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Game mechanics

Nice one on the AG. I'd add it to the description if we have enough space left.

The nigthshade needing an AG seems weird, it's a plant? Is there a balance consideration?

You need to use alchemy to extract and concentrate the substances that grant the power/resist spells.

Can you change Coal to giving -10% to building costs? That'd be awesome.

Well, maybe but it'd need to be a quite ugly hack.

Basically we have a "UnitproductionBonusPercentage" procedure. Which gives back the total unit production bonus for the city. In a word value. If I split that to two bytes and put buildings in one, units in the other half, then change the procedure that interprets this, both the actual cost calculation and the surveyor, then it can work.

Not sure if I have space to do this though.

Alright, thanks for not dismissing it right off the bat. I understand if it's more trouble than it's worth, but it'd be a really interesting way to distinguish ores and create more decision making in city planning.

Agreed, it's a nice idea but it's far too difficult to do unfortunately. (and it also breaks the nice transmute cycles but that's the least of my worries)

This is in the OP.
Each book contains/allows :
C/U/R/VR , C Starting/ U Guaranteed/ U Guaranteed turn 1 research/ R Guaranteed, other effects
Book 01 : 3/1/0/0, 0/0/0/0, Find/Trade common
Book 02 : 3/2/1/0, 1/0/0/0, Find/Trade Uncommon
Book 03 : 4/3/2/1, 2/0/0/0, Find/Trade Rare
Book 04 : 5/4/3/2, 3/0/0/0, Find/Trade Very Rare
Book 05 : 6/5/4/3, 4/1/0/0,
Book 06 : 7/6/5/4, 5/1/0/1,
Book 07 : 10/7/6/5, 5/2/0/1,
Book 08 : 10/10/7/6, 5/0/2/1,
Book 09 : 10/10/10/7, 5/0/2/0, +8% research, -5% casting cost
Book 10 : 10/10/10/10, 5/0/2/0, +16% research, -10% casting cost

Is this still accurate? with book2 kinda sucking and book 7 being really quite good? (2spells added to research versus 6? most are 4 each (there's also a 3 and a 5)).
Is this to balance how good it can be in combination to use the 2nd book just for 1 combo spell? (It used to be closer to 4 per book in the past, iirc?) I think I've asked this exact same question before, years ago, but the chart has changed since the last time I asked smile sorry if this is a silly question I should be able to figure out on my own.

Yes it's accurate. I just updated the post yesterday.

(December 22nd, 2017, 14:48)Seravy Wrote: Yes it's accurate. I just updated the post yesterday.

okay thanks, I knew something was different, couldn't tell for sure what because my memory sucks!

We changed the system over half a year ago but I never realized the post and game docs still contain the old information until yesterday.

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