December 21st, 2017, 08:13
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I'm considering to remove the two predefined Magic Immunity items. Rare or not, I found one this game and it pretty much won by itself, as the hero was able to solo two wizard capitals and from what I see, will have no problems with the other two either. (the item was generated by the Gift of the Gods event given to an enemy around turn 80 but I quickly collected it from them.)
It wouldn't be too bad for turn 200 but on turn 80 it's like instant victory if the human gets one.
December 21st, 2017, 11:06
(This post was last modified: December 21st, 2017, 11:06 by Nelphine.)
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As per past discussiojs I agree.
Alternatively vastly increase the value of magic immunity, although it would still happen on gift of the gods.
Although it could be neat if it was priced such that the only way to ever get it was gift of the gods.
Then hunting it down as you did bvomes a mini game.
December 21st, 2017, 16:55
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Actually I found something else to be the problem.
Gift of the Gods itself - it is still set to give players value 3000-6000 items. After the cost reduction, most of those are gamebreaking to get on turn 50 and there literally are only 12 items in that range so the chance for Magic Immunity is 1/6.
So regardless of any changes to Magic Immunity, GotG should be producing 1500-3000 value items instead.
While it's not impossible to find one of these early from treasure, it's extremely unlikely as beating a lair with so powerful enemies to yield a 3k+ item is difficult. If necessary we can further increase the cost of Magic Immunity though, I'm actually surprised the items that have it are only worth 3000 something.
...oh it's worth 1500, why, I thought it was already some 2k and we raised it further? Guess not and lowered it, that's wrong. Albeit, what is the max value of an item in treasure now? 4k? Then these being 3-4k is as high as it gets otherwise they are outright unavailable.
(btw if we do remove these, we have a free items ability slot for something new.)
These are the two items we are talking about :
8.Sword of Seravy
+ 6 Defense
Elemental Armor
Magic Immunity
3250 cost
24.Key of Twilight
Magic Immunity
3930 cost (I guess this is why MI costs 1.5k, if 4k is the cap this literally is the closes we can get to it...)
December 21st, 2017, 17:47
(This post was last modified: December 21st, 2017, 17:52 by Nelphine.)
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So increase cost of magic immunity by 1000. Then make gift of the gods grant an item with a value of (1-10)*200 + (1-10)*250.
Put the items out of treasure range, and make them super rare in gift of the gods too.
December 21st, 2017, 19:22
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Gift of the Gods, like ALL random item creation, generates a random item between cost X and X/2, where X is the input value. (In this case it's a constant, 6000, or now 3000 after I reduced it. If we do get rid of Magic Immunity, then it could be 4000 which is the max cost predefined item and max item treasure cost anyway.)
I rather have a useful and interesting new item power people can craft than waste the slot on something you can't find and build but if you do it ruins your game by making you win instantly 75% of the time.
Chaos and Death is in the greatest need of an item power - they both only have 4 item powers to pick from total.
Let's see...
Spellcharge - Each turn, if the item contains no spell charge, it gains 1x of any random combat spell as charge. (Too OP? Maybe once every 3 turns? 5 turns?)
Runic - When an enemy casts a spell that targets one of your units, it will always target this unit and the unit gains MP equal to the cost of the spell (but gets hit by the effect of the spell). (Too OP? Entire army shielded from single target enemy spells? Absorbing MP too much of a combo with healing spells? Not AI friendly?)
??? name - When an enemy casts a spell that targets this unit, it is redirected to another one of your units instead if there is another unit. (Not AI friendly?)
Power Drain - The old item power that never actually worked - steal MP from any unit the hero hits (might not have space for this effect?)
...out of ideas. Ok, I don't think these last 3 can be done or would be a good idea. Spellcharge, too overpowered to get spells from random realms. Maybe if it was limited to spells you already know? Ehh I rather have a ton of MP items on my hero then.
Well, I guess we don't have a new item power yet because I never have good ideas for one.
December 21st, 2017, 21:00
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I never use item powers give me raw stats (mana, defense, move) and nothing else really matters.
December 22nd, 2017, 02:04
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Chaos: warp warping. Prevents teleport and merging during battles, for both sides.
December 22nd, 2017, 03:53
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chaos: chain attack: half the attack power, but it acts like chain lighting.
surge: provides a mistyc surge-like effect at the start of each combat
December 22nd, 2017, 07:19
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Warping damage : thought about that but it would be too OP
Prevent teleport : Can't do this one
Surge :this might be doable, in this case should likely be limited to effects that have an "item power" type icon so the buffs stay visible and don't mess with dispel
More ideas :
Chaos Armor - Gain a random amount of bonus defense and resistance (relrolled each turn from 0 to 9) (Chaos)
Dark Pact - Take exactly 4 damage from each attack instead of the normal amount (even if it would be less) (Death)
Dark Mist - Can't be targeted by enemy spells like Magic Immunity, but does not protect from magic attack damage or stuff like Flame Strike or Call Lightning that does not target. (Death)
I think Surge and Dark Mist are the two I'd like to actually see in the game - Chaos Armor is not AI friendly and isn't very fun to play with, and Dark Pact is, well, I'd never equip that on my hero, it's suicide. "oh, 9 bowmen, damn 35 damage, hero died..." lol. Also not AI friendly btw.
btw we can also get rid of Flaming if we want more than one added, it's nice for flavor to have +3 attack more on chaos weapons than others but it's not that interesting...
December 22nd, 2017, 07:36
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Insert obligatory 'you can take away magic immunity, but ye shall never take ma flaming!!!' Comment here.
Flaming is perfect.