As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Trying a focus magic cockatrices game. Started out with earth lore and sprites, took a node and some lairs.

My first opponent (8 nature, tactician, other stuff) had his fortress adjacent to my node. He had some swordsmen, some war bears and some sprites defending, so I kept peaceful relations.

Until I got 9 sprites with resist magic; I then looked, and his fortress now had 9 sprites with no buffs.

So I attacked and defeated him.

If he had kept a few war bears, I would have lost.

While sprites are strong, I don't think the AI should ever Garrison their fortress with more than 6 sprites - anyone who can beat 6 sprites can beat 9, and sprites have far too low health.

Is it possible to reduce priority of sprites for garrison's after there are already 6?

No, garrison priority is just a constant for that type of unit that tells the AI to push the one with the lowest such value outside if there is a 10th unit produced. Originally there was no such constant and it used "unit cost+2*levels" or something like that, but I was able to use an empty byte in the unit tables to add it. (the +2*levels part is still there, helps keep high level heroes instead of very rare creatures while still sending low level heroes out.)

So it's either only bears, or only sprites, can't mix them, unless the two have the exact same constant priority.
We might be able to add some additional rules that modify the constants but the space is limited so it needs to be simple. Anything as complex as checking all the other units for each unit is out.

btw I don't think keeping bears in this case is much of a help - bears can't attack the flying sprites. Unless you run out of ammo, bears lose to your sprites. (and considering your setup, adding focus magic to the sprites to make sure they have the firepower to win was an option.)

I'm not sure. With 3 war bears, I could see my sprites dying to lightning before the bears died. But in general, 9 sprites only ever shows up in the fortress and it has way too many weaknesses. Not only to resist elements sprites, but also to other AI.

So if it can't be based on other units, what kind of things could it be? It only becomes a problem with sprites, and really only sprites in fortresses - they simply don't have the HP to let the lightning do its job. (Any other garrison, the main damage would come from the sprites themselves, so they're generally better than war bears.)

I'd almost be tempted to say for a fortress war bears are better than sprites. The only time thats not true is against things like shadow demons (high enough HP lightning wont be enough, and with strong ranged attack and fly) or great wyrm types (very high HP, vety high damage, but can't hit flying units). But most of those units are advanced enough I'm not sure it should be worried about - maybe just make war bears better but only for a fortress?

Sprites are pretty effective against every melee normal unit - they don't fly and usually can't attack flying enemies.
They are also effective against ranged units - they attack first and ranged units don't have the health to survive that.
Bears on the other hand are not good against either of those - unless the attacking units are really weak.
Also, for every bear kept in and sprite sent out, that's one fewer bear and more sprites that is going to be used to attack things - and sprites are horrible at that.

...actually, wait, the units are already stored in an array here? It's not that impossible to use the type of other units then. Depends on how much space I can make but if the rule is not too complex, it seems doable.
Something like "-2 for each exactly identical unit" could work? Or not? Would replace swordsmen with spearmen and halberdiers with swordsmen, meh. Mixing those is not helping.
Maybe "-2 for each other ranged unit, if unit is also ranged" or "-2 for each identical unit, if unit is ranged"?
...and I need to remember where else was the priority from this table used. I think there was another...oh yes, Earth Gate... now, changing that would be difficult, as it does not select 1 out of 10 units to kick out...and I don't want the two to result in different order of units. Doing so would result in this scenario (imagine higher tier units like Gorgons and Sky Drakes, same deal) : Capital has 9 sprites, 1 bear, so kick out sprite, there are too many. Earth gate prefers sprites over bears still - as the number of each unit at each location is not known during distribution, only after everything is assigned to a location. So Sprites move to the capital, bears move to another city. Net result : One city that does not have too many sprites yet (probably only had one) loses their sprite and gain a bear. Repeat this every time the AI produces a unit in their capital that can replace the sprite. Overall result - the AI's garrisons will be losing all their sprites through the "leak" in the capital and get replaced by inferior bears. I think it's better to just leave this alone as it would break Earth Gate.

Remember, I only want this for the fortress, because neither sprites nor bears do as much damage as the lightning. And that means it isn't for any higher tier unit either.
This is only a 'sprite vs things with noticeably more health and armor, like war bears, and only when in fortress' screnario.

Higher tier units do enough damage that lightning won't be the main damage source. Other cities don't have lightning so the first round attack by sprites is significant.

Ideally, in the fortress you'd simply limit it to 6 sprites,and not change anything else.
Multiple of most units is definitely a good thing. Sprites just happen to be a glass cannon, and so low tier that lightning is better.

Technically bowmen would fall into this too, and lomgbowmen, but they already virtually never end up in the fortress.

Quote:Multiple of most units is definitely a good thing.

No, it's not.
Only magical ranged units? Golem.
Only arrow ranged units? Guardian Wind.
Only melee units? Anything flying ranged.

And this affects higher tier units, for example only great wyrms is weak to flying ranged attacks.
It's also weak to strategic combat inconsistencies, such as all magician garrisons underperforming due to no effect of "caster" and "missile immnunity".
No, all the same units is usually a bad thing unless that same unit is a higher tier than the other options. This doesn't mean mixed is better if it's just done randomly - in my experience the ideal ratio is 1-3 melee units for 6-8 ranged (of one or both types).

"Only fortress" still causes the same amount of unit leak through earth gate in high tier units - because the fortress is where they get assigned first. (It's not relevant if it's only sprites but I don't think there is a point in all that work for a single unit. Most stacks that can crush 9 sprites can also deal with 6 sprites and 3 other common units - at worst, the attacker needs an extra stack of 3-4 units, or some buffs on their attacking stack. Yes, it delays the attacker by a few turns but...that's about it. And we are cherry picking a special case here - in many cases 9 sprites perform better, as the attacker doesn't have an unlimited capacity of attacking flying units.)

The reason I'm cherry picking sprites is the early game is the time when glaring problems are most noticeable. This isn't the first time I've seen this, because almost every single game has an AI who defends their fortress with sprites. No other units see as much game time as commons. Should you fix it for others? Probably. But I can't name a single other init that consistently has this problem.

Sprites are also one of the few creatures with high Garrison value and spectacularly bad strategic value, which makes them also allow for AI to banish each other even if the attacking AI couldn't hurt any other cities.

Your examples of other possibilities are poor as well. How many wizards do you defeat where you have access to golems? I'd wager its less than 1 in 10. Guardian wind? When was the last time you saw any arrow attack units in a fortress? (Slingers on pure life is the only thing that comes to mind, and any life summons past guardian spirit will take priority.)
Flying units against melee? Sprites are the most common attacking example, and ligtning will kill them if the AI has high HP melee units. (That is specifically what inspired this discussion.)

Sure the AI might have 9 great many flying units can kill 9 great wyrms? Especially with an AI wizard backing them up? Flying units vs melee is a potential problem, but that's carefully thought out in unit balance. I don't think its an issue here, if its not in overall unit balance.

Great Wyrms, well the 6 heroes Hadriex used did it.
But considering improved regeneration of 2/turn, I wouldn't be surprised if 9 Shadow Demons did the job (by surviving the lightning bolts and regenerating, so this one means multiple battles)
Yes, Golems might be rare (not if you're Myrran though) but Elemental Armor does the same job. You can easily have that spell or an item with it from treasure.

I agree that Sprites are not the best choice for fortress garrison, and as soon as the AI gets their hand on any uncommon, they'll get replaced. But I also don't think downgrading them into another common unit helps - it does in special cases, but weakens the garrison vs other attacking stacks.

This is the entire current garrison priority list :
Necromancer HERO    120
Beastmaster HERO    110
Colossus    100
Sky Drake    100
Demon Lord    95
Great Drake    95
Arch Angel    95
Illusionist HERO    90
Great Wyrm    87
Behemoth    87
Djinn    87
Efreet    85
Stone Giant    80
Storm Giant    80
Chaos Warrior HERO    80
Hydra    75
Death Knights    75
Gorgons    75
Swordsmen HERO    74
Priestess HERO    72
Shadow Demons    70
Sage HERO    70
War Monk HERO    70
Magician HERO    70
Witch HERO    70
Warlock HERO    70
Dwarf HERO    67
Warlocks    65
Nightmares    61
Golem    60
Magicians    58
Chaos Spawn    55
Wraiths    55
Angel    55
Basilisk    55
Magicians    55
Chimeras    55
Unicorns    50
Demon    50
Earth Elemental    50
Magicians    50
Paladins    50
Magicians    46
Magicians    42
Doom Bat    30
Fire Giant    29
Gargoyles    27
Dragon Turtle    25
Rangers    25
Sprites    20
Steam Cannon    20
Bard HERO    20
Paladin HERO    20
Black Knight HERO    20
Priests    18
Air Ship    18
Slingers    18
Pegasai    18
Ghouls    17
Shaman    17
Hammerhands    17
War Trolls    17
Minotaurs    16
Jackal Riders    16
Giant Spiders    15
Shaman    15
Priests    15
Horde    15
Doom Drakes    15
Stag Beetle    15
Javelineers    15
Wyvern Riders    15
Dervish HERO    15
Healer HERO    15
Huntress HERO    15
Elven Lords    14
Pikemen    14
Griffins    14
War Mammoths    14
Bowmen    13
Manticores    13
Catapult    13
Werewolves    12
Cockatrices    12
Halberdier    12
Shaman    12
Berserkers    12
Longbowmen    12
War Bears    10
Halberdier    10
Pikemen    10
Barbarian HERO    10
Orc Warrior HERO    10
Thief HERO    10
Druid HERO    10
Warrior Mage HERO    10
Assassin HERO    10
Wind Mage HERO    10
Ranger HERO    10
Draconian HERO    10
Golden One HERO    10
Ninja HERO    10
Rogue HERO    10
Amazon HERO    10
Unknown HERO    10
Elven Archer HERO    10
Knight HERO    10
Chosen HERO    10
Phantom Beast    9
Swordsmen    9
Bowmen    9
Zombies    8
Halberdier    8
Nightblades    8
Night Stalker    7
Swordsmen    7
Cavalry    7
Centaurs    7
Wolf Riders    7
Horsebowmen    7
Hell Hounds    6
Nagas    6
Fire Elemental    5
Skeletons    5
Spearmen    5
Swordsmen    5
Spearmen    3
Cavalry    3
Phantom Warrior    2
Spearmen    1

The "Good" :
Sprites can get replaced by quite a lot of normal units if they gain a level or two. So any decent mercenary will eventually replace some sprites. Levels are worth 2 points, so a Regular unit with 18 priority, or a Veteran with 16 priority has equal score to Sprites. There are also several normal units that have a higher rating even without a level, albeit not for all races.
Nomads have Rangers. Lizards have Turtles. High men, elves, halflings, orcs, trolls have magicians.  Dark elves have Warlocks and Nightmares. Beastmen and Draconian also have Magicians. Dwarves have cannons.

The "bad" :
Barbarians and Gnolls don't have much, neither do Klackons. Not that a jackal rider or a berserker really helps (easy to kill with resist spells or ranged attacks) - but Stag Bettles could make some difference. A higher priority on them might be a good idea - especially as that doesn't change their relative order towards other Klackon units. It would make them preferred over much superior units such as hammerhands not a good idea.
Spiders are rated lower than sprites. While this does let them get used for offense early which is better than using them in garrisons, it means if the AI gets these as their first uncommon, they are stuck with sprites. Fortunately spiders don't delay researching other uncommon creatures - in fact they aren't even researched as though they were uncommon, instead they are prioritized ahead of commons.
Cockatrices are also rated lower. This is where things start to get ugly - as it means 2 out of 3 nature uncommons can't replace sprites. Problem? Cockatrices are horrible garrison units. Even worse than sprites. Again, fortunately, knowing them does not delay researching Great Lizards - but if the AI didn't get lizards or an uncommon in another realm, then they are stuck with sprites (and normal units/heroes) until rares.
We might want to consider making the AI pick Lizards as guaranteed spells...but their other choices are stronger (Spiders, etc).

The "ugly" :
If we consider sprites being overrated garrison units, then magicians (with their 40-50 priority) might be a greater offender - and one harder to fix. They have the same lack of durability, even less efficiency in strategic combat, and can't even fly!

I think we should consider fixing this problem by changing the garrison priority of either sprites, or other (especially Nature) units, or probably both. And maybe think about the role of magicians in that list.
...the greatest problem is is, "lack of durability" is a way too situational problem. If playing Chaos, it's the most relevant thing ever. But without the ability to attack flying units effectively, it's irrelevant and in those cases, sprites and far superior to other potential units.

Magicians are amazing defenders. Much stronger attack than sprites, so their damage is meaningful even with lightning - but they also can cast dispel magic, web, fireball, confusion, healing - all things that can make life miserable for the attacker. And they have better strategic rating as soon as they are level 1, and most times, a barracks is far earlier than a wizards tower.

The specific problem again, only comes up with the fortress due to the lightning attack. Anything with at least 10 HP (as a unit), and at least 4 armor, is far better than sprites. Yes, of course I can kill war bears too - but with that endless lightning hitting me, I have to put a lot of effort into doing so because otherwise the lightning will wreck me.

I wouldn't want to change Garrison priority outside the fortress. Without lightning, sprites high offense is actually good, and is far more important than the lack of durabiliy as you mention.

I'd really like a modifier to sprite garrison rating value when in a fortress only.

Why.. Why are swordsmen higher rating than halberdiers???

I'd want sprites to be about an 8 (again, only in a fortress) but I disagree with some other choices around that rating level. But for the fortress, it shouldn't matter.

Oh, I didn't copy the "comments" column that includes the race for generic units.

Here you go :

Necromancer HERO    120        
Beastmaster HERO    110        Soul Link, good for endgame capital even! (garrison will be fantastic)
Colossus    100        
Sky Drake    100        
Demon Lord    95        
Great Drake    95        
Arch Angel    95        
Illusionist HERO    90        Overpowered defender, keep in capital if has levels, or no VR creatures!
Great Wyrm    87        
Behemoth    87        
Djinn    87        
Efreet    85        
Stone Giant    80        
Storm Giant    80        
Chaos Warrior HERO    80        Better than a Storm Giant
Hydra    75        
Death Knights    75        
Gorgons    75        
Swordsmen HERO    74        Raise Dead!
Priestess HERO    72        Prayer, Prayermaster
Shadow Demons    70        
Sage HERO    70        Has mass dispel, good capital defender
War Monk HERO    70        Super agility, extremely hard to kill
Magician HERO    70        Flame Strike!
Witch HERO    70        Black Prayer, nice for capital defense
Warlock HERO    70        Doom Bolt
Dwarf HERO    67        Has armsmaster so should stay and level other heroes in capital for a while
Warlocks    65        
Nightmares    61        
Golem    60        
Magicians    58        Draconian
Chaos Spawn    55        
Wraiths    55        
Angel    55        
Basilisk    55        
Magicians    55        Troll
Chimeras    55        
Unicorns    50        
Demon    50        
Earth Elemental    50        
Magicians    50        High Men, Halfling
Paladins    50        
Magicians    46        High Elf
Magicians    42        Other
Doom Bat    30        
Fire Giant    29        
Gargoyles    27        
Dragon Turtle    25        
Rangers    25        
Sprites    20        
Steam Cannon    20        
Bard HERO    20        
Paladin HERO    20        Send these out to fight enemies, they are better in attack teams
Black Knight HERO    20        Send these out to fight enemies, they are better in attack teams
Priests    18        High Men, Dark Elf
Air Ship    18        
Slingers    18        
Pegasai    18        
Ghouls    17        
Shaman    17        Troll
Hammerhands    17        
War Trolls    17        
Minotaurs    16        
Jackal Riders    16        
Giant Spiders    15        
Shaman    15        Halfling, Draconian
Priests    15        Other
Horde    15        
Doom Drakes    15        
Stag Beetle    15        
Javelineers    15        
Wyvern Riders    15        
Dervish HERO    15        
Healer HERO    15        
Huntress HERO    15        
Elven Lords    14        
Pikemen    14        Nomad
Griffins    14        
War Mammoths    14        
Bowmen    13        Draconian
Manticores    13        
Catapult    13        
Werewolves    12        
Cockatrices    12        
Halberdier    12        Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian, Troll
Shaman    12        Other
Berserkers    12        
Longbowmen    12        
War Bears    10        
Halberdier    10         Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Dwarf
Pikemen    10        High Men
Barbarian HERO    10        
Orc Warrior HERO    10        
Thief HERO    10        
Druid HERO    10        
Warrior Mage HERO    10        
Assassin HERO    10        
Wind Mage HERO    10        
Ranger HERO    10        
Draconian HERO    10        
Golden One HERO    10        
Ninja HERO    10        
Rogue HERO    10        
Amazon HERO    10        
Unknown HERO    10        
Elven Archer HERO    10        
Knight HERO    10        
Chosen HERO    10        Send this one out as soon as possible to gain experience!
Phantom Beast    9        
Swordsmen    9        Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian
Bowmen    9        Other
Zombies    8        
Halberdier    8        Other
Nightblades    8        
Night Stalker    7        
Swordsmen    7        Barbarian, Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Dwarf, Troll
Cavalry    7        Dark Elf
Centaurs    7        
Wolf Riders    7        
Horsebowmen    7        
Hell Hounds    6        
Nagas    6        
Fire Elemental    5        
Skeletons    5        
Spearmen    5        Nomad, Dark Elf, Draconian
Swordsmen    5        Other
Spearmen    3        Barbarian, Gnoll, Klackon, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Troll
Cavalry    3        Other
Phantom Warrior    2        
Spearmen    1        Other
Guardian Spirit    0        
Air Elemental    0        
Settler    0        Any
Engineers    0        Any

So it's only nomad, draconian and dark elf swordsmen that are higher and only compared to basic halberdiers.

btw I don't agree with Sprites being amazing defenders in non-fortress cities. Those generally only have 1-2 units of summoned creatures, and that many sprites are very easy to get rid of (any direct damage spell, web or a few ranged units), unlike a lot of the same.
At that amount, even a spider or cockatrice contributes more.
In my experience, 2 or fewer sprites are easy. 3-4 is doable with a mainly ranged army. 5 or more is risky and difficult - until you get something that counters them directly like Flame strike, Fire Storm, or...a stack of ghouls/resist elements. This is true regardless of location - the difference is, at the fortress, not winning means losing all units while elsewhere you might be able to retreat (as sprites without ammo can't kill you) and save some of your troops.

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