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1.51 release candidate!

Wanted to let you know that I'm playing with your patch, and I'm down with it!

Is RC5 final or are there other patches around?

(February 4th, 2017, 14:48)Seravy Wrote:
(February 4th, 2017, 13:26)Elestan Wrote: I'll also put in a plug for fixing one of my biggest frustrations:  Have you ever had 11 or 12 books of one color, but then found an off-color retort, thereby screwing your chances of ever getting to 13 books of your specialty?  I wish that the limit on total books could be raised, while keeping the limit for any single color at 13.

Changing the number of books is easy...but keeping 13/color takes extra work. To be honest I don't feel we need to encourage casting spells for 0 mana... (Yes I think the -10% per book modifier is way too broken)

Just to be clear, I'm not looking for 0 mana casting (which would require 17 books in one color); I want the 13 book per color cap to remain.  But I would like to be able to, for example, have the potential to get seven books in two different colors, or four books in four different colors.

Uploaded RC6.

(January 10th, 2018, 20:17)Seravy Wrote: Uploaded RC6.

The file W633FIX.TXT is empty; is this deliberate?

Weird. I don't remember if there was supposed to be something in it or not but most likely whatever it was, wasn't compatible or something like that, and I forgot to delete the empty file.

Wow, so before the latest release candidate the AI"s choose High Elves only if their capital was a forest tile? And I thought that lack of High Elf AI opponents was just my confirmation bias...

What are the differences between RC5 and RC6?

Are RC5 saved games compatible with RC6?

So much thanks for breathing new life in to this wonderful game!!!

Yes, they should be compatible.
You can see the changes in the last...idk how many patch files. It wasn't that much this time, I think like 5 or 10.

I think I see... the most recent .txt files in /included/wizards. I'll download and install right away.


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