As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Towers are placed first and can't be rerolled so no I don't think so. You just happened to have a map where it was that hard to fit in all the lairs and starting cities.
It does mean there are now 3 more unmovable objects on each plane, though, on top of the original towers and nodes, so that might make it slightly harder to make it work.

Ok, so getting Jaer the Wind Mage out of the very first lair I conquered with my barbarians is ludicrous.

And then somehow a peaceful orc death wizard defeated the third arcanus wizard (Sss'ra, so I'm assuming single city island with no shore access) in February 1404. That was bizarre. I have no idea what actually happened, as I never met Sss'ra.

You can always find out later by loading the autosave for the early turns and looking at the map with RVL.

Meanwhile I decided on my next game : 5 Life, 5 Chaos, Runemaster, Halflings. Plan is to have buffed slingers for early game and dominate the late game with high dispel resistance globals. I'll do Expert difficulty for now, I had bad experiences with Chaos Halflings on higher levels.

Looks like the research from altar of peace isn't being displayed on the city resource screen (either that or unease + troubled is so low that it reduces it to 0 research).

It is so low. That sounds like about -40 average.

Oh, ok. Well, I won't cast any more of those until I meet someone new then.

What does it put your relation to if you defeat all the wizards you have contact with, and don't have contact with the remaining one(s)?

Actually, in general, what does it count the relation of a defeated wizard (for both when you had contact when they were defeated, and when you did not have contact when they were defeated) as?

If there are no wizards to count, the average will be 0.
Defeated wizards should, in theory, count as not contacted wizards - that's why they disappear from the graphs. So they should be automatically excluded - if not, let me know.

Well that was unexpected. Myrran AI broke through a tower sometime in mid 1406. They appear to be dark elves, mono chaos, and have less than 1/3 of my army strength. So, I have to say, since this isn't ANY of the AI types that typically break things early, towers are too weak. (More accurately, with 9 towers, 1 tower has too great a chance of being weak.) But it was a tower I hadn't even found on the Arcanus side, so I have no idea what was in it, nor what actually broke it (but the myrran AI has hell hounds and cavalry moving around the area, which is not a good sign.)

So I'd say, what is the formula for tower strength right now? We might need to modify it to make the average higher, or more accurately, to make the weakest ones much rarer than 1/36 (as that would be ever 4 games now).

Edit: However, meeting the Myrran AI, my altar of peace is now giving 1 research per turn, so you are correct, no bug on the display. I'll watch it for relation changes.

Edit2: make that 3 towers by 1407.

Oh that's nifty. They aren't broken on my side.

Open tower graphic, myrran AI has units on the tower. He then moves the units away (presumably into Myrror as I can't see the unit anywhere in Arcanus), so I move a unit onto the open tower... and I'm asked if I want to enter when there are many Wraiths guarding it.

That sounds really buggy. Save file please?

I guess whatever part of the code is responsible for making sure a tower breaks also opens its pair, wasn't updated to work with 9 towers.

...or not. This code seems to work with any number of towers. It merely clears all dungeons on the same X/Y position and any plane if it is a tower.


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