As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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WW 45: I'm an Illegal Alien

Also, if I'm scum, and if everyone else left already think's I'm scum, then it shouldn't matter to me who gets lynched today because there's no single source of opposition to me that I could remove to give me a chance at living. So, even in that case, it would not hurt to humor me and lynch the person of my choice.

I have enjoyed this game, but at this point my interest is waning. I think we should go with Adrien’s choice, because he is likely the one who will have to decide tomorrow between Psilly/Rowain or Psilly/Gaz accusing each other. I am also happy splitting it 2v2, since the outcomes seem to be either

A: Rowain dies, Adrien and I lynch Psilly
B: Gaz dies, Rowain and Adrien almost certainly town and lynches Psilly
C: Nobody dies and we get to lynch Psilly en masse tomorrow

Psilly’s posts are enthusiastic but rubbish. I never said he was 99%, I said he was 90%. He could be town who has played extremely badly, flipped all his reads, and tunnelled onto the surviving player who attacked him because he can’t conceive of a reality where another townie would suspect him for his self-confessedly scummy play. That’s my 10% scenario, but I think Psilly is a better player than that.

As to Psilly, note that he has offered literally zero evidence to support his case against me. In fact our discussion yesterday played out exactly as he described an earlier encounter in this game, which in his eyes made Lewwyn scum.

(February 4th, 2017, 06:30)Psillycyber Wrote: This is something I notice about this morning's posts: Gaz is bringing logic to the table (interesting theory!) whereas Lewwyn is bringing mainly flippant-emotion-even-though-he-says-it's-not-flippant-emotion-or-anything-personal-but-is-actually-some-sort-of-brilliant-strategic-play-claiming-to-lock-in-his-vote-on-himself. Like, we're supposed to instantly understand why Rowain would obviously come after Lewwyn today even before Rowain has had a chance to speak on Day 2 yet. Lewwyn, you have my ears, but you are going to have to make a better case than that. Gaz seems more towny here.

I like Gazglum's tone. I liked Gazglum's stance yesterday. And, since D2 I have had some doubts (not great but some nonetheless) about Rowain. If it's not Psilly it's got to be Rowain

I really don't like your proposition Psilly, because it sets up a "oh, of course now that Gazglum has flipped town I realize that I was wrong, and that it was obviously Adrien all along" tomorrow. Or maybe an attack on Rowain, but I doubt it somehow. 
That + your gambit about not being nominated makes a perfect pair of complicated ploys to confuse town. I, like Gazglum, will vote Rowain today and Psilly tomorrow. I doubt something (other than the person we lynch today being unexpectedly scum) would take me out of this path.

Ok Rowain, looks like our fate is in Q’s hands now.

Shall we lock in and make it a 24 hour day?

Tell me Adrien why would I as scum put myself up on Day2 together with Lewwyn. This is such a strange notion that I really have to wonder what your purpose is.

Day 4 Vote Count 1:

Gazglum (2): Rowain, Psillycyber
Rowain (2): Gazglum, AdrienIer


Not Voting:
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(February 10th, 2017, 13:31)Gazglum Wrote: Shall we lock in and make it a 24 hour day?

Not happening.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


(February 10th, 2017, 14:24)Rowain Wrote: Tell me Adrien why would I as scum put myself up on Day2 together with Lewwyn. This is such a strange notion that I really have to wonder what your purpose is.

Why you would put yourself there : because Dp was in trouble and you wanted to give him a break. But you thought that having none of the scum be nominated was dangerous. So you realized that having town believe that both scum were out of the lynch, while you were there was best. Hence why you put the 2 most towny (at the time) people with you. It was risky but you were in a tough spot with Lewwyn being certain that Dp was scum. So you took the risk.

I feel like I'm repeating myself here, but I'll reiterate. I don't think that's what happened. I'm almost certain that the last scum is Psilly. But I think this is more likely than Gazglum who I read as very town.

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