Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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WW 45: I'm an Illegal Alien

(February 11th, 2017, 17:49)AdrienIer Wrote: Stupid miscklick mid-message... End of message :

Do you now think that Psilly is unlikely to be scum ? Or do you think Gazglumvis inherently scummy ? If Psilly had been nominated who would you be voting for ?

(February 10th, 2017, 08:07)Rowain Wrote: Psilly > Gaz is exactly the order which I would like to use. Sadly not possible.

Thing is we either had 1 scum on the block D2 then it has to be Adrien (who would have cold-hearted bussed DP on Day1 and did so on D3). Hence my uneasiness about DP never mentioning Adrien. I mean Adrien was pushing him near the gallows why is DP so relaxed about it.

Or (more likely) there was no scum on D2 then it remains you and Psilly. Which means you today and Psilly tomorrow is the right course to take.

I'm waking up early on a sunday for you guys. I hope I won't be talking to myself for the next half hour.

I hope I'm wrong about Gazglum. But let's assume for a second that he flips town in 30mn. Tomorrow I have to decide between the two people who tried to steer town away from scum Dp and into a towny.

I'm going to have to vote for Psilly because 1) his attack on Gazglum amounts to "there's nothing scummy about him and he attacked me with reasonable arguments therefore he's scum". It's crap. 2) The nomination strategy is the same strategy that he used D2 to save Dp, and that almost worked D3 when Rowain joined him.

Ah good at least it's possible that we'll win in the end

@Gazglum It is always a pleasure to play with you smile.

Day 4 End of Day Vote Count:

Gazglum (2): Rowain, Psillycyber
Rowain (2): Gazglum, AdrienIer


Not Voting:

With the last stringing-up having lucked into a foreigner, the pressure is off. Them 'mmigrant types seem to revel in indecision, and so you decide, why not do the same? The xenophobe who donated the most to David Duke is blindfolded and led to the double gallows. Two stools stand, and he kicks out at the one on his left - chairs could be liberals to, you never know.

Gazglum was lynched! He was a True Murican

Eh. At least the Mainstream Media has lost interest and is focusing on a particularly sprightly lemur. You'll have a day without them, though you'd best make it count.

Day 5 has begun!
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.



You played well Gazglum. I'd have liked to be wrong.



While I'm not so sure that Adrien is town as Gazglum was I won't vote for him. You have played a great game and you together with Gazglum made this game enjoyable. thumbsup
Still you are IMO far more scummy than Adrien and therefor my vote is locked in.

My vote is also locked in. If it's Rowain, good job man

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