(January 31st, 2018, 08:00)Krill Wrote: Should have gone with a snake pick.
Yeah.. Although I personally think the picking method was quite interesting and worked as it's supposed to. We just did not roll the leaders we were hoping. Thankfully you have done a good job with RtR traits and everything is surely playable and as always, luck with neighbors, map, etc. will play the biggest role. It would have been just that much more interesting to spend the next year abusing SPI as much as we can, instead of pumping out cheap settlers and forges..
EDIT: Assuming we don't lose our starting settler etc.
(January 31st, 2018, 08:00)Krill Wrote: Should have gone with a snake pick.
Yeah.. Although I personally think the picking method was quite interesting and worked as it's supposed to. We just did not roll the leaders we were hoping. Thankfully you have done a good job with RtR traits and everything is surely playable and as always, luck with neighbors, map, etc. will play the biggest role. It would have been just that much more interesting to spend the next year abusing SPI as much as we can, instead of pumping out cheap settlers and forges..
EDIT: Assuming we don't lose our starting settler etc.
Amusingly, I did lose the warrior guarding a placeholder second city site to a lion in one of my sims...
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore
To remedy that I'll say that we're having some very productive discussions about hammers, food and beakers. Very lengthy, productive discussions.
At the moment we're not sure if settlers ready eot25 & 33 beats eot29 & 30. I suspect we won't fully answer the question until we know where those cities are going. I'm just itching to get scouting...
Coming soon:
1. Analysis of the traits picked for this game
2. A volunteer to run c&d for a 25-player pitboss
Imp 8
Agg 6
Org 6
Pro 6
Cha 5
Exp 5
Cre 4
Ind 3
Spi 3
Fin 2
Phi 2
IMP has the advantage of a quick start and extra Great General points. I dunno why it's so popular here, but five of them got taken in the first round, so its not an accident. AGG and CHA are fun as well as powerful so unsurprisingly popular. ORG and PRO are strong traits we'd have been happy with. EXP loses a bit of its shine due to ivory speeding up the first worker (I assume everyone gets a similar 2/2 tile at their capital). CRE is a bit low IMO, but perhaps people think they can dotmap well enough. IND is thankfully unpopular, Dreylin and OT4E both took it in the first round, perhaps they have plans? SPI is unpopular (presumably due to the amount of work needed to make it shine). It got rejected ten times and we had better than 50% odds to get it on one of our four re-rolls.
The consensus seems to be that FIN isn't great any more.
And PHI is just too hard to use. Only TBS and Mackoti are willing to put in the effort. I wonder what they know that we don't?
Looking at PB27 (the last big RTR pitboss) and PB37 (the last RTR pitboss) in an entirely unscientific effort to see which traits prevailed:
1st: Taotao Zara CRE/ORG
3rd: dtay Augustus IND/IMP
4th: CH (serdoa) Wang Kon FIN/PRO
5th: Barteq Toku AGG/PRO
6th: plako Pericles PHI/CRE
7th: donovan Stalin AGG/IND
8-23rd: DEAD
ORG and IMP both do great while PRO, CRE and AGG do well too.
1st: Germanjoey - Churchill (PRO/CHM) of Greece (Hunting/Fishing)
2nd: dtay - Tokugawa (AGG/PRO) of Zulu (Hunting/Agri)
3rd: Krill - Boudicca (AGG/CHM) of Inca (Agri/Myst)
4th: JR4 - Isabella (SPI/EXP) of Mongolia (Hunting/Wheel)
5th: Gavagai - Suryavarman (EXP/CRE) of Ottomans (Wheel/Agri)
6th: Dark Savant (ipecac as DL) - Shaka (AGG/EXP) of Ethiopia (Hunting/Mining)
7-9th: DEAD
On a smaller map PRO seems to shine, especially paired with a war trait.
So as far as we're concerned IMP has a good history, lets just hope that we can do something with IND...
RTR version of the sandbox at t0 and t17 (the first major decision point is whether we go for Worker-Settler-Worker-Settler or Worker-Worker-Settler-Settler) t0 save t17 save
Thanks, but it would have saved me all of one minute because most of the work was done by Ref, Cornflakes, and Joey (because he wrote MapCad) anyway. Thus, here's another sandbox, if only for ceremony.
I've got some guesses as to what tiles are around us, I'm guessing there are a lot of forests so our strategic resources might be in the few clearings? I don't see anything that screams move settler - everyone happy to SIP and then decide on scouting? (I assume we go NW-NW on the first turn, but no need to rush things.)
I did a bit of flying camera and I *think* there's land and forest to our south, SE, E, NE, some coast just out of sight to the north, lots more trees to the NW, a small bit of coast to the W and more trees to the SW. Given that all the peaks are forested I guess some of the water will also be forested (mangroved?) so this fog gazing is probably as reliable as it's ever been... Anyway it looks like we've got a good continental start, with a lot of trees to chop, so I'm glad we rejected FIN in favour of IND.