June 15th, 2017, 11:24
(This post was last modified: June 15th, 2017, 11:25 by rho21.)
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What is Secret Hitler?
Secret Hitler is a hidden roles game, like Werewolf but with much more structure, particularly in the information you receive. It's set in 1930s Germany, where the hidden fascist team must manoeuvre to pass fascist policies and elect Hitler as Chancellor. Meanwhile the liberals are trying to work out who the fascists are so they can vote them out of power.
Full rules: http://www.secrethitler.com/assets/Secre..._Rules.pdf
Isn't this in rather bad taste?
I don't personally think so. It's very tongue-in-cheek (the fascists are represented as reptiles) and abstract. Also, it's a good reminder of history and how easily fascism can gain power if not prevented.
I've not been personally affected by the Nazis though, so if anyone is offended please say so and it can be rebranded. There's even an official Secret Trump rebranding available.
Who is interested in playing?
Only you can answer this question. We need 5-10 players, the more the better. I'm hoping it will take about 2-3 weeks; it might be much shorter depending on activity and whether the game finishes early. Minimum time commitment is participating in one vote a day, but it will probably be advantageous to post some thoughts from time to time too.
Sign ups and questions, please.
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Rebranding would be advised.
Are you the game's author?
Whatever gameplay is being aimed at could be achieved without the red hot political details that will draw rain of fire down on your head. A general design of liberals vs fascists in an unnamed country in early 20th century Europe (or even leave off Europe, and make it totally generic) might be enough rebrand to take off the heat.
Adding the historic head of the Nazi party in to the game is akin to setting it on fire. That's literally the top of the list of no-no's if you want to put out a game for others to play. Content that portrays him or his party in any positive light (in the minds of any players) is second on the list. Comparing *any* current political figure, directly or indirectly, to these people would be third. That's quite a trifecta, which this game has already scored.
If it's your game design, and setting it on fire isn't your goal, try a total rebrand, including changing the title of the thread, all the flaming images, and dropping the Trump trollbait as well.
If it's not your game design, then drop it in your recycle bin, wash your hands afterword (use lots of soap!) and move on. My two cents only, of course.
- Sirian
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It was produced by one of the Cards Against Humanity guys, so yeah, crossing lines is kinda their thing.
Here's a nice video of the game being played live:
Not sure yet if I want to commit to playing, but the game seems fun.
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I've played several times with friends and found it a very fun game. Even though I ended up drawing Hitler on 9 out of 10 games.... The "branding" didn't bother me, but I'm not looking to make a discussion of it. My only concern is how this will translate to a forum game, but I suppose forum mafia-style games have been played forever.
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The 3,000% funded Kickstarter ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/max...ret-hitler) and 4.9 Amazon rating ( https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Hitler/dp/B01JKD4HYC) suggest the game might not be quite trash worthy
Rho, I have no personal experience with the game. Do you think the mechanics are make it viable to play via forum? Do you think the time commitment is similar to ww?
I'm interested in playing, provided the game isn't re-branded.
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(June 15th, 2017, 18:18)sunrise089 Wrote: Rho, I have no personal experience with the game. Do you think the mechanics are make it viable to play via forum? Do you think the time commitment is similar to ww?
As with werewolf, the big thing you lose when not playing face-to-face is the ability to read people from their body language. This should be less of a problem than with werewolf though, as there's much more information to go on. There's not so much information that the game can just be solved given enough time though, so a slow-playing format is fine.
I'd guess that the time commitment will be less than werewolf. There's no need to claim which role you hold or defend yourself(everyone wants to be seen as a liberal and there are no special roles), no secret information that you might want to choose the correct time to reveal (when you get such information you invariably reveal it at once, truthfully or not). The majority of discussion is going to be about the things that have happened in the game, who might have lied and who looks suspicious, whether it's a good idea to take a risk for more information or to elect someone who definitely isn't Hitler, that sort of thing.
In my experience, a face-to-face game takes about 30-50 minutes. I've allowed 2-3 weeks for a forum game on the assumption of an average of one election every day. If everyone happens to be online at once, we'd probably get through the game pretty quickly.
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I hadn't heard of the game before, but I'd play this.