Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #1 SPOILER - Hatshepsut / India

Okay brief update. First of all, here is a flying camera shot of my lands. A few things to note. Top right - you can see my tank in the barb city now called Oakley - I took that last turn - it's my final city.

I have one more city in the south of Fairfield that's not in this picture.

Also note my ship sentries on the North Sea. You can see the one in the NE - there's also one to the NW near Dreylin off screen.

I'm really amazed at the north - it really was a tundra wasteland but it's progressing very well. Especially the cities of Fairfax / Mariemont / Forest Park / Milford.

Most of the cities are just building your standard stuff - tanks / artillery / bombers / spy buildings and a few smaller cities on spies / missionaries and research.

But there are a few cities worth talking about

[Image: civ4screenshot0120.jpg]

Here's the once majestic city of Green Township. Last turn "someone" (I'm pretty sure it was Twinkletoes) "fomented unrest", which apparently causes 8 unhappies on the first turn, then 7 the next (current turn in pic), etc. etc.

[Image: civ4screenshot0115.jpg]

So wasn't that a lot of fun! City starved because not enough citizens could work. Plus it was still unhealthy. So I built a Hydro Plant last turn so it could recover the health from the Coal Plant.

But then this turn "someone" poisoned the water supply which now gives me 8 unhealthies. So I may starve here.

I'm not sure the point here. I will talk about this a bit more in a subsequent post, but apparently all 6 other powers are running full EPs on me. Some may even be running the slider. Makes the game real "fun". Broker may have put him up to this to try and sabotage my building of the Internet. Or maybe he is trying to sabotage the Internet for himself.


[Image: civ4screenshot0118.jpg]

Because Green already had Heroic Epic and was really cranking the military (it already builds any and all military in 1 turn, and gets about 100 gold in overflow every turn when it is doing military, I put the Ironworks elsewhere. When doing analysis of who should get it, Mason was the winner.

And to paraphrase Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "can you not also build [Internets] out of [wood]?" Taking a page out of Broker's SoL playbook, I chopped the 2 forests here (which actually added a base hammer each by replacing them with workshops), which (along with overflow from the previous build) allowed me to put 697 of the 2000 hammers for the Internet on the first turn. It's got 5 turns left. That's a pretty aggressive finish date, but who knows a) if someone else can build it faster and b) if spies (or nukes?!) will allow me to finish it there.

Here's Forest Park, my NP / NE city

[Image: civ4screenshot0119.jpg]

Thanks to 2 (or maybe 3) forest growths, it has 15 forest preserves, so with caste and in a GA, I'm pulling 141GPP/t, and will get another GP in just 4 more turns (I got a sci 2 turns ago). I'm trying to get a forest to grow on that last grassland tile. I may need to reorganize the types of GPs I put in there. I believe I have 1 artist and 2 scientists currently. Sunrise is going to give me a merchant, which means I need basically anything but a scientist. Unfortunately, scientists are the best kind of GP for me due to needing to research. Gonna give that some more thought.

So basically, it looks like for whatever reason, the other 6 folks in the world are against me. I'm not sure what else I could have done or can do. Sunrise and I were shooting the breeze a little bit about why certain other civs should be doing other things, but that's not really important. The only thing I can think of to do is FIGHT OFF ALL 6 OF THEM AND WIN ANYWAYS!!!! lol

So the next post (or two) will detail how I'm going to try to do that

Well I got back home after giving some thoughts to the diplo situation and after all my whining, I find we will need a new Persia.

Though I have to say that when I got home and saw that

a) shady had not ended turn
b) He had actually posted in his spoiler thread
c) AND the email thread

my heart jumped a bit lol

This could actually be very good for me. I still owe you guys a post on some diplo thoughts.

Oh who am I kidding - I'm sure I'll string it out into at LEAST 4 or 5 posts lol

regoarrarr Wrote:The only thing I can think of to do is FIGHT OFF ALL 6 OF THEM AND WIN ANYWAYS!!!! lol

That would be legendary. smile
I'm rooting for you.

That is a really nice empire. Wow, this is a huge map.
I have to run.

As someone who lives in Mason and works in Blue Ash, I was greatly amused by your civ theme. Does your civ produce the coveted Skyline Chili resource?

DaveV Wrote:As someone who lives in Mason and works in Blue Ash, I was greatly amused by your civ theme. Does your civ produce the coveted Skyline Chili resource?

lollol Awesome! Guess we must be neighbors!

So while the game is paused, I thought I'd catch up on a bit of diplo

Email to shady

Quote:Wanted to send a final "good-bye" note. I'm sorry to see that you're having to drop out but of course RL stuff comes up. I have to say though, that when I came home to play my turn a few days ago, only to find that you had not ended turn, actually had posted in your spoiler thread, AND had posted in the email / technical thread, my heart jumped a few beats :-)

I'm sure that you have left detailed instructions in your thread about how awesome I am, and how your successor should do everything in his or her power to be my bud, so no need to say anything more on that subject smile. Though in seriousness, I think I'll be happy if your last post wasn't along the lines of "What Persia really needs to do right now is attack regoarrarr with the giant army that Twinkletoes just gave me, but that will be a slog, and I don't have the RL time to do it right, so I need to get a successor!"

In for real for real seriousness though, I have enjoyed our time in the game together and have commented a few times on how even though we've been essentially on opposite sides of the game for most of the time, our conversations have been pleasant and meaningful, which unfortunately is a contrast to my experiences with several of the other civs in-game.

Hope to see you around the corner another time!

Email to TT

Quote:Hey TT,

How goes things? Seems like we're in a bit of a pause for the game, so it seemed like a good time to try and catch up on some diplo. I checked my archives, and I don't have any record of your having responded to my last email talking about a trade for Rocketry, so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to assume that your mind is elsewhere given the paused state of the game, or if that means "no".

Of course, the other info I'm getting is that "someone" has both poisoned the water supply and fomented unrest in my best city. And given that the supply of civs that I don't have active NAPs with and who also have enough EPs to pull those off is pretty limited, the info is pointing your way. I mean if you tell me you didn't do it, I'd believe you, but for now, I'm just left to wonder what you're getting out of it.

Broker is clearly giving off signs of a cultural victory (Eiffel Tower, Free Speech, Sid's Sushi). You don't really seem concerned about that, so I can only assume that you have signed some sort of deal with him. Maybe a you go for space, he goes for culture kind of thing? I'm not sure why you would do that since it seems like if PBEM#1 has proven anything, a late game culture is significantly faster than a late game spaceship.

But hey what do I know - I'm sure i could be missing something, or even if not, maybe I'm mis-interpreting things. I did see that you gifted quite a bit of your army to shadyforce, but now Persia is looking for a new leader, so who knows what that might mean...

Hope to hear from you soon

Email to Munro

Quote:Hey Munro,

How goes things? Seems like we're in a bit of a pause for the game, so it seemed like a good time to try and catch up on some diplo. Haven't heard from you in awhile so thought I'd see what was going on. In going back of my archives, seems like the last message I got from you was your invocation of our 10t cool down period :-(

Have to say it's not a whole lot of fun watching every other civ on the planet running full espionage against me (and in some cases running the slider!). Last 2 turns I've had my best city get the missions that give 8 unhappies and 8 unhealthies back to back. Woohoo baby that is a TON of fun!!

I have to say that I think that you are winning (in terms of most EPs against me), so hey at least you got that goin for you! :-). I was wondering what your plans / thoughts were for this game. I know that you said, last time we talked, that you would not be willing to attack Broker, given your earlier history in this game, and I understand that. I just wasn't sure if that loyalty included helping him win or not. Now obviously I am a biased source here, but it sure does seem that at least a few powers in this game are not really actively trying to win.

And not that that is necessarily a bad thing. If one doesn't feel like they have a chance to win, at least you gotta play for something - make it fun. I have to say that I still am holding out some hope of winning (though I rate my chances as much worse than they were, say, 50 turns ago). But if I can't win, you're fairly high up on my folks that I'd prefer to see win. Certainly higher than some of the other folks who might be the "front-runners" (e.g. Broker, Twinkletoes, Dreylin, etc). I don't know what your own thoughts are on the matter - I think that between the 2 of us we could make some noise.

Guess it beats sitting back and waiting for Broker to finish off a cultural victory....

Email to Elkad

Quote:Hey Elkad,

How's it going? I know we're on somewhat of a pause for the game, so it seemed like a good time to try and catch up on some diplo. Haven't heard from you in awhile so thought I'd see what was going on.

Have to say it's not a whole lot of fun watching every other civ on the planet running full espionage against me (and in some cases running the slider!). Last 2 turns I've had my best city get the missions that give 8 unhappies and 8 unhealthies back to back. Woohoo baby that is a TON of fun!!

So what's going on? Are you gearing up to attack me with all those battleships and artillery you got from Broker? :-)

Reply back from Elkad

Quote:LOL. I've still gotten nothing from Broker in the way of troops, other than those muskets.. My little fleet was built to stop dsp from hopping my bay (and to support burning those cities of his).

As to the EPs.. Not that I can see what anyone else is doing vs you, but I now have at least partial visibility on you, dreylin, sunrise, shady, dsp/tt and broker. All my neighbors. The one spy I've built the entire game is over in Broker's territory, so look somewhere else for your poisoner.

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