Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW 45: Lurkey Lurking

Email is

If you've got the time sometime in the next 12 hours, I'd love for you to take a look at my setup and tell me if you think it's horribly broken. I think you were the once who broke it last time I ran the orig version, though that may have been novice.

If DP is scum this might knock out Serdoa out of the biggest RB WW fail ever.

I'm pretty sure he's not. I've watched him as both wolf and town, as both a player and as a mod. I think I've got a pretty good handle on his style at this point. He's very ADHD Bull in a china shop that just did a line of cocaine. :P This seems to be in character for him.

So any bets on who's on the lynch lineup tomorrow?

Sigh. It's truly frustrating reading through people's assessments of my play, and having it appear they glossed over my posts at best, looking to justify their preexisting thoughts on me.  For posterity's sake, let me break it down.

1. First what it wasn't. It wasn't boredom, I wasn't irritated, I wasn't discouraged, I wasn't resigned, I wasn't feeling like I didn't have enough time, I wasn't prioritizing the game I'm hosting over the one I'm playing (I knew there was overlap, it wasn't a big deal, and was already planned for, and playing a game and hosting a game at the same time, especially when neither are overly large, is not a challenge. The only reason I mentioned my game at all was because I was somewhat irritated and was trying to make the best out of a shit situation) and it certainly wasn't spiteful. It was my assessment of where the game was at, and what I thought was best for town.

2. I recognized a little over halfway through the first day that I had pretty much irreversibly placed a target on myself. My arguments explaining why I thought Rowain was scum were not being read the way I intended them to be. Rowain was getting upset making it hard to engage him constructively, and I genuinely don't like upsetting people, so there was additional motivation to stay away from him. The arguments Rowain was making that pointed to me being scum were more effective than mine saying he was, and he simply carried more town cred with everyone else than I did. Also, I still felt he looked scummy.

3. This gave me two options, switch tracks, which would have been hard because aside from him, the closest anyone looked to me to be scum was Lewwyn, and my reasons for him appearing scum were less crystallized, or double down on Rowain. Even had i switched tracks however, that would have made it even more likely I swung, because it would look like I was just seeking anything to survive, a scum tactic not a town one. As noted above, doubling down on Rowain would likely not be effective either.

4. Until I accepted that I was going to die, and that I would use my time trying to get as many people on the record as possible, almost all of you thought I was scum. Lets be honest here, it was only at this point that any of you started giving me ANY credit for possibly being town, with I believe the exception of Dp. It was only my willingness to die, and my explanation of my fear that being alive on the next day would lead to being an easy mislynch there that made me sound, for the first time in this game, towny. Now again, lets be honest, would any one of you felt the same way at the end of the day if I switched just to save my own ass? At that point, regardless of whether Dp popped town or scum, I'm screwed.

A. Dp is scum. Now what I'm doing simply looks like a gambit. You got both scum up against the wall because we played poorly, and I pulled a gambit hoping that if I died it would make him look better, and if he died, I would look better.


B. Dp is town. The above, but worse, as now you guys lynched a townie, and my gambit looks all the more likely. If I had just stayed on myself, dp would have been alive, tsk tsk.

Either way, the next time I'm up for a lynch, either day 2 if I make the list or day 3 if I don't, scum has the easiest job in the world selling me down the river. I'm not likely to be able to explain my arguments against Rowain any better on day 2 or 3 than I was on day 1, so I still look bad for that, and I said I was ok dying for the good of town, but then chickened out last mine. All of this by the by, to switch to a guy I had been claiming all game I was sure was town.

So yeah, you guys can question my judgement on whether or not Dp was town, that's fine. You can question my judgement on whether or not lynching myself was strategically valid, that's fine. What isn't cool however is misrepresenting why I did what I did, when I explained it through multiple posts.

What also isn't cool is getting personal about it. After this game I'm not sure I'm all that interested in playing more games here. The game ceases to be fun the moment someone starts getting personal. I've been playing here a couple of years, and whether I'm town of scum, player or host, I'm always polite and friendly to everyone, even when I'm on the defensive. I've never gone after people, only their arguments, and I've never gotten personal with anyone. Having people go off on me with personal attacks the way they did in this game removed all of the fun, and actually upset me, as I consider most of you guys buddies if not friends. It's a game. It's a game where lying is the stock in trade. It's a game of misrepresentation. For you to get that upset because someone is not seeing arguments the way you see them, or representing you in a way that you feel is unfair means you're probably doing something wrong. The fault there does not lie with me.

Something to think about.

Thanks Jabbz.

So for anyone lurking, did scum put up three, two, or one townies?

Jabbz, when I read your posts from my vantage point I could see that logic and approach. I'll give more thoughts when I have time.

I am sorry this became unpleasant for you  alright
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


I hope dp is scum and Rowain is town for maximum drama. smile

Rowain not flipping out and making a big post after just logging-on, which is dependent on what happened during night, hampers my wants. smile

Reading what was said; I think self-voting is not acceptable so it would get a little personal but Rowain was over the line.

I think they did 3 townies.

I would do 3 townies.

And then lose afterwards.

If this had been a bigger game, and there were 3 scum, what a hilarious gambit to put up 3 scum for lynch. Something to think of...

And this game is setting a new record for serious self-voting.
Played: FFH PBEM XXVI (Rhoanna) FFH PBEM XXV (Shekinah) FFH PBEM XXX (Flauros) Pitboss 11 (Kublai Rome)
Playing:Pitboss 18 (Ghengis Portugal) PBEM 60 - AI start (Napoleon Inca)

Yup. And I just won a game as scum in which a town self-voted D1 to convince the rest of town to kill another player after they died. That other player was the town vigilante.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


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