Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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XCOM 2 - War of the Chosen

Seems like a pretty small map, we're close to the side and so is the relay:
[Image: 7CB8DCFC58198A1DF50FB5020718D3C5A8EAE343]
[Image: A06DFBBEFD765E9D754A547C4FAED3AC8D18C027]

Dragunova advances down the alleyway and spots a few Lost and a Shieldbearer and (I think) a Viper.

Mox grapples up to the building ahead and moves inside:
[Image: 76C178B124EFA5CACB6B59CEC79571D3BC506C79]

Adrien heads up to join him while Khan & Kaiser take the low road down the alley behind Dragunova.

Alien turn brings bad news:
[Image: 0283B6EB19A64AD2C0C846598BBF3D292B649C55]

Ugh, not excited to meet another of these guys!

Also still not seeing the HP bar of the transmitter; I guess they don't think we need to know that sort of thing anymore?

Kaiser advances along the alley and somehow triggers the pod:
[Image: 1DFECDA5DF1584CBAC2B54B29F8FDC553D0AA327]
[Image: 771E212C9C12AB619F8EAE8F0266F60C3243DA8C]

I guess either that door is really open, or there's a hole in the wall!? noidea

The Viper retreats further into the building while the Shieldbearer takes a ladder up to the second floor.

Kaiser tries her sword with less than ideal results:
[Image: 05260E4837B485D2C88DF7217522AFEC46F45DB5]

And activates a pod of Lost behind the Viper. So Khan passes her the spare move and tells her to get out of there!

She doesn't listen:
[Image: BC801D521C7CC3101A3AE37F5503A7DC3B0EE92E]

Farms off the Lost, and then misses her Shotgun shot at the Viper. Doh So we'll have to deal with her next turn.

Mox OTOH swiftly takes out the Shieldbearer with his Lash attack and a high damage roll:
[Image: 19B4056481B0CB1B197FF41BD5270B05FED06A7D]
[Image: 4974BE8E0D9C812F78E0AE63C6B1D89EFAA73A54]

That allows Dragunova to stay concealed and move to fetch the Loot:
[Image: 15F3A6EB819383D22C37B259758CFA1F598CA72F]

She is well positioned to watch as life gets /really/ difficult:
[Image: D61DCB058AF6F4D14029951198B1CD6060E6BA8A]
[Image: F3593CA30D58E14102EB43E1BB292C74865B2B1E]

Joy. scared

The Viper meanwhile has ignored Kaiser - despite running into the middle of the room next to her - and somehow spat upwards through the floor to poison Mox (but not Adrien standing next to him). All around odd.

Oh, and it seems the Spectre has friends:
[Image: 463250B9CBD93E469E48268715B4F909FEA44F9A]

A pair of Sectoids, this just gets better...

First let's get rid of that Viper:
[Image: 9A389F4218ED8509F77F3C4BF374AB20C186F3B6]

Kaiser does land the kill this time. nod Meanwhile Khan clears out a couple of Lost threatening her and moves to meet up with Kaiser and head up to the first floor with everyone else.

Adrien has a Medkit along, but I decide not to use its one charge just yet so she and Mox huddle up and Overwatch.

I think what we'll do is have the Lost do our dirty work for us; Dragunova readies the Lure and targets the Spectre:
[Image: 2CE8844FEABD91656FD2332BAB92BFE075314F0A]

And I completely fails to reaslise that it's more like an explosive and will reveal her ... and trigger that pod:
[Image: F966C1A2DFF509ACDDA229ABFEDB8A28D6F5B6F7]
[Image: EA83E0840B7201CD86A91A6CBDF9B878233FDE52]

Oh well, it's can't be that bad, can it. Can it?

Audio from Adrien's headset:

Wait, what's that cloud of particles:
[Image: 91F07DAC69B8E0B7038620C262444062425A7501]

It's coming through the window!!!!
[Image: 605AFEFFFF35D8E659A44FE50894E5901AB936D7]

Why did my overwatch shot have no effect!?
[Image: A10FBE2488D119BC71E00822DEF90B7A2DAA251A]

Oh my GOD it's EATEN MOX!
[Image: 4290113B3D1B6EB3595344AD302AE5425667A996]

[Image: 586FFA8092442B353189A582851280402926C392]

Audio recording ends.

(Adrien went Beserk and took 3(?) shots at the Spectre, but only hit 1.)

Not to be outdone, one of the Sectoids Mind Controls Kaiser and the other raises the Shieldbearer as a Zombie.
[Image: 5B8A8E7E0FF7B1F84F0A3B183B835E622AAF7D5A]

The Warlock does relatively little, merely advancing and teleporting one of the Sectoids up to the second floor balcony of another building.

At least the Lost are on our side, converging on the Warlock (who is now standing on the Lure) and hitting the other Sectoid:
[Image: 05DFF8AEE7F54ABA7E9E2FEB41C130D0050E1A19]

Things do not look good for our heroes, maybe it's time for another
[Image: jihxg4.jpg]

Nah, I wouldn't be so cruel this time. mischief

Things look bleak, but I think there's a way out of this. First thing to do is free Mox; Khan makes it to the second floor and...
[Image: 6CB992C498A43C15AFF57CA72B4E952DA2AC7106]
[Image: 928243FC2D8052056A3A6244D08D070B6FB66C75]

Mox has a sightline on the Psi Zombie Sectoid (1/2 HP due to Lost attack). He misses the first shot, but Zeroes In to land the second:
[Image: 259E93FD2B1C43432D88649E97CF25B0F16185CA]

With the Psi Zombie down, Dragunova isn't being immediately threatened and can take a shot at the mind controlling Sectoid:
[Image: BEB650517ADCAB68CF70E62A5A151C20D44C745B]
[Image: E63D65EC05CA885936BDF97059D18C6538DBF07C]

OK, not quite a clean sweep, but we should survive the turn ...

Wait a sec, Adrien gets a turn too? OK then:
[Image: 0B8578B23F1CF9772DEE832E28EE06485EE2CA0C]
[Image: 842AC06B7C28E1BB1743AC7C092E1B30AEDE9F25]

Kaiser runites with the rest of the team upstairs and we brace for whatever the Warlock can throw at us:
[Image: A4C0DE72C0519E69B9F2C5DD14912A262F4ED775]

Oh this looks bad:
[Image: F0D0EA0C45EEA28333D35861123C47BF121E9ED6]
[Image: 290B076E3C6864CEF3AE23752618E27691467C4E]
[Image: D4131DA6B7FC06F743F4099DEE412BD2B2394D94]
[Image: 3518AB41AB698B2EF2298B5861F5AD3C06BD6476]

He's summoned a pair of Advanced Troopers and the Teleported one into the room behind Dragunova. That could have been worse!

[Image: 960D158F6AA188D6CE7BDD0953BF350AC7FB15B8]
[Image: D948F648C1C6F6CF63DEA5B58CBD07DF16950CCF]

So let's deal with these Troopers:
[Image: 2BAF9B447ADD337FFA69B5689A4E98962865539C]

Kaiser comes in with the Sword and gets the stun, but the Trooper isn't looking stunned so Dragunova moves for the Flank:
[Image: 93AFF2C7C798D75FCB345E986041270FDE0B1AFB]

One down.

Mox lets loose on the other:
[Image: A4DF12E9DAC1647D9C612BF2049420C893C5128E]
[Image: 74EF42106FCD9B9F188AF3B5A919CEA5DEFE84D7]
[Image: C90470FF3016D446DB04F09D4203CDA7246D49AC]

Ripjack brings in the Loot! jive

Adrien reloads and heals Mox.

<Holds breath for next turn>

[Image: 92EA2BF47FD3E53B50A8E24B8789D12D56D3239D]

Oh crap, how are we going to deal with /that/!?

[Image: 2B0E91BE271BF0C21A37DC2B1DA9381681B38915]
[Image: 69C1C0318C9FDD132F2F13873B3108923E3876DE]

Wait, what?

Ohhhhhhh now I get it; bondmates at level 2 will clear negative mental effects when standing next to each other!

That changes everything....

Well this suggests a very passive plan; everyone else hides out of sight (Dragunova activates Stealth) and we just leave Mox in view with Adrien next to him.
[Image: A2D7C0F5C19FB92144F488B0A964AC277A70DECE]

Warlock tries a shot:
[Image: 24F0A6DCC9C4E309DFAA27B52A0F8370E3E69014]
[Image: E3772A0231D9EDB4D9275E640AFCC53EE0D5031F]

Then the mind assault attack:
[Image: A727063C0099EE7D2E350274A8778FCEA0B8ADDB]
[Image: F5335C0EF90EDA56E8D6444E230CC5ABFAE5D837]

I love the way he's trash talking them while they pound him. 'tis merely a flesh wound! rolf

Another shot?
[Image: D8AFEBD5EFA5E59273C853082461E27663E4759C]
[Image: A5344BC30376B2FE2FD71B751078CF12BD2860E7]

Ooo, this is new, he's created a pair of Shadow Lancers:
[Image: 6A352BFBBDADDE9FA22FF1949DE8F1A76095E893]

Adrien gets a shot off as the first runs past into the neighbouring building, but doesn't land it. The other takes cover further back.

No-one has sight on the first, but Adrien draws a bead on the second:
[Image: 9E1E1BB3CFB423700F1961C981FA2469A4887D5D]

Overwatch for the rest. It pops up the steps behind Mox & Adrien:
[Image: DE647CB34338FEC9B37554E2975B2C38987EE757]

Not enough to kill it. Interestingly though, it seems that this power leaves Warlock immune to the Lost:
[Image: 2E131ACE5FA0D2067B13A87052B590E91BAFB7E1]

Adrien pops the other Shadow
[Image: BFC5BFD39736EEB74AA43925E1E6B642BA37A0B0]

Warlock wakes up and decides that he really might need to pay attention to his entourage:
[Image: 2E6C2A386BD846E7C74D954AD8ADEDE3A6568505]

He breaks the ring, but doesn't make it far:
[Image: 349BF4742EA12934E28BDF0833E79121ED49B987]

Now he's out into partial cover, we get decent odds on a shot, so Mox takes it:
[Image: 1F634F8AB3CEE241E705DF55CF85F1AC2F2D8C64]

Zeroes in for a second:
[Image: CC325CC5963515FCB02E06CF4DA0D5B122C19120]

Adrien's Bond targetting bonus brings it down:
[Image: 12A1D8EA2405B257490074D08C28F9269B4EED1A]
[Image: 5F467022E81CE2A8977ADA664597D8F1F85754DA]


I guess it's too much to hope he's gone for good, but suddenly he's a bit less frightening.

Now we deal with this pile of Lost:
[Image: D84AA83FCD72587CEE2863D34FA6F59B15C545BC]

Kaiser & Khan take most of the kills:
[Image: 18140BDE761A126BD8D1D572F5E4A06C7DC18DCA]

Standing at the top of the stairs prevents any of them climbing up, but they start to gather at the bottom. Kaiser jumps down to finish them off:
[Image: F2AA065F5C0336D2502CB0B17693146E7FB07BAF]

Mission over:
[Image: 7E88CF02E1A04D24E799F6566AA9309EFF482F2C]
[Image: 0FEC848180BFB7D37917A5C0C4FA3F3F477AABB3]
[Image: DEE9DD11E05FBD30ECAF3DD2E6F2A63CA1490862]
[Image: 8A1DBB61CAD81BDEF838F658B417062B50585644]

We get some loot and bring home a Spectre for disection:
[Image: 6CBC0D9FD1AF42E0365F5CDEA62DADCC97297ED8]
[Image: 5CD36686FC0FDF7E319CB826F25EE27590676747]
[Image: 2962F74274DFA954B2510E4D645D30D16C0BF2FE]

And I finally have a Captain, but it doesn't come without consequences:
[Image: 44945E7197FBE93870E3EC9AC899FC0CD5DB18E9]
[Image: DF781657DA00EEF8FE7454B94418DDCECA7EB271]

In fact, we're a bit beaten up all round eek
[Image: 30BBACF657C8721D9FF7F20D27F7063952B939FE]

I think I'll take a quick visit to the Templars' HQ to speed up some healing - at least until Fenn, DP101 & Yuris are healthy again. That gives me the core of a team and I expect that I can break hap & Storm out of their Bond training if I need to.

Oh and some promotions:
[Image: F457AE1B16D45591794EC1A7A0494CB380864EB2]
[Image: 539FEE7BC90696209BD79870051BB1055DBA5416]
[Image: 63978046ABD0DFBDBF8A97CF0F96A961F68CF82C]
[Image: 94979E728859EB3DA07C3F99F2426F8FB822E9FC]

Neither of Dragunova's Captain options look particularly exciting, but this looks like it will have utility.


What a great mission ! It's like an add for the game : killing a chosen, the lost swarm, bonding being super effective, Dragunova and Mox in combat.

Great reports! Not sure I like being top of the availability list at only Corporal though...
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Very nice work on the mission! thumbsup Beating down one of the chosen (or arranging for the Lost to do so for you) is a nice win. nod The injuries are unfortunate but at least no one was killed, and you got some loot as well.

The overall roster is looking a bit worse for wear. yikes

(September 23rd, 2017, 19:40)Dreylin Wrote: I expect that I can break hap & Storm out of their Bond training if I need to.

We are discussing my awesome hat, and how it could be made even more awesome. How else do team mates bond? lol

Great mission! Chosen being attacked by the Lost is very satisfying smile

With many injuries, I volunteer to lighten the burden. Although I hope that I don't die easily. lol

I think no one died in this campaign (yet?) (knocking on wood)

(September 24th, 2017, 13:45)yuris125 Wrote: I think no one died in this campaign (yet?) (knocking on wood)

Now you've jinxed it...  scared

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