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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Iamjohn, Kodii & Zeviz

Maybe I will get that update tonight. Lotta shots and graphs

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0257.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0258.jpg]
This seems to be around Sulla's side of the war front. The first shot is Fort Henry, second is Chancelorsville. There are 2 cats in the forest there and lone shock axe roaming. Hampton Roads 3 units, something like unpromoted archer, spear, axe.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0264.jpg]

These graphs are the first turn showing Hanging Gardens (sulla) but I see alot of even numbered cities thus hiding a little of their pop power. Below is me, although I'd say my non-defensive army is really just 4axe,1spear,1chariot. But the only other who's had any consistent increases has been whosit (although still far from comparable to sulla). And you can trace the pretorian group we saw some turns ago, that clearly went to jowy and then to athlete the more recently, so whosit will get those back shortly (the galleys - which became four - are two turn into my borders to receive them, and that's mainly what our positive diplomacy was about. I still need espionage on two civs, but i think most of the main is already accounted for.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0273.jpg]

And here is the land sweeping down (counter-clockwise) through rome/etc. back to me.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0268.jpg]
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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0272.jpg]

I checked last turn for the city count from everybody (expect whosit cause he was ingame and this was back when I was afraid of him lol) and most everyone fell in the 8-6 range. sulla 8, althlete 8, (whosit prolly has 9-10) and then most of the others had ~7 with like Jowy at 6. Plako might of had 6 as whosit took 2 of his. But I have 10 (But of course the real conversation is really sulla and the HG and his side of the world) ... I have 10 cities. My 3 new ones are already at pop 3, 2 and 1 and all have granary (terrace). Math is in 2 and there's a few chops due (prolly chop another city shortly), I'm also 7 turns left on a new palace in Celebi (more cities over there soon). You can see my deficit at -89gold/turn and 0% slider gives like 39-45 per turn so I can run these 100% like one every three turns now - lotta tech I can get in 25 turns. The last shown spike on my GNP was 100% on Monarchy so I'm one turn away on that when I need it. I thinking of maybe heading through Feud after Mon , and get the construction, etc. , maybe even machinery at the cost of Civil Service. But I've pretty much decided to run a Golden Age like asap. I had planned earlier for a prophet but have scrapped that, no way I should tempt them with that. So I'm running three GP in DINA at get my first in about 7-10 turns. I'll prolly go HR/caste in and then vassalage/slavery out. With longbow/catapult I'll handle anything defensively, and may put together an attack. Plako's been pretty much asking me to dogpile rome turns 150-160, but althlete might be easier. I don't have to decide anything yet but I'm leaning towards the plako thing/ getting the forests chopped up at Athlete.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0259.jpg]
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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0263.jpg]
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Above: There's jowy's lost city (and my many terraces jive)

Below: and look who's the first to build courthouses
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0266.jpg]

great summary, thanks a lot thumbsup

That was a really great update - loved the circular shots round the map. Nice to see the thinking at work there!

The GA with Caste sounds good - what sort of volume/type of specialists would you run with it?

Thanks! smile

In some places I'll go for max volume of specialists; haven't done too much calc, but expecting another 1.5-2.2+ GP out of it. Thinking there is the possibility to run a second GA after first - prolly kill my chances against sulla in industrial onward, but it's like Usual Suspects/keyser soze, you gotta be willing to do what the other guy wouldn't. 1st GP pops in DINA (actually 5 turns away), and under 100%GPP bonus running all pop for starvation loss in Tiwakanu and Cuzco. Cuzco has scientist points til now but may run artists and prolly merchants in Tiwakanu incase Cuzco pops scientist (artists in Tiwakanu prolly too provaking for Rome). Another use for Great Artist could be a bomb in a new city on a new roman city in our contested land. Prolly more efficient use of hammers than military, If I go that route. And at some point, need the Academy in Celebi.

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[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0286.jpg]

And I guess you can't see the workers in these shots. I wouldn't say that everythings on perfect timing, but things are getting done.

wow the mother of all updates! Thanks, the pictures really help. I see you are almost finished researching mathematics, does that mean you'll be pursuing construction in the near future, or will you go for economic techs?

I'll probably be in a 0% slider strech for the immediate future and yes, probably on construction immediately. I may time most everything along full food bars in the 2 cities running GPs so that maybe delays the GA a turn or two (even though I could set it off in 5), although prolly not cause Tiwakanu could use the HR happiness asap. But I'm 1 turn away on Monarchy at like 40% science so that'll prolly be the next tech actually in (timed to GA). But after that getting Feud before GA's done is next milestone, but I'll prolly push back its completion till very last minute to hid my progress as much as possible from everybody, So by end of GA I'll have all of Feud and maybe half of construction. With longbows/cats I'm pretty safe - should prolly head to CS next but plako wants otherwise. May have to cool him down some, tell him to wait a few more turns. By then I could be back on warpath on my way into Machinery as things heat up.

Thanks for the update slaze, it looks like you are making a lot of smart decisions.

Hey dspaisted, I popped a Prophet. It was <20% odds. I'm real tempted to just build the shrine (athlete just built his ~2 turns ago); there are alot of cities in the world without a religion. Thoughts?

Building the shrine sounds like a good idea to me, you may not get another prophet. How many Hindu cities are there? Are you planning on sending missionaries to convert some of the cities, or hoping the religion will spread automatically?


I built the shrine. There are seven cities (so far). I'll build a few missionaries but it's a low priority. There's alot of incan cites close to the holy city (newly built) and I'll expect those to convert naturally. The missionaries will perform recon duties as well.

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