a lot better. Russia will get it in 30 turns, and I think I can live with that. Pass.
Damietta finished something and starts on a research lab. Bergen starts a trade route to accelerate growth and its research lab. Bremen finishes its industrial zone and starts on a workshop.
Also, I set my tech to Ballistics. It's 6 turns, and I want to upgrade my crossbows to field cannons. Then, I'm going to see if I can get coal from Norway... by taking Stavanger from him.
T215: Nationalism comes in. We can create corps, and I'm going to clean up some of the mamluk spam that I did awhile back: one of them has no experience at all. Also, I can now at any time begin Operation Viking Freedom, I mean, a war for coal.
I've been playing a dangerous game, not building Oxford yet. However, I've finally decided on a location for it. It involves removing a wheat farm I have which is actually sandwiched between two campuses, near Cairo. This turn, I removed the farm. Next turn, the research centers complete, and I harvest the wheat to one of them, at which point I'll lay down Oxford, probably in Cairo, because of its monster production... and the fact that the palace gives +2 science. The wheat will go to Cairo to see if we can hit 15 population fast enough. I swap a couple farms over for the turn to get the housing up so it's not constrained. Next turn, they go back to Damietta. 5 turns to Ballistics.
T216: Harvesting the wheat boosts Urbanization; it gets here in 4 turns. I kick myself for having not put the wonder card in as I lay down Oxford. 11 turns, as it is.
We also appear to be happiness-crunched, so I suspect a deal just ran out. I go trawling for luxury deals. Nobody likes me because I'm a warmonger, sooo... citrus and 32 gpt for sugar. I think that's manageable, although it's not amazing. I need to get a zoo online... rushbuying it would cost almost as much as I just paid, but I don't have the money on hand right now. Unfortunately, the other continent is the only way to get new luxury sources, and I may have possibly overgrown my cities. After Oxford, it's definitely the zoo. Also, Hattin has 13 housing, so we're going to build an entertainment district there and grow for the spaceport. It ends up being literally 2 tiles from my other entertainment district, where I could very well have dropped it from the other one. (I got better adjacency bonuses putting it in the other spot...)
It turns out that I need another musketman to bonus replaceable parts, so Medina builds that.
Interturn, Pericles is impressed with my culture. (Thanks! I worked hard to get that up...)
T217: nothing much appened.
Interturn, Tomyris built the Great Library. (bit late...)
T218: Bremen finishes a workshop and starts on a factory. I chop a forest into it. and order the citizen who was working the forest to work in the workshop. (The food surplus in Bremen is astronomical.)
T219: Medina finishes the musketman, boosting Replaceable Parts, and starts on a sewer, because it's housing crunched.
Bremen finishes its Research Lab and starts on a seaport.
Urbanization (civic swap) and Ballistics (field cannon upgrade) in 1 turn. Harald denounced me 15 turns ago or something, so we'll go a'conquering next turn.
Harald knows something is up, though. He asks me why I've massed my troops by his border. (A couple of them are right on the border.) I ignore it, because I don't want to declare war
just yet.
T220: Urbanization comes in. We don't want to stay in the upgrade civic long, so I put Divine Right as the next one: it completes in one turn. The next tech is Flight. I had forgotten we needed radio, which requires flight, for rocketry. (Radio requiring Flight is distinctly weird to me. Rocketry requiring Flight is not.)
For civics, I take the +culture for districts and double campus adjacency bonuses out for +wonder production and the unit upgrade discount. We've got 1868 faith right now, and we aren't using it for anything (although I might possibly go for a naturalist... maybe... for the Radio boost. Gold and faith from trade routes stays in, though, because we aren't running much of a surplus at the moment.
Civics this turn:
Having completed its entertainment district, Hattin starts on an arena.
I upgrade a bunch of crossbows to field cannons. Norway's berserkers are going to be toast.
Interturn, Tomyris renews her denunciation of me as a warmonger. To be fair, they're not wrong. Every so often, I see land I want and I take it. (Looking at the relationship chart, she's pretty pissed that I converted her holy city, which is about half again as much as the minus for warmongering. I really don't begrudge her hating me. Furthermore, looking at this, it becomes evident that refusing to make a promise is, while not as bad as breaking one, still bad for your relationship.)
T221: The arena in Hattin completes. They start on a zoo. Dropping the culture civic apparently slowed my culture rate enough that Divine Right was 2 turns. Oh well.
Damietta finished its research lab and starts on an archaeologist. There's one tech that needs it for a boost.
Also, it's T-turn. Time to get colonial on Norway. The first trike goes off without a hitch.
Interturn, it turns out there are even more berserkers hiding than I thought. They don't do a whole lot against stuff 1-2 ages beyond them. Also, Peter denounces me for being a warmonger. Guilty as charged.
T222: Divine Right finally finishes. The next civic is Mobilization, which boosts if I get 3 corps in my military. I swap the upgrade civic out for the culture card I had taken out. It turns out it was important; who knew?
Medina finishes its sewer and starts on a Mamluk. We're going to see how much exp new-build units get with a Stable and an Armory, to calibrate what's worth keeping, rather than putting into a corps.
Sana'a finishes a seaport and starts on a bank.
Bremen finished a factory and starts on a monument. It's 1 turn, and then we're going for the power plant. I considered laying down a theater square for +3, but I don't really want to build the extra stuff onto it and it's still not more efficient.
On the war front, I've almost captured Stavanger, and it's been pretty much a stomp, but the lack of perfection is annoying. I might even lose some units.
T223: Flight completes. 3T to Oxford. Also, it's 3T to Military Science, so I queue that up. Hopefully, that means it won't get selected as a tech to get for free.
Bremen finished its monument and starts on a power plant.
I have envoys to send. One goes to Buenos Aires for the production boost in the capital. The other, I'm sitting on.
On the war front, Stavanger falls. I get its harbor and holy site, but the unfinished commercial district vanishes, probably because it dropped down to 6 population. We got a new trade route, so I buy a trader in Bremen.
Interturn, my bombards get mauled some more. They're going to need to spend awhile recovering before I can take more cities, sadly.
T224: We recruit Robert Goddard. I use him as soon as I get him, in Cairo. I hope his effect is global, but, if it isn't, at least we'll have absurd output in one place.
On the war front, my bombards have taken a pretty serious beating, and I can't take more cities until I have siege weapons again. My field cannons won't really cut it.
Interturn, greece demands citrus. Go away.
T225: We recruit Rani Lakshmibai. He enhances our ... uh, actually, just our field cannons. Our combat tech is too backwards. Whoops! He does turn into a cavalry when he retires, though.
It turns out that, even with a Stables, we don't get any extra exp on our newly-produced units. However, I think I have too many for maintenance reasons, so I'm going to start merging ones without promotions. I now have 3 Mamluk corps with at least one promotion each, and one random who just barely doesn't have enough experience for even one promotion
and doesn't have a buddy. Maybe I'll turn him into an army with one later. The third corps boosted Mobilization, so maybe soon I'll be able to get my maintenance under control. (probably not actually until we get more red slots, though...)
Medina starts on an observation balloon since the Mamluk completed. Shooting artillery from outside of city range sounds great to me.
T226: Oxford completes. This turn, Military Science, Replaceable Parts, and Rifling complete this turn. The next tech is Steel for the lumber mill boost. After that, we're probably going to suck it up and just do Radio without the boost. I was hoping to boost Radio at some point because it was a quest for a city state, but Conservation is just too expensive, and I can't wait for it. (Well, that, and the Conservation boost is a neighborhood, which I don't really want to build...)
Cairo's next build is a zoo. Soon, we will have two of them and pretty thoroughly solve the amenity problem, at least for awhile. Bremen starts on a bank.
T227: Hattin finishes its zoo and starts on a military academy. Medina starts one too. Sana'a finishes a bank and starts on a stock exchange.
Damietta finishes the Archaeologist it was working on, and I decide to take a run at the Radio boost after all. It's 6 turns to finish a neighborhood there, or actually 5 once I put it in. It's 11 turns to Conservation right now. Once we finish Steel, we can get Radio close, switch to Combustion while we line the rest of it up, and then switch back, to maximize the output. Actually, on second examination of the land, I want to research Combustion ASAP so I can find out if I need to conquer all of Norway for oil. There's a desert area in his backfill, and I don't have any likely oil spots, myself.
Our siege engines are healed back up, so it's back to conquering Norway for us, this time with 3 range.
T228: I miscounted and Cairo needs one more population to drop a spaceport without using Ada Lovelace. I steal a bunch of farms to get us food and housing to grow in 6 turns. I will need to switch these back when I reach that. It builds a stock exchange for 4 turns, in the meantime.
Also, from the theme of miscounting, I chopped my last worker charge into Stavanger, which didn't really need it, but I was going to to mine the tile and now I can't.
On the war front, I'm being reminded that, actually, you can get some pretty serious damage out of field cannons bombarding cities, especially when half of them have the bombardment promotion.
T229: Bergen has massive war weariness due to being norwegian. It's a -6, and 0/5 actual. All my other cities are at +1 or +2 happy, so I don't know why the amenity distributor isn't doing anything. Maybe it gave up on it.
Steel came in, and we're going for Combustion to find out how far I need to go against Norway. I'm strongly considering just rolling the whole thing up anyway, though.
A massed barrage from field cannons followed by some cavalry corps gets us Nidaros. We steal a worker in the bargain, which I'm going to use to first repair a farm I pillaged, and then mine something, probably the niter nearby. Unfortunately, it only has one charge left. We're going to have to switch to the worker civic at some point.
Conquering Nidaros also got us the Colossus as well as a commercial district and a harbor (ironicaly not adjacent to each other. I'd buy some traders, but several of my cities are going to need things to build real soon, so I'll defer it to that. (Besides, I'm about to have access to all the modern units, and it would be time for an upgrade spree if I didn't have overwhelming force already.)
T230: Stavanger starts on a trader. It's 10 turns, but I don't like the other options. Units reposition, because it's time to move on to the next city.
Interturn, Germany denounces me for being a wormonger. (Well, yes... "Victory in Space by Victory on Earth" should be my motto, it seems.)
T231: Cairo builds a trader, as does Hattin. I now deeply regret setting Stavanger to build one, as I have run out of useful things to build in Damietta... where I discover that my neighborhood did not have Breathtaking appeal, as it is merely charming. (This should have been obvious.) I start Damietta on the Eiffel Tower because why not. It will do the boost for me, but 16 turns is way too late. I swap a Quarry from Cairo just because, but it will still be too slow. I set Mobilization back as my civic to get us a civic swap sooner rather than later. Medina queues up a monument, because it won't cost us anything later.
Interturn, Norway will cede the two cities and pay me a ton for peace. At the moment, I don't actually want to do that, so I decline.
Also interturn, someone sabotages Medina's industrial district. It's a thing to do with that city's production, I guess.
T232: Given the recent sabotage, it seems like a good time to build a spy in Hattin, so I do. Probably, I'll just have them run counter-espionage. Actually, later this turn we conquered another city with a harbor, so it's building a trader instead.
Bergen is now down to -1/5 amenities. We may very well get barbs soon.
Bremen, on the other hand, is happy and low on housing, so it starts a sewer.
On the war front, Skien falls, and apparently loses not one but two population. Yeah, I think I'm going to see how fast I can wipe out Norway, so I never have to wonder about it again. I might gift one really shitty city to Scythia, though.
T233: Combustion comes in. ... I can't find any oil near me. There isn't even any in the water. The closest I've got is one in the water between Brussels and Athens:
Well, nothing for it... the next tech is going to be Radio either way, and the next civic Mass Media. Radio comes in in 6 turns unboosted, and Mass Media in 10, so it will be 5 turns, one to do something else, and then a boost.
It will cost me a turn on the Eiffel Tower (which is more for vanity than anything), but I take the wonder production card out for Levee en Masse, to get my unit maintenance under control. It's worth about 10 or 15 gold.
Hamar falls to a massed field cannon bombardment. The city is probably worthless at this point in the game, having not even a harbor, but I keep it anyway. It has approximately no production, but it has 3 seafood, so it's good for a bunch of gold, at least. We can try mining some desert hills.
I consider making peace with Norway at this point, but I decide it's probably better to just wipe it out, rather than leaving them on life support. This will be a good chance to find out how much the last city costs in warmongering. I'm at -40, at this point.
... Wow, that last city was worth -30 warmongering. That's steep. Well, I made my bed. I'll have to lie in it. Bergen still has massive WW. (ed: In retrospect, I should have set out to conquer either Germany or Scythia at this point, warmonger penalties be damned. I still had warmonger denunciations from everyone when the game ended. Unlike Civ 4, you cannot crash your economy by conquering too many cities, even if they don't produce much for whatever reason.)
Interturn, France demands luxuries. So does Russia. Go away. I'm going to space, now.
T234: I decide to gift Alesund to Scythia. It's a pretty bad city, but it feels like it makes more sense as part of their territory than mine. If we ever go to war, I can always get it back, right? Also, it looks like Bergen is finally no longer war weary. We have almost all our cities up to happy again, and all of them at least content.
I build a bunch of district projects in my cities that need work, since they don't have much to build.
Also, sometime around now I get my third artifact. I'm fascinated by the fact that I felt I could really use the culture from acquiring them. It's about 10% of my total culture output, even now that I have many more cities.
T236: It's time to renew those projects.
T237: Bremen starts on a bank; Stavanger grows. I lay down a commercial hub and then go back to finishing the trader. It's apparently housing crunched, but that doesn't really matter right now.
T238: Radio comes in. Next tech is Rocketry (boosted: 3 turns to complete). It's time for the push to the end.
Interturn, Peter is impressed by my arts and sciences.
T239: Mass Media completes. The happiness for garrison card is obsoleted. I need builders, so I throw the builder card in. When the next batch of projects ends, I'll crank out a set of builders. We do have a slight amenity problem now, though.
Our next tech path is Ideology to Class Struggle. In 9 turns, we'll be Communists and work together on getting off this rock. I'm pretty sure that 10% production on everything (notably, this should work on projects) beats having an extra wildcard slot. We'll find something for the military slots. I hear Integrated Space Cell is good for the space race.
We also recruit a great admiral: Joaquim Marques Lisboa can reduce war weariness, if we need, or he can boost our nonexistent navy. He's going to sleep in bergen either way.
Interturn, I notice that the AIs have gotten bored and are sending missionaries and apostles my way. Looks like it's time to use some of that faith I had been saving for a national park...
T240: I buy something like 2000 faith worth of apostles and inquisitors to fight the invading heretics, because I've acquired several holy sites. I also bought a tile for 290 gold near Sana'a in the north because I have Rocketry coming in next turn and it is likely to raise the cost. (It's the last tile I actually care about near that city. I'll need to get a worker back over there when the two I have building complete next turn.)
Interturn, peter builds Cristo Redentor.
Also, one of my apostles is in a slightly exposed position and got whacked a bunch.
T241: Rocketry comes in. Welcome to the atomic era!
To get off this planet, we need to do the following things:
First, we need to launch a satellite, to make sure our rockets don't blow up on the launchpad. That requires a Spaceport (2000 production) and the project (1500 production). Total cost is 3500 production.
Then, we need to land on the Moon to make sure we can move people around. We'll already have a spaceport, but the project costs 2500 production. This requires the Satellites tech, which we will have long before we finish a spaceport, at the rate things are going.
Finally, we need to launch three modules to Mars: Habitation, Reactor, and Hydroponics. Each of these are 3000 production. We can parallelize it if we build two more spaceports, which will not be the long pole for building. Also, later down the line, Integrated Space cell will give us a 15% production boost on the projects if we have a maxed out encampment or harbor.
In order to do this efficiently, we want to stack our enormous pile of trade routes onto the three cities we're using for this. Let's see what we have in the way of production-before-trade-routes.
* Cairo has 117.9 production (and we can steal another tile to get that higher), of which a little over 5 (4+20%+15%) are from trade routes. Let's score that as 112.5 base. We can also steal a tile from Damietta and/or Medina.
* Medina has 91.8, with 3+12% from trade routes. Let's call it 89. We can also take another 8 production (+12%) from Stavanger and/or Bergen, which would get us to close to 100.
* Hattin has 74.8, with only 1 of those coming from trade routes because it's a foreign trade route for other stuff. It's also 18 turns from having the population for a the spaceport unless we use Ada Lovelace there.
* Damietta is at 105.1 production right now, while working on the Eiffel Tower (because what else should I build?). Unfortunately, 14 (+13%) of that is from trade routes, so the actual score is closer to 90. However, that still beats Hattin by a sizeable margin. (With the current trade route distribution, Damietta could finish the Eiffel Tower and still build a spaceport before Hattin finished its spaceport.) Damietta doesn't ahve an encampment, though.
Everyone other than those four has less production and no real chance of catching up. The heartland is the heartland and all that. Hattin and Medina are going to get a production boost as Nidaros brings its factory and power plant online, but that's going to take some significant time. So, the plan is that Cairo and Medina get spaceports, and we figure the third one out later. We don't need it for a bit, anyway.
Cairo has exactly one spot it can place a spaceport without paving over an existing tile, so it goes there. As the urgent primary spaceport, we take the horses from Medina for more production, although it doesn't look like it speeds things up any. Spaceport completion expected in 14 turns. Medina also starts a spaceport; estimated copletion time 20 turns.
Hattin isn't building a spaceport for now, so it starts on a spy. We're going to put spies to cover all our spaceports (and as many industrial zones as we can cover at the same time) in case somebody gets any funny ideas.
We have 2 trade routes that just finished, so we're transferring them to Cairo to see if we can shave another turn off its spaceport build. Spaceports appear to not have cost scaling like everything else: they're base cost 2000 actual cost 2000 for me right now.
We're going to have to research a bunch of the tech tree, so I set my next tech to Plastics. It will give our various seafood +1 food, which doesn't matter for our core but might be nice in the periphery. After that, we'll reassess based on how fast things are building and researching. I think I need to sprint for satellites next after that.
T242: It's a giant brawl out here where religious units are concerned, out here. I pick off several which weakened each other. I also buy another inquisitor in case my current one bites the dust on patrol duty. (unlikely, but I have the faith...)
Bergen finished a builder and can 1-turn them. We'll do another of those and then switch out the builder card next turn.
Another trader is up for renewal, so I trasnfer it to Cairo. Before activating that one, we're now up to 150 production in Cairo, which is fantastic. That's 10 turns or less for the satellite, once we have the launchpad.
T243: Ideology comes in. Next stop, Communism and even more production! Time to swap civic cards. Worker bonuses are out. Industrial Zone Adjacency is in. We just got another spy slot, so Bergen starts on it.
I decide it's finally time to get another religious bonus. I evangelize with an injured apostle who has a completely useless promotion. I haven't been trying very hard to proseletize outside my own lands except for a surgical strike into Scythia, but the Church of Bob appears to have quite the following in Germany as well. I briefly consider World Church for the extra culture, but it's only +10 culture, and I've gotten my culture up to 150 per turn by now. On the other hand, my cities are all enormous and mostly entirely converted, so tithe gets me around 12 gold from that as well as about 2-3 gold for almost every city I have. I'm also netting less gold than my culture per turn right now.
Bremen needs to build something and can build an airport or a theater district. The theater district would give +3 culture for 6 turns of building... but we've only got about 100 turns of civic research left in the tree. On the other hand, we also aren't going to last 100 turns longer. Actually, we might... I'm seeing similar numbers for the tech tree, which is a perfect coincidence. If I spend all my gold, I can just barely build an aerodrome in time to buy 2 biplanes with all my gold, but I can't quite get enough to buy three of them, and they cost a bunch of maintenance. Whatever: I'm kind of just screwing around at this point anyway. I drop an aerodrome to see if I can pull it off. It's the quest for Amsterdam, too.
I've got another trader finishing up, but I think I'll send one to Bremen for a change, to possibly speed up that aerodrome slightly. Cairo is just about maxed out on trade routes.
Interturn, Catherine re-ups her denunciation for warmongering, as does Pericles.
T244: Sana'a has nothing useful to build, so we're going to build commercial investment for gold. Bremen sends its trade route to Nidaros, which somehow has +5 production to every other city in my empire's +4. I guess it's got an encampment
and a harbor.
T245: Hamar reached size 4, so it lays down a commercial hub. It will probably never be finished, but it exists if we ever get through the harbor.
T246: Hattin finishes its spy and also goes in for investment. Counterspy mode engaged on its industrial district, which should shield the spaceport next door as well.
Bergen has a trade route to re-up and, for now, I'm sending it to Aachen for the extra gold. I could send it locally for extra production, but I don't think that will matter, since I'm planning to buy all my biplanes, rather than build them, unless the build ends up looking really good.
Also, my gold went way up while I suddenly hit an amenity crisis. It looks like an amenity deal just ended... and when I grow Bremen again in 5 turns, it's definitely oging to need to drop an entertainment district. I'm not willing to pay half my gpt to get a single amenity. (and I'm quite sad I didn't manage to get the GP that gives amenities for bonus resources... I've got a few of those lying around...)
T247: Skien, one of the Norwegian port city conquests finishes a granary. Lacking a better plan while we wait for it to grow to size 4 (though I did swap it another food tile), we start a lighthouse.
The break-even for a lumber mill on this tundra forest near Damietta is 50-75 turns. I think that's "ignore it and come back to chop it into a mars thing" territory.
T248: Plastics comes in. Fish are now pretty good sources of food. Next tech is Advanced flight.
Communism also comes in. Next civic is Suffrage, because I need the happy/housing from New Deal, and I can offset the gold loss by doubling gold output of commercial hub buildings with the card that does that. The rest of the space race/globalization techs are less than 60 turns, and we're going to get several of the boosts for them, too.
Bremen completes its aerodrome... it's 1355 gold per biplane before we switch to communism, or 6 turns to build. I'm 1 turn short of being able to buy all three this turn. (Ouch) We're barrelling through the tech tree, though, so I'm setting the tech to Combined Arms and slow-building the last one. I switch techs to Advanced Ballistics because that's already boosted and also required for nuclear fission.
Now that we've bought the units we want to buy, we're switching to Communism. This puts us over our trade routes by 2. It also causes a precipitous drop in gold per turn. We lose a wildcard slot and gain an economic slot, as well as two military slots and the 10% production bonus. The industrial zone adjacency card also obsoletes... for one which bonuses campuses as well. I slot that in. The second military card is Logistics for extra worker movement, and finally Military Research. It's not worth much, but I don't see any cards for bonusing air unit production. (After a quick check, it appears that the air unit card is on Suffrage.)
These are our civics cards now:
T249: Skien grows to size 4. I think about putting the commercial hub for max adjacency, but that's a hill, and the area really needs more production. Instead, it gets dropped somewhere with no adjacency, but it's in the desert, where there's no loss from putting it there. At 48 turns, it's probably not getting anywhere anyway.
Hattin completed its commercial investment, and I decide to build a military engineer. I'll put an airstrip somewhere out of the way, and use it to boost Combined Arms. Damietta completes the Eiffel Tower and drops a spaceport in the tundra next to the Eiffel Tower. Building it will complete in 17 turns, only 5 turns after Medina finishes its spaceport.
We got a great person. It's Helene Rubenstein, who gives us two Cosmetics luxuries. That's a huge help! We're not going to get the next one, which is Levi Strauss, who does the same thing with Jeans. Sana'a finished its commercial investment this turn, but there still isn't really anything else to do there, so I set it for more of that.
Interturn, Catherine demands lipstick. Go away. Everyone else except Peter does too. Same answer.
T250: Nidaros finishes its factory. Next build is a power plant. Nothing else of interest happens. I note that the next great merchant is Estee Lauder, who makes Perfume. Perfume works on 6, rather than 4, cities. There's basically no competition for it, but it will take some time to get there.
T251: Hattin finishes its military engineer. Back to the investment zone, I guess. Bergen goes for research, instead.
I decide to take one of my apostles and burn it to evangelize a final belief. I choose +30% spread range, because I have a solid core and want to see if I can push out a bit, passively.
Interturn, Tomyris re-ups her denunciation.
T252: I build an airstrip with my military engineer to boost Combined Arms. Advanced Flight says 6 turns, so I set it to research: Bremen will finish Biplane #3 in 2 turns.
Interturn, Peter re-ups his denunciation.
T253: Cairo completes a spaceport. Our satellite project is good to go! 9 turns to completion.
Also, suffrage comes in. New civics:
![[Image: BED223F51CCC413B6659105E74D2E35FA79DD47C]](http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/98348801206945525/BED223F51CCC413B6659105E74D2E35FA79DD47C/)
New Deal neatly solves our happiness and housing problems, while doubling commercial district building output actually increases or income compared to before. Our next civic is to get started on Cold war. After that, we'll switch over to Professional Sports until we get to fission. (ed: In retrospect, even with a buffer of only 2k gold in the late game here, I should have put the science card in instead.)
Stavanger finished its commercial hub. Next up is a market.
Interturn, Peter finally comes asking for lipstick. Again, no.
T253: Our third biplane completes, boosting Advanced Flight. It completes next turn. This also gets us an envoy with Amsterdam, our second. I put our spare envoy in to get bonus gold at all our commercial hubs.
Hattin starts on more commercial hub investment. I'm not sure what I'll use all this gold on, but it's nice to have the buffer.
Bremen starts on an entertainment complex, now that it's done with the biplane. There's no reason not to go from a little short on amenities to a crazy pile of them.
I've also come up with a harebrained plan to get some more boosts: There's oil on the other continent, and it's just sitting on the coast for the taking. I'm going to build a settler and send some builders with it. Hopefully, I can get oil and also some more luxuries, since that continent has different luxuries. I'm sending a Mamluk to scout first, because I won't finish the satellite fast enough to have it do the scouting for me, but I already know there's oil on the coast.
T255: Advanced flight comes in, and it turns out that I already have a source of aluminium mined. IN fact, I have a second one, and I dodged a bullet in where I placed my commercial hub at Skien there were two flat desert tiles, and I happened to pick the one that wasn't aluminium. For all we know, it will turn out to have Uranium under it, though...
We also got a great engineer: Jane Drew. Perhaps I should have passed over her for the next one, Joseph Paxton, who increases AOE on one city's districts by 3. However, it's more expensive to get to, so we might get him anyway. Russia is a little over halfway there, and we've got about twice his GPP per turn. Sana'a needs to do something, so it's time for industrial zone projects. Jane herself spends some time improving Cairo. Other than some marginal cities we took off of Norway, it's the only city which is slowed.
T256: We get Erwin Schroedinger, once again comically sniping something away from Russia to show them another more-expensive-than-before great person. The next great scientist, though, is Stephanie Kwolek, who gives double speed to space race projects. We want this. We might also finish the space race before we can get there.
Bergen starts on a settler for the terrestrial colony project. It will take all of three turns to build. Stavanger starts on a bank.
Schroedinger goes to a campus and boosts three techs... including Composites, which was the main reason I wanted to go get oil. In fact, not a single one of the techs he boosted said "Boost through Great Scientist or Spy." I'm a little displeased by that. (I was really hoping I'd roll my current tech, Satellites, if I'm completely honest.) I put the colony project on hold and instead have Bergen work on a research project for gsci points. We're going exploring anyway, to see if we can find anything else useful to us.
Since we don't need the spaceport in Medina yet, Medina starts a research project in the meantime. If we're lucky, we might be able to shave a turn off Satellites. Same with Damietta.
T257: Hattin finishes its investment and gets started on a round of industrial zone logistics.
The mamluk we sent to go exploring spots a scout and goes to kill it. It turns out it was right next to a brand new barbarian camp... defended by an AT crew! We'll see if our brave knights survive a bazooka, but it's going to be dicey no matter what.
T258: My knights lived! The AT crew ignored them for some reason. I don't understand the barbarian guardians' logic on when to leave the camp or not. Time to run, anyway.
It also looks like stacking up a bunch of extra science has managed to edge satellites down in completion time by a turn, so it will now coincide with the launch of my satellite.
Bremen completed an entertainment district, so it's now time to fill it out. We're right on the edge in happiness again, anyway.
Interturn, Preslav has rebels because it has lots of food and no amenities. Fortunately, they're as low-tech as my own obsolete army. I'm going to need to clean some up, though.
T260: Hattin finally reached 13 population. Lacking anything better to do, I drop an aerodromeon top of the airstrip I had built. It's poetic, the airstrip has outlived its usefulness, and it gives adjacency bonuses to Nidaros's industrial zone. Also, that flatland tile is frankly useless.
Also, I just noticed that I had gotten more than 50% of the way through Cold War. I switch civics research to Professional Sports.
Interturn, Frederick demands citrus and pocket change. I decide to oblige him.
T261: I launch a satellite. The satellites tech comes in. Welcome to the Information age!
The next tech target is nuclear fission, which will be ... a few of turns. Somewhere between 5 and 8, depending on overflow. There are two almost-completed prerequisites and then the final one.
Cairo starts on a moon landing. 14 turns. Then, we're going to need to figure out how to get some of the final projects in the pipeline. From here, it looks like one is 7 turns to research, one is 10 turns to research, and one is 13 turns after nuclear fission. Y'know, I'm not sure we actually need the extra +100% to space race project building, but it will probably shave around 10 turns off of our win. We should put the slowest of the three launchpads going first, followed by the others, anyway. I'm not even certain we will recruit another GP before everything finishes off, in fact.
T262: Combined Arms comes in. Also, apparently I am now far enough ahead of France that I can declare colonial wars on them.
Interturn, Tomyris demands citrus and a small amount of money from me. Sure, why not?
T263: Advanced Ballistics comes in. 5 turns to Nuclear Fission.
I re-up some trade routes in the periphery to make sure they get modern roads. They're building trade route capacity, and it's never going to pay for itself, but I don't really care right now.
T264: Hattin finishes a project and starts on a hangar. Bremen does the same. We're going to make the run for airports with our aerodromes, including the one I have barely started in Sana'a.
T265: We're using Ada Lovelace in Medina so it can build an entertainment complex. It's 3 turns and will finish up most of Professional Sports. Civic research is swapped to Capitalism for the moment.
T266: One of Bremen's trade routes finishes up. It gets transferred to Damietta.
T267: It turns out that Sana'a is feeding people largely from trade routes at this point. One finished, and now it's time to turn the food pipeline back on. It's only -1, so we're going to maximize other output and send it to Nidaros. On further investigation, some tiles I thought Sana'a owned were owned by another city despite being out of working range. I flip those and it improves things further. It's not growing quickly, though.
Damietta has some trade routes, and they're mostly maxed out. One trader gets transferred to Medina.
Interturn, Peter is impressed with my arts and sciences.
T268: Nuclear fission gets us the rest of the way to the cold war. Through some irony of timing order, we don't get a civic swap from the civic completion. It's 1 turn to professional sports because we boosted it this past turn, so that goes in next.
It's 6 turns to go to the moon, so we're going to get going on our shortest path to a mars module, so we can start on the first one. Tech path is Computers -> Robotics; 7 turns.
We found Uranium, and it's even somewhere convenient! It's under a jungle I've been putting off clearing. We'll move some workers in to mine that. There's also one near Sana'a, and paying 320 gold for the tile is basically nothing for us at this point.
Damietta has room for another district (and has for some time; it's size 17 and growing strong due to the suburb... oops) We drop an encampment next to the spaceport. It might not max all the way out, but it might, so we're trying it!
Interturn, Peter completes the Sydney Opera House. Good for him!
T269: We've got some new cards, and Professional Sports just completed. Merchant Confederation is out for Containment, because basically any envoys I'd send now would qualify: all the other civs are democracies. Also, Levee en Masse is out for +30% encampment construction. I'm building a new one and also want to finish another one up to the academy. We'll take it back out later, probably when we get Integrated Space Cell.
I use a worker to mine Uranium in a rainforest. Apparently, it doesn't destroy the rainforest. I'll take it!
Interturn, Peter completes Broadway. He sure is going for the cultural victory.
Also, barbarian battleships sink my Caravel. It saves me the maintenance, at least...
T270: Skien managed to finish its trade hub. We get another trade route. There's an idle one in Damietta from when we left the merchant republic. Destination Sana'a: only one food, compared to the two of many of them, but +4 production, which is the important part.
Stavanger finished a thing and is housing crunched, so it starts on a sewer.
T271: Hamar finishes its harbor and starts on its commercial hub (24T means it's basically a nonentity, though). I buy it a lighthouse, because 390 is plenty cheap. Damietta is barrelling through the buildings for an encampment at an astonishing rate. I haven't built a fully-stacked district, with a production bonus and massive industrial effort before.
Interturn, Peter offers me a luxury for the return of his captured spy, which I literally just captured. Looks like counterespionage efforts are working, but I think this also means I need to dump some envoys and shuffle stuff into a spy-reducing civic because I'm actively being attacked. I'll take the luxury, though.
Also interturn, Pericles built the Alhambra. I hadn't noticed it was still in the air... but I also have mined every hill in my area of control, so it would have been somewhat of a loss to build it somewhere.
T272: Shakira got a promotion for catching the spy, which was trying to sabotage production. I give her a promotion that makes her counterespionage even better.
I dump some envoy points into various places. Ironically, Buenos Aires didn't have a suzerain, so I don't get the doubling bonus. However, I had the envoys to just get it, so now my bonus resources act like 1/4 of a luxury resource.
T273: Cairo shoots off a really big rocket. We choose to go to the moon! The culture boost gets us all the way through Space Race. I'm not sure if there's overflow for it; if there isn't, that was a massive waste, because I could have gotten 2.6k culture out of it. We're going to drive on for Globalization now.
Cairo, being the highest-production of the lot, and we just got a new trade route, so it 1-turns a trader. Next is a stadium. Damietta won't have anything in queue starting next turn, so it's going to get the first mars module. Veterancy (+30% to encampments) comes out for Integrated Space cell (+15% to space race if there's a military academy or seaport). (oops, I forgot the antispy one; oh well)
T274: Robotics comes in. Next tech path is Synthetic Materials -> composites -> Nanotech.
Damietta starts on the Mars Habitation project. ETA 18 turns. It's entirely likely this will finish before we have the third one researched, even with the way I'm cranking research up in all my cities with campuses.
Robotics apparently obsoleted Military Research, so let's put Levee En Masse back in. Extra gold never hurts.
Apparently, I can mine Uranium in forest, too, so I do.
France re-ups their warmonger denunciation, as does Greece. I check, and I'm still at -49 warmongering penalty. Well, then.
T275: Medina finished its stadium, so it starts on a spy. We need to cover Damietta. Skien finished whatever it was building and starts on a market.
T276: Bremen starts on a spy. I'd built a stadium, but it's overkill: all my cities are at ecstatic, now. We're going to ignore the Great Engineer who increases AOE range, as we thoroughly don't need it.
Trade routes need re-upping, too, and I'm going to start a phase transition: with Capitalism and Globalization, we get civics that give bonuses for foreign trade routes. Also, we need research more than production at the moment, so we're going to go for whatever gets us the most culture and science. Bonus points for them not having trading posts, to expand our trade network. I'm also going to swap our civic research to Capitalism. In 2 turns, we can start getting this stuff. It'll be a gold hit initially, probably, but we have 8000+ of that right now.
T277: Whoops; I should have saved Cairo for the spy. Failing that, however, Cairo can do research grants to speed up our research rate. Hattin has even less to do: it's going to do some industrial zone logistics. Sana'a finishes a hangar and starts on an airport.
T278: Time for the communist market economy! Triangle trade is out, and Market Economy is in. On the other hand, for the moment, Free Market is out for Rationalism. This doubles science building output instead of marketplace building output. I expect my gold income to drop a lot but for it to not really matter. I finally remember to put Cryptography in, for good measure. Civic research goes back to Rapid Deployment.
Nidaros overwrites a farm with the Great Zimbabwe broadly for the hell of it. It will give us another trade route in 14 turns, assuming that even matters. (It won't...)
T279: Several trade routes get shifted to the new regime of going to places that give culture and science.
Interturn, Greece re-ups its demand for citrus and pocket change. Apparently, this qualifies as trade?
T281: I get offered the area-increase-and-amenity guy, and I pass. The next engineer is Werner Von Braun, who also doubles space race stuff. I think I'll pass on the scientist and hope that there's one that boosts techs behind, instead.
T282: Nanotechnology comes in. With that, we can start the second space race project.
I wasn't looking closely and missed that someone else got the gsci for space race doubling. However, the next gsci is Carl Sagan. He just flat-out completes one space race project. We'll keep him around for the last one.
The last remaining research is Lasers and Nuclear Fusion. Our research rate exploded when I put some more cards in to do research, and the rest of the necessary techs will now arrive in 7 turns. I faith-recruit Werner Von Braun to double our build rate on one of the next projects. Cairo starts on Mars Hydroponics. Right now, it says 16 turns, so that's our long pole. Cairo needs production support in any way possible, unlike the others. Even with a boost, there's no way Globalization will arrive before we even build it, so it's internal trade routes for that.
Interturn, Scythia re-ups its denunciation.
T283: I move a trader to Cairo from Medina, since Medina will never need to produce anything ever again. Oh, and I used Werner Von Braun, so now it's only 9 turns to the long pole of production.
Interturn, France demands luxuries and pocket change. (sure, why not!) Russia re-ups their denunciation.
T284: Trade route from Cairo to Nidaros (+5 production), move some stuff around; improve spy coverage. It doesn't really matter. Seven turns to hydroponics completion and 6 turns to research for the reactor. Four for the habitation module.
T285: Nuclear Fusion seems to have gone up to 6 turns (but will probably go back down to 5 next turn), so I'm not exactly sure when we'll complete everything, but it will be in 6-7 turns. I spend 500 faith to get perfumes a little early. A few of my cities aren't ecstatic.
T286: Lasers comes in. Nuclear Fusion says 5 turns. Rapid Deployment also came in. Globalization (boosted from my airports) says 6 turns. I'm betting it won't even get here before we win.
Interturn, Germany demands perfumes and some change. I decide to decline. Russia actually offers stuff. Still meh. Scythia demands.
T287: Nuclear fusion in 4 turns; Globalization in 5; Hydroponics in 4. (Great Zimbabwe in 4)
T288: Damietta launches habitation to Mars. I steal every loose production tile for Cairo, but it doesn't speed it up any. This is not a surprise, but it feels good. 3 turns.
T289: 2 turns.
T290: Somehow, I got the Hydroponics off a turn earlier than I thought I would... that, or I lost some research somewhere. Anyway, Hydroponics launched this turn. Nuclear Fusion comes in next turn. I transfer Carl Sagan back to Cairo because why not build the last thing in the single highest-production city in the empire, even if we're insta-completing it?
One last round of setting projects before we get ready to win...