February 12th, 2017, 03:02
Posts: 10,108
Threads: 82
Joined: May 2012
Day 4 End of Day Vote Count:
Gazglum (2): Rowain, Psillycyber
Rowain (2): Gazglum, AdrienIer
Not Voting:
With the last stringing-up having lucked into a foreigner, the pressure is off. Them 'mmigrant types seem to revel in indecision, and so you decide, why not do the same? The xenophobe who donated the most to David Duke is blindfolded and led to the double gallows. Two stools stand, and he kicks out at the one on his left - chairs could be liberals to, you never know.
Gazglum was lynched! He was a True Murican
Eh. At least the Mainstream Media has lost interest and is focusing on a particularly sprightly lemur. You'll have a day without them, though you'd best make it count.
Day 5 has begun!
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.