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Chat with HRE.
Also a quick chat with the Maya, just going to summarize that one:
Talked about the split, and the problem basically being "a seventh team would be nice;" Maya said neither them nor Babylon would have a problem with getting Byz on board. And techwise, it's not a probelm: Byz will pick up HBR, they've got IW from Rome, and they could get Math, Monarchy, Currency, Calendar, Metal Casting. The question is, would Byzantium work with Krill? Don't have the answer to that one.
Turnplaying technicalities, so that we move quickly next turn.
NAP/settling: (Needs a formal write-up)
Us: 2W of the sheep that's north of AF. Paris area.
Them: 2S1W of the copper (gets them the spices...I know). Orleans area. Both Orleans and Paris to be burnt and re-settled.
Agreement to trade wines for gold or spices.
I think they're getting a bigger part of the pie. If we want to play hardball, then war will happen basically as soon as France is dead/reduced to just Rheims. We'd need some HAs in the French quarter, so that their HAs can't just drop our chariots the instant the war's over. That would also prevent us from settling city #5 any time soon.
Ilios Wrote:me: game's back up! Finally. 2 turns to war!
DIM: unless some new catastrophe strikes again! meteor landing on sunrises house or something...
me: heh
DIM: but it's good to have the game back up. do you want us to hold the turn?
me: Probably. Although the turn might get held anyway
DIM: what another pause?
me: just, in general. not everyone being around, 6 teams left to play their turn and it's nighttime in Europe
DIM: only sandover is europe based i think
me: My computer's going to be out of commission tomorrow; I'm talking to ASM about when he could play the turn
DIM: i'll probably be on sick leave tomorrow
me: that sucks
DIM: well, it will allow me to try and play the turn last
me: ok. if we can't move first on T74, then we'll just deal
DIM: bah you should be able right?
me: well, this computer is in the process of upgrading to Windows 7
DIM: at least 12 hourse left on timer
me: yeah
DIM: upgrading to W7 takes that long?
me: not directly, but my Internet is crap right now and I can't download anything [OOC: It took me this whole chat to get a 14MB file. 14MB!]
DIM: ah ok
me: I think we do need you to hold the endturn
DIM: ok. what time can someone play? how many hours from now?
me: 13? There will be plenty of log-ins, and we really need to play in the first hour
DIM: ok
me: feel free to do your turn now
DIM: let's hope you have 13 hours 
me: and hitting end turn can happen, or not in the morning. Is this Ilios?
DIM: yup, always
me: other members non-existent, or you just do all the diplo?
DIM: I do all diplo
me: you have France's power graph, right?
DIM: yup
me: have you been able to interpret it?
DIM: good reminder
me: I'm 90% certain Krill could figure out the graph if you sent it to him; I understand if you want to keep your own data private
DIM: still looks good. I even think they lost another warrior
me: heh. What's their power? I guess, as of T72 data, with the graphs being the way they are
DIM: not even half your power, but that includes the IW/HBR spike
me: yeah, we should be at ~100, but 24k in chariots, IW + HBR... Archery, Math
DIM: pop was 1k per two pop
me: right, that should be 4k for them. I have Paris @ size 5, Orleans @ size 2, Lyons @ size 1, and their new city @ size 1. probably Rheims?
DIM: confirmed. did they get math?
me: doubtful. Check F4, see if it's under "Can Research" or not.
DIM: ah doesn't give soldier points
me: They got 2k from Hunting via Portugal. Alpha = 4k, HBR = 10k, IW = 10k, Math = 6k, Construction is only 4k. That is just wrong. Construction is way more valuable militarily than Alpha. Construction really should be a 10ker like HBR and IW, And Archery is 6k. So I've got 32k in power from those that France doesn't
DIM: yup
me: Actually, can you list their "Can Research + Wants" techs? Since we don't have Alpha yet
DIM: want HBR
me: ASM will log onto this account tomorrow when he's around & try to contact you. He's on Central time, and probably 11AMish Central time will be around.
DIM: can research IW,math, archery, med, ph, aesth
me: And Alpha since they have Writing. what about MC?
DIM: mc as well and masonry. that's it
me: So Poly, Myst, Writing, BW, Pottery, AH.
DIM: yup
me: Fishing + Sailing
DIM: yup
me: for all the difference that makes, and the worker techs + BW. So, very little. And they're probably going 100% on Aesth
DIM: mc prob tbh. They had pretty much the same power as we did, until we got IW and HBR
me: what's your power? 80k?
DIM: so I'm guessing they have mostly warriors
me: they don't have horses
DIM: maybe an axe and/or spear or two tops
me: and have only had copper for 3t
DIM: there you go
me: look for a 6k jump for an axe, 4k for spears
DIM: power has been flat for the past couple of turns, so no axes/spears yet
me: good to know
DIM: you sure copper only came only three turns ago?
me: yes, T70. one worker, 4t to mine, 2t to road. I'd been checking the copper
DIM: ah the yield
me: and "needs mine" or "needs route"
DIM: wow, they really are toast
me: yes, it tells you that
DIM: you might not even need our help 
me: well, 3 warriors @ Orleans would require some assistance
DIM: yeah that would require HA
me: hopefully this war can be done on the cheap
DIM: yup. is byzantium to babylon's east?
me: yes. can you check France's civics?
DIM: they were sort of the leaders of the anti
me: see if they've revolted
DIM: still tribalism...
me: aye, but their closest ties were to Exploit, I think. Just wanted to be sure
DIM: they are the only team still not in slavery
me: I don't understand how they can do that... I could see Krill making a 5t detour into Caste once COL is available, but other than that, slavery is here to stay
DIM: yup. maybe they just forgot
me: that will be interesting...
DIM: I know I do so from time to time on SP 
me: same here
DIM: there, turn is played
me: ok. tomorrow morning, it'll be ASM logged into this account
DIM: 11 am central time
me: about
DIM: that'll be 5 pm here. no wait, you said central time?
me: Central, yeah, so it would be noon eastern
DIM: 7 hours difference 6pm
me: stupid daylight savings time...
DIM: hehe. well, not sure if ASM will make it then but T74 shouldn't have rolled
me: I hope not, lots of teams logging in
DIM: shouldn't have rolled a long time before. you hope they do right? slows timer
me: basically, yeah
DIM: well, people have been off the game for a week now. they'll log in 
me: more or less
DIM: it's like drugs
me: oh, this weekend was a bad case of withdrawal. last week I was crazy busy but Friday and Saturday had barely anything I had to do
DIM: yeah. did give me time to tweak micros a bit
me: I need my screenies
DIM: but other than that
me: to double-check my micros
DIM: yeah, i kind of memorised the lay of our land 
me: same here, but I needed current data on hammer counts and whatnot, trying to MM how many turns I have to work a plains hill and such
DIM: yup
me: thoughts on the NAP + settling deal? we know the lay of the land now...
DIM: hard to get the others to comment. I think we might need to just sign a NAP till T85-90 till we can hammer out a settling deal
me: ok. T90 would give us enough time to get through the France war, assuming extra HA reinforcements are needed
DIM: checking french lands now
me: Krill will deal with Rheims in his own time
DIM: ok, the way I see it, is that HRE and England will be able to claim most of French lands being closer than Krill
me: basically up to the remains of Orleans and Paris
DIM: I was already thinking dividing those two, Paris goes to you, well the area of course, Orleans to us with gold going to you
me: Paris might be worth keeping if it has an academy... which would make me laugh
DIM: nah, they couldn't have finished the library yet
me: actually, you're right. the gold would be nice... give us 1 of gold or gems
DIM: if the division is done like that, then a city of ours on you copper site would make more sense
me: that's not a problem. well, where relative to the copper? probably 1E of Lyons? if England built a copper city, it would be 2S1W of the copper
DIM: no that would waste too many tile, yeah i think along those lines
me: that might be a little close, I'd have to check
DIM: no overlap with your city i think
me: still, we're probably going to build a city to share one of BR's foods.
DIM: yeah i was thinking that as well
me: probably gives all the resources, spices, copper, sheep, it loses the river, let me find a screenie [OOC: It loses the spices]
DIM: wait. where would you place a city to share food?
me: We hadn't thought that far ahead
DIM: well, if you want both the sheep and wheat
me: probably one to share the sheep or steal the sheep. which sheep are we talking about? The one that's in Lyon's 20% ring? BR has a sheep and a wheat
DIM: BR sheep. you said you would place a city E of Br to share the wheat and sheep?
me: 4E of BR, or 4E1S. Let me look at the screenie, one sec
DIM: that would be like two tiles overlapping then, 0 if you put it 1S
me: it would be 4E picks up the wine. right, there's more of a gap there than I'd thought. that whole region is basically hillless
DIM: where?
me: that N-S band from Lyons on down
DIM: yup
me: your city has 1 hill, ours would have 2, unlike, say, London's 7. which is too many
DIM: yeah we have about the same number
me: hard to work all of them even if they are mostly grass
DIM: we have at least 3 plains hills
me: that's rough those grass hills are one of the reasons we've had a fast early game
DIM: probably make the capital shield/commerce hybrid
me: aye
DIM: did you see the lands east of DIM? dry plains a far as the eye can see... [OOC: 8-10 plains, makes for one miserable city]
me: heh, you should see the stretch between us and Carthage entire BFCs of resourclessness. this map is only going to become friendly-ish after Bio
DIM: yeah I think those will be picked when there's nowhere else to expand you should see India's land
me: we'll grab that sheep/wine north of AF W of the sheep. AF needs to be a backline city
DIM: ?
me: our next city, I think it's 4S of SM
DIM: yeah sure but why does AF need to be a back line city?
me: it has our horses
DIM: yeah it is ah
me: those need to not be on our border
DIM: SM has our horses as well. so that's not really an argument to use 
me: well, AF was there long before SM and you're getting your spot SE of Midas
DIM: well, I'll still need to talk this over with the team
me: if you want us to go light on culture @ that city, we can
DIM: that's a good argument
me: our creative vs a library. I see us financing tech so libraries won't need to be built
DIM: that corn near the site
me: is Carthage's
DIM: and where will they found?
me: so, the two wines are the NE corner of their BFC when they settle
DIM: ok that'll work, I should be able to sell that
me: it was meant to not interfere with a sheep/wine city, wherever it was put, while still getting them a wine
DIM: yeah, you're going to have to provide that to us, in exchange of the gold or a spices
me: ah, a wine. Ok, that shouldn't be a problem. we'll get a second with city #6 either sharing with BR or to our SE
DIM: do you have an ETA for city 5?
me: I have to think about who I want to build it and if it's AF whether to chop into it. T85-90 would be my guess [OOC: Needs archer/spear/axe set, as well]
DIM: ok, that will be fine
me: not "tomorrow" or anything like that
DIM: should be able to get a library in SM by then
me: of course, if SM ends up as the holy city then all bets are off on culture
DIM: I hope not, I'd like Midas to be HC
me: is it in order of pop for likelihood, or reverse order of pop?
DIM: largest pops first I think outside of capital of course
me: right
DIM: I hope we can take Paris
me: Krill's going to go for it
DIM: lots of gold
me: if he succeeds, yeah, full gold
DIM: it's good there's no city of yours between Midas and your northern cities [OOC: a little ominous]
me: if we put a filler in, it wouldn't be more than 1N of AF and BR and not for a while. more like a "at 6 pop, we can draft you" type of city so not needed until then
DIM: any news from Mukha?
me: not recently. haven't spoken much since they got mad for including them in the France deceptions
DIM: yeah didn't really get that
me: I think they're still going for the strike, though. Well, we were dragging them into a deception that they don't need or benefit from
DIM: yeah, having to lie to people isn't pretty, well, they'll have more land to expand into
me: true, but they've got north to deal with first. that's going to be ugly
DIM: yeah, and they'll be on their own
me: you might have a few vets available
DIM: because I don't think India could handle another campaign, that's true
me: it's a little far for us. our vets might go against Byz if Babylon and the Maya decide they want to hit 'em [OOC: Except that Maya wouldn't mind having Byz in our CAN2 block, so...I doubt this is going to happen]
DIM: they really don't like them huh or they wouldn't have bailed on them in the first place
me: I wouldn't say their on the best of terms, no
DIM: too bossy? byz I mean
me: could be. very confrontational, Byz and Babs might've come to blows if alliances hadn't formed over copper
DIM: yeah where is your copper then? should be only 5 tiles max from your cap
me: Lyons' copper is our closest
DIM: is that 5 tiles?
me: nope, 8 tiles from our original location
DIM: ok
me: we don't need copper; iron was nice and close
me: and since Colossus is useless, the only wonder that needs it is, uh, Statue? and some of the cathedrals which are pretty useless unless they've been AP'd
DIM: you can't even build colossus on this map
me: right. Oh, courtesy of T-Hawk, for city capture gold: 20 + 10 * pop + rand(1..50) + rand(1..50). -2% per turn if the current owner has controlled the city for less than 50 turns. So Paris is 70 + 2*d50
DIM: that's going to be a lot of gold
me: well, Krill's only got 1WC
DIM: yeah, he better be lucky then
me: If Lyons is size 2 then it'll be 0.22*(40+2d50), assuming we get it T75. barely 20 gold. 1t of 100% research.
DIM: hehe
me: Not even with this army. 3gpt in supply costs, thanks to those 7 plus our random explorers
DIM: ok gotta go, i'll catch you later
me: ok. yeah, we'll get this party started eventually
DIM: i'll wait for ASM to come online then
me: awesome, thanks
DIM: later buddy
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Ok, so we can get our 4 HAs built on T75, 76, 78, 80, and the chariot finished on T79, with the stables coming in next turn. We'll end T80 with 21/100 GPP on the scientist, and have 17 hammers of overflow.
Currently, the HA has 40H in it, and the chariot has 18H in it.
T73, this turn:
21/28 food, adding 7 food to grow to size 6. (Pigs, Horse, Wheat, 2xCottage)
6 hammers (city = 1, horse = 4, wheat = 1): Stable 6/60
14/26 food, after whipping from size 6 to size 4. (Pigs, Horse, Plains Hill, Scientist: 9 food - 8 eaten)
9 hammers (city 1, horse 4, PH 4) + 60 whip: Stable 75/60
15/26 food. Same tiles.
9 hammers + 15 overflow + 40 already in HA = 64/50. HA #1 completes.
2 chops. Same tiles, 16/26 food.
9 hammers + 60 chops + 14 overflow = 83/50. HA #2 completes.
17/26 food. Pigs, Horse, Wheat, Plains Hill: 10 hammers, 5 net food.
10 hammers + 33 overflow = 43/50.
22/26 food. Same tiles: +5 food, 10 hammers.
53/50, HA #3 completes.
Silver online. Size 5. 14/28 food.
Pigs, Horse, Wheat, PH, Scientist: 3 net food, 10 hammers.
10 hammers + 3 overflow + 18 in chariot = 31/30. Chariot completes.
2 chops. 17/28 food. Switch from PH to Scientist, so still 3 net food, but 6 hammers.
6 hammers + 1 overflow + 60 chops = 67/50. HA #4 completes. After this turn ends, we'll be at 21/100 on the GSci. 14t to complete + 1 anarchy, so we could bulb Philo on T96, if it's still available.
T81: 17 hammers to do whatever.
T84: Anger goes away. By this point, we should have finished Monarchy, and we'll know closer to T80 when Monarchy will finish.
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What was London's Microplan? I just move our units onto T74 square.
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Nice work with the military.
DIM just reported that as of T72, France has...4 warriors. They are so dead.
Now that London's built its workers, I think we should have it build an archer. It doesn't need to hit size 5 until T79, so how about have it work:
2x Cottage
Net food: +3 fpt, should grow in 5t. If it'll take more than that, then we work the rice for T78. It won't build the archer quickly, but we need the commerce for Monarchy.
London's workers:
The one on the grass hill moves NE onto the iron, and begins to mine.
The new worker move N onto the jungle. One of the workers should be Sleepy, the other one Dopey. That rounds out the Seven Dwarves, we need some new names for future workers.
AF workers:
Chop away!
Gibraltar's worker: Chop.
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That doesn't make sense. We just saw 1/4th of their military running around. Does that mean one of their cities is unguarded? Clearly something is not right.
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Even if HRE is off by 2k, that still puts them at 5 warriors, which would be "1 per city" + the one we saw. While I'm not going to guarantee HRE accuracy, clearly France is running a paper-thin military (heck, that's a generous description).
At worst, France just put a chop this turn into a spear @ Lyons. So they'll have 1 spear and 1 warrior, at most. That will be bloody, but we'll have good odds to succeed (>90%).
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Might as well write up a war declaration to e-mail to France for when we declare war. If France has spotted our forces, then we can send a slightly modified e-mail saying "We'll be declaring on T75, first half".
CHASM Wrote:To Anglo-France,
The Kingdom of England formally declares war on the nation of Anglo-France. We claim the first half of the turn; our military forces moved in our first log-in on T74, minutes into the turn. Let the Thousand Years' War begin, on this day of 1000BC, turn 75.
When our teams first met, you were in CAN. Some time between T66 and T68 (a lot of real-life time has elapsed, hard to remember exactly when things changed), other teams were let in, and therefore France was bumped out. It was at this point that we began planning this assault. If it was possible to fight without the deception, we would have done so. However, our quick-strike on Lyons needed as much surprise as possible.
There will be no negotiation, only war.
Cyneheard, Haphazard1, Antisocialmunky
Lords of Avalon
Suryavarman II of England
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Ok, T74:
Animal Farm whipped from 6 to 4. See micro plan for details.
Our stack is in place, ready to strike. No sign of the French warrior. They haven't seen us.
Conan took out the lion, for no damage. 5/5XP now, 88/100HP, so can promote Sentry, and then heal next turn. Conan will no longer gain XP for fighting animals.
Richard the Lionhearted has been gifted to Krill. We need to save the gold, and he's not doing us much good.
We're much more middle-of-the-pack now. A solid position, but not a front-runner. Once this war settles down, we'll need to grow our cities a bit, and pick up city #5.
London is on an archer. BR will finish an archer this turn, and overflow most of one for next turn. London's archer will head down to relieve our chariot, and BR's 2nd archer will head to London. Byzantium has a woody I warrior, although he's very low on health. (0.4, but can promote to Woody II: healing in ~4t or so. We'll want to keep our workers well-clear of him, unless escorted.)
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Looks like everything is set for the coming assault. Nice planning and work, guys.
Let's hope for a minimum of spears...preferably none.  I have no idea how accurate the HRE estimate of France's military might be, but hopefully we have enough to get the initial job done.