As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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WW 45: I'm an Illegal Alien

Yeah, I'm getting eviscerated by Gaz. John Doe has the upper hand.

You awoke the sleeping dragon


I just missed a golden opportunity to do a GoT reference. Sad !

The thing is, Gaz's points on me are all entirely fair. I've screwed myself badly this game. I still think Gaz is scum, though.

Since I've already made myself look so objectively shady, I'll go ahead and reveal what my theory is about the scum's play will be, even if it will help scum. Because I don't see how town can win this now.

My theory is that Dp101 and Gaz are scum. Gaz has long since thrown Dp101 under the bus. Gaz is prepared for the likelihood that Dp101 will hang today, but is of course open to diverting it elsewhere and winning outright today (especially to me, which he has been laying the groundwork for since yesterday, even while he played coy about whether he thought I was the scummiest or not. Rhetorically, your attacks have been devastating in an objective sense, Gaz, (mostly my fault for playing into your hands), so it hardly matters how you sum it all up).

Even if we still manage to lynch scum Dp101 today, I believe Gaz's plan is to nominate himself, Adrien, and Rowain for the Day 4 lynch. He knows that, if it came down to a 2 vs. 1 on Day 5 between him, Adrien, and Rowain that those vets could still have a shot of sniffing out the scum. So what he will want to do is leave me out of the nomination on Day 4 and probably try to get Rowain lynched, to set things up for a 2 vs. 1 on Day 5 between me, Gaz, and Adrien. Adrien has looked pretty clean this game. People have Gaz pretty much in the bag as townglum. I already look so scummy that it will be a walk in the park. But then add on the fact that I was mysteriously left out of the Day 4 lynch, and it will seem obvious that I am the scum. Gaz has already planted the seed that the smart scum play is to not try anything clever and just not nominate scum when possible.

And indeed I started to suspect at the end of Day 2 (after Gaz's uncanny observation about ideal scum play being to play it safe, which felt like it was setting something up), and I now believe that that is what Gaz and Dp101 in fact did on Day 2. But, having primed us with this assumption, the plan will be to switch things up on Day 4 and put Gaz himself on the list. That way, Gaz only has to survive that one last day as the guy who first pointed out all the scummy things scum Psilly did...and it will be practically confirmed by that point that I am scum with my name not being on the nomination, plus all of my other (stupid) objectively scummy things this whole game, that it will be a walk in the part for Gaz to deflect suspicion from himself on Day 4 and get someone else lynched...maybe Rowain, since Gaz seems to be planting the seeds for that already.

That said, now that I have disclosed my suspicions, it is possible that scum will decide not to go through with this plan after all. Or, even if they do execute it now, it will probably look like I am the scum and that I am creating this elaborate fantasy scenario to explain why I didn't get nominated on Day 4. Yes, I know in that case that I am playing straight into scum hands, but frankly I'm so frustrated with my own play right now that I don't give a damn. Sorry town. If I can be proven right after the game is over, that will be one silver lining out of all at least for me. I will understand if the rest of the town will be angry with the fact that they had to lose the game in order for me to get my own silver lining of psychological solace. Sorry.

(February 7th, 2017, 03:41)Gazglum Wrote:
(February 7th, 2017, 03:19)Dp101 Wrote: So, before I get voted by everyone else in the game, may I at least know the specific incidents I am being voted on for? Since it seems like every read on me is "well, he is just generally being scummy" rather than anything that requires reasoning or investment from those making the cases.

You do deserve a proper case, and off the top of my head:

> overly confident on Jabbz' innocence beforehand
> claimed to want to lynch Lewwyn Day 1 but then weasled back when Rowain tried to help you
> Convoluted and unconvincing responses to Lewwyn on Day 1
> Dropping out of sight Day 1 as you picked up steam, allowing the train to build on Jabbz
> Claims to be unable to find the scum anywhere, everybody is townie, but doesn't then think to reassess his reads
> Making no attempt to look into the Day 1 lynch actions from the perspective of it having been two townies, despite the fact that TownDP is the one person who knows that it was, and uniquely able to help town with that analysis
> Being present and able to respond to me, but not responding to offer any help while the town is trying to work out the puzzle
> Showing no signs of concern that the town is going to lose the game by being wrong on you, compare to your heartfelt, passionate posting last game in the same situation 
> doing no scumhunting at all.

Cheers DP.

Ok, I will try and address some of these, although I understand that most of them are pretty damming and I don't have that much I can say against them. For the first one, why is it out of the question that I just felt I was good at reading Jabbz? He was playing exactly how I would expect town!him to play after last game, and I saw no reason to suspect him. Why wouldn't I be confident? For 2, how did I weasel back exactly? I recall that I stayed on him pretty hard, and only went to vote Jabbz instead when it was me vs him with no chance of getting Lew lynched. I can't account for my responses D1 to Lew, I was trying something different and obviously it didn't work. Number 4 has the same explanation, I just didn't see a way to prove Jabbz's innocence since everything I posted made people think we were a team, so I tried stepping back and failed miserably. 5, well, all I can say to that is that the scum played well, and I genuinely have had trouble finding scummy things that people have said. Right now I kinda want to fall back to my you/AdrienIer pair for the last two that I postulated before the lynch. 6, well, what was stopping other people from assuming I was town and looking at the lynch that way? Why do you make me out as the only one who could possibly think "hmm, maybe there were 2 town wagons" and analyse from there? Doesn't make sense to me. Last 3 are fair, I have just felt very... disconnected from WW as of late. I keep trying to look at the thread and pull something from it, but I feel I just can't find the cases or make the posts that used to come naturally. I don't know what is wrong with me, but my skills in this game have dropped to zero.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Ok I've reread Gazglum to check. While I see where you guys are coming from I saw no red flags when reading him. Some posts can be read as scum trying to scan how town feels about certain people, but it could easily be townGlum genuingly wanting to know people's opinion on a certain person. So there are two things I am certain of.
First I think we should lynch Dp. Second I will not let scum ninja vote us into a loss. If we lose it will be a majority decision. Therefore if Dp decides to vote for Gazglum (as I assume he will) and we arrive near lynch time with a 3-2 for Gazglum, I will move to Gazglum too.

Notice that Dp101 still isn't even considering that I might be scum even though I've done things that could very easily be seen as objectively scummy. I think Dp101 is still resigned to the fact that people think that he is scummy, but he wants to draw people into the idea that I am his scumbuddy (as per his and Gaz's plan) and thus wants to be seen as hesitant to attack me. I feel like town-Dp101 would have had more of a reaction of at least some sort to what I just posted earlier.

(February 7th, 2017, 13:23)Psillycyber Wrote: Notice that Dp101 still isn't even considering that I might be scum even though I've done things that could very easily be seen as objectively scummy.  I think Dp101 is still resigned to the fact that people think that he is scummy, but he wants to draw people into the idea that I am his scumbuddy (as per his and Gaz's plan) and thus wants to be seen as hesitant to attack me.  I feel like town-Dp101 would have had more of a reaction of at least some sort to what I just posted earlier.

Stop calling yourself scummy. Yes, you have done scummy things, but they have all been done in a towny way, and your tone has been pure. I am never lynching you.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

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